I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 200 – Not So Hidden Feelings ❤

Rather than head straight home with our carriages, we choose to walk there and look around the city. We don’t have anyone to protect now besides ourselves in case someone suddenly comes up with an act of hasty revenge for ruining their plans so we can relax a little more. Even so, we are in a much better position to respond to any events on foot than in carriages or on horses.

As we stroll through the streets and catch the eyes of numerous passersby thanks to the rather unique look of our group, thanks to so many girls of other races dressed in professional uniforms, it’s pretty clear that most of us are tired to some extent after the recent incident. I walk alongside my girls and chat with them as they surround me, reassuring and praising them for their great work.

Obviously, unpredictable shit like this will happen now and then and no one can blame them for it. They responded quickly and I’m sure they would have been able to retrieve the hostages on their own under Ressia’s command. Or if they would have felt uncertain, I believe they would have contacted me to report everything and try asking for advice.

Which is rather funny considering the fact that it’s them who are better trained and more experienced in this stuff, but I guess being the strongest of the group is enough to make the ladies feel like I’m the one they should go to with their issues.

And I don’t mind it either. My role has always been helping people out. Even teachers tend to get confronted with something they don’t know by their students but continue to give their best or look up their answer since they are in a position of respect. It’s more common than people imagine.

Nevertheless, we wander amongst the buildings with my fingers moving from one set of fluffy ears to another, from one cheek to another, from one chin to another, and so on, depending on the race of the lady receiving my little caresses and what she actually likes to feel. Beastkin are the easiest to please thanks to their magnificent features and the smiles they show when met with honest affection are hypnotising. But, the Elves or Tielflings don’t fall that far behind.

We do get some different looks because of that, but I don’t really care. Their well-being is the most important and they have just finished a great job. A few glances come from Paul’s team too, but most of the members are already quite used to my ways. Shino looks like she’s barely holding herself from barging in to receive some headpats too, Marcia keeps an impish smirk on her plump lips, and Natalie observes us with her usual calmness, though I do notice her eyes pausing on me more often. Catherine is simply absorbing the new knowledge and sights while the guys act like they don’t really care.

On our way back, we pass by the ambush site. I haven’t seen it properly from above yet and damn, it’s really scary. I don’t think just the explosion runes would be enough to pierce this much stone and pavement as the hole reveals just how sturdy the underground construction is. They must have prepared a lot for this, excavating everything between the sewers and the surface, and blowing up the stone supports then. The chasm spanned over the entire road and it was lucky no one else besides us was caught in it. However, that might be thanks to our formation taking a lot of space.

Men and women from the castle are already working on the inconvenience, alongside plenty of artisans and crafters. The knights keep redirecting people to the nearby alleys, deflecting some annoyed pedestrians who are just so mad they can’t walk straight.

Seriously, where do people like that even come from?

I ask one of the guards what happened here, curious about their answer, and the man replies without even looking back at me. He blames the cave-in on an acidic monster that eroded the structure and exploded when hit with fire from the adventurers hunting it.

You can get much more believable excuses out there when magic and shit is available in the world.

Arriving home, we are met with my wives waiting for us at the entrance, Cornelia and Elea at the front, with Sirgia right next to them. Ressia excuses herself and the girls, saying that they will report to Lyona and finalise everything. When I offer my help, they politely decline, saying that I don’t need to supervise that process and that it will happen a lot without me around in the future. They leave with one last salute my way.

“So, everything is alright?” Cornelia asks as she approaches me.

I pull her into my embrace. “As much as it can be. Only time will tell. Thanks for taking care of Vanessa. She looked much better when we returned here.”

“All of the girls with medical experience or healing spells pitched in and it was not a problem,” Elea replies. “What are your plans now?”

As her enchanting violet eyes roam over everyone, I point a thumb over my shoulder. “We are having guests who need to eat, drink, and rest. For now, it’s time to unwind as the dust settles down. Tomorrow, we will need to meet up with Ross to talk about it all.”

“I assumed so and the lounges in the main hall are already being prepared.” She nods with a warm smile. “Feel free to request anything from anyone present there. The ladies volunteered to act as your waitresses and such for this evening. They can help you unwind too.”

“I’m definitely starving after all that running.” Kamil pats his plate-covered belly.

“Then please, be our guest.” Cornelia gestures at us to follow and we walk inside.

As mentioned, the tables are set up and some girls in maid uniforms wait by the sofas. We first jump into the baths for a quick cleanup, me going in with the boys while the girls share their moment separately from us, and then settle down in the lobby, starting to eat, drink, and chat. Marcia even gets a feline Beastkin girl to sit on her lap so that she can mindlessly play with the lucky lady’s ears and fur since she’s a pure-blooded one.

Our little party is in full swing and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves, even Catherine. Soon, it gets rather late and the alcohol runs out so I offer to get some more from the fridge section in the kitchen. It takes a moment to convince the serving girls that it’s alright since I would like to thank the people in the kitchen for their work, but they finally let me go. Shino decides to join and stretch her legs, and Natalie follows too.

We show our gratitude to the cooks and rain compliments at them until they stop saying that they aren’t doing anything worth praise or so much acknowledgement. One of the girls comes into the fridge with us and we let her help us pick some more good stuff, shoving it into my spatial ring to keep everything chilled. Spending a few more minutes tasting their masterful dishes, we move into the dining hall.

“You missed one bottle!” someone calls behind us after we are halfway through.

“Oh, I’ll get it!” Shino shouts in response. “Be right back!”

She twirls around and trots back into the kitchen. We exchange glances with Natalie and I laugh lightly at our mutual friend’s bubbly nature while she shows a hint of a soft smile on her dainty lips. But, even after I look ahead once more, I catch her gaze lingering for a moment longer.

“Something on your mind?” I ask, unable to leave it out there just like that.

Natalie has always been the quiet one in my class and that didn’t change much after coming to this world. I’m sure she shares some of her troubles and worries with Shino, but she is the type to bottle everything up and cope with it until someone draws it out of her with genuine kindness.

“Thank you,” she says quietly. “I’m just figuring out that I might not have said it enough in the past.”

“What for?” I raise a brow at her. “I didn’t really do anything special these days.”

“For saving Shino. More than once,” the collected actress explains. “I’m aware that she would have most likely survived that rubble back there thanks to her enhanced physique and stats, but you never know. I would have been too late to stop her in time. So, thank you. A lot.”

Hesitant a little at first, she steps forward and I let the tall beauty give me a delicate hug, feeling the gratitude through her simple but emotional action. Especially thanks to the fact that she’s now pretty much as tall as I am, if not even taller, so we can wrap ourselves around each other properly. 

Genes really are something, man. Or it might be the American ladies who are all bombshells on long legs. Her growth rate is amazing and I honestly wonder if she will get any taller as she’s only recently hit adulthood, like a few months at most, and already towers over Shino and Marcia, who are both much older than her.

“That’s not something you have to thank me for.” I kindly shake my head, patting her on the back. “I would have done the same for all of you. But, you are welcome. I’m always there for you guys, and I believe I’ve already said it once or twice.”

The sound of footsteps reaches our ears a moment later and we glance their way to see Shino with a bottle of champagne in her petite hands and a sweet smile on her pouty lips.

“Awww, you two look so nice together!” The Japanese shortie giggles adorably. “Hey, Natalie-san, do you like Sensei too?”

I chuckle softly and turn back to Natalie, lowering my voice to a whisper. “You should tell her.”

The bard’s face snaps back to mine instantly and her perfect blue eyes widen in shock. 

“Did you think I would have missed all those charming smiles you made every time I praised Shino for doing great in the classroom? Or your sneaky glances whenever you were supposed to work in groups?” I smirk softly. “Kids really have no idea just how much the teachers see and recognize, just simply letting it go or ignoring it if it’s nothing improper at the moment.”

Her gaze shies away from mine, escaping slightly to the side as a faint trace of a blush surfaces on her smooth cheeks. “But she already has—”

“It’s alright.” I interrupt her and she looks up again with some confusion and surprise. “I don’t really mind you two being together. As long as you don’t mind Shino being with me, including all that such a relationship involves since I’m not letting go of her. And I don’t think she minds either.”

She searches my eyes for a second before responding. “Why?”

“Because you were and still are my cute student. And a friend. I want you to be happy.” I smile at her honestly. “Besides, we are not on Earth now. There, if you didn’t confess, you at worst suffered watching your crush live by. Here, you or they can lose their life at any time. You should take the chance to live happily for as long as you can, don’t you think?”

Natalie takes a moment to think about my words, perhaps trying to figure out if I really mean it, then nods weakly. Letting myself grin a bit, I gently step back, move slightly behind her, and turn her around towards Shino, who has patiently waited for us to finish our quiet conversation like the little angel that she is.

“Ummm… Shino-san…” Natalie starts with the additional respects neither me nor Shino expected, but she knows her best friend thoroughly as it makes the Japanese girl realise that the matter is serious. “I… have something to say to you…”

Shino politely nods, awaiting her statement or request.

Natalie takes a deeper breath through her nose before continuing. “I… I like you very much… And I always have…”

The Japanese girl waits for a little longer and then breaks into a wide smile. “I like Natalie-san a lot too! You are my best friend, the best I ever had!”

I chuckle at the clueless shortie as Natalie winces a bit and Shino’s gaze switches to me as her head tilts a little. Pointing to the side with my eyes, I try my best to bring her attention to Natalie’s face. I might not be able to see it, but I’m fairly sure I can guess enough.

Following my advice, Shino studies her best friend a bit more and her eyes widen in realisation as she spots the fleeting glances the bard has to be giving her, or the timid blush colouring Natalie’s cheeks.

“Ah…” Shino’s smile turns a tad wry as she looks between me and her, an anxious glint in her purple eyes. “But… I have Sensei…”

“I don’t mind,” I say and she glances up at me. “Say, Shino, do you like Natalie? Like, really like?”

She nods.

“Hypothetically, if I wasn’t there in the first place, not showing up as your teacher and so on, if she one day asked you out, would you have accepted?” I ask and feel Natalie’s shoulder tense a bit under my palm.

Shino peeks at the floor as she mulls it over, giving it some serious thought, and looks up again. “I think yes.”

“There you have it, then.” I squeeze Natalie’s shoulders reassuringly. “I see no issues with you two being close.”

“Ah! We can both be Sensei’s girlfriends!” Shino hits her palm with her fist.

That causes Natalie to look back at me and I snicker while shaking my head. 

“No, no, no. That’s not what I meant.” I meet the bard’s pretty eyes. “Don’t be mistaken, I’m not doing all of this in hopes of getting into your panties. I really wish for you to be happy, just as we are, and not simply have to watch from the sidelines as your crush enjoys her life to the fullest. Honestly, it would be good for all of us. I won’t always be around on your expeditions, and this way I can rest assured that Shino has a good company by her side, of someone who loves her just as much, and you deserve some love too.”

After reassuring the tall beauty, I give my attention back to the short cutie.

“Instead of viewing it as another addition to my harem, you should view it as your own one, with both of us being in love with you.” I smirk at her as that suggestion seems to fluster her.

“M-Me? A harem?” Shino squirms a little in her spot.

“But, even so… If Shino isn’t like me…” Natalie looks down too.

“Oh, I can assure you she is.” I laugh warmly. “She’s definitely fantasised about you going down on her countless times. I do wonder which one would end up on top with both of you being close to a timid introvert.”

“Sensei!” Shino explodes with crimson all over her face and rushes to us, weaving around her best friend to reach me and start hitting me on the chest. “You big pervert! Don’t say things like that!”

“I don’t hear you denying it.” I snicker and grin at Natalie. “See?”

The quiet lady actually giggles softly with a tender smile.

Catching my girlfriend’s wrists, I try my best to calm Shino down. “Shino. Forget about me and everything else for a moment. Could you please answer Natalie honestly? Whatever it is? She deserves a proper response.”

She stops struggling, sighs daintily, and turns face-to-face with the much taller blonde. “I… I really like you too, Natalie-san… So, if you are fine with me… If you are fine with Sensei being with me… And if he is fine with us too… Then… I would like that…”

As Shino gradually gets more flustered, Natalie’s eyelids begin to move faster and I quickly note that she’s slowly tearing up. For good reasons, of course. It doesn’t take long before a few tears roll down her cheeks and she attempts to hastily wipe them off but fails to take care of them all and my black-haired princess finally notices it amidst her embarrassment, immediately looking up at me with uncertain, somewhat worried eyes. I mouth at Shino to hug her and she quickly embraces the other woman.

I smile to myself at such a lovely sight but Natalie breaks out of the hug way quicker than I would have expected her to, surprising both me and Shino, and lunges into my arms next, clinging onto me even tighter. Quiet sniffles escape her and I gently brush my fingers over her hair.

“Thank you… Thank you so much… I can never repay this…” she whispers softly.

“All you have to do is to be happy. Your smile will be enough on its own,” I whisper back, continuing to soothe her.

She pulls away a little, looks at me with a cordial smile, and places a tiny peck on my cheek. “I always thought of you as someone amazing and kind, Mr. Carter, but I can’t find any words that would capture how much of an incredible person you are.”

“Anything for such a charming girl.” I wink at her.

“You know, I think I’m already starting to fall for you too.” After gazing into my eyes with visible happiness, she leans towards me. 

But, before our lips can meet, I place a finger on hers and block her way. She looks a bit perplexed at that and I move my palm to her hot cheek.

“Have you ever kissed anyone? Romantically, I mean, not on stage or while acting,” I ask.

“No…” Natalie answers with a deeper flush. “Not ever actually... My parents insisted that I don’t until I’m an adult and it was a requirement for all my contracts…”

I step back, confusing the self-conscious girl even more, and pick Shino up by her waist.

“Ah!” The shortie squeaks in surprise as I sit her down on the nearby table. “Sensei?”

Then, I turn to the other woman and guide her closer by the small of her back, effectively bringing her between Shino’s legs and right in front of her best friend’s face, which is now at the same level, more or less.

“This should be your first, then.” I give Natalie a big smile, and she looks like she’s about to tear up again so I stroke their hair while sneaking a peck on the side of the forehead for each before leaving their personal space. “Take your time.”

With one last wave, I pick up the bottle Shino had put aside much, much earlier, and return to the lobby. The party is in full swing just as I remember it being but Marcia immediately notices the change as I put the liquor down.

“That was one long trip to the fridge.” The raunchy redhead smirks at me. “Where did you lose the girls?”

“Dunno. We split rather early. You know those two, they always seem to go everywhere together. Maybe they went to the bathroom.” I shrug casually.

“Or they are in some random room unable to walk.” She snickers.

I roll my eyes at that and don’t answer, knowing well that I can’t win against her no matter what reasoning I bring up. We sit together for maybe fifteen minutes before Paul clocks out so I excuse myself too to check on my ladies and everything else. Kamil, Marcia, and Catherine stay behind to enjoy themselves for a moment longer.

First, I visit my bedroom to change from the armoured uniform and Diana slips out of my shadow to accompany me. I pet her ears and long snout while dressing into something more loose and comfortable, simply having fun with the giant doggo. Then, one of her ears twitches adorably and she gives me one more lick before disappearing into the darkness again. Before I can start figuring out why, there’s a knock on my door.

“Come in?” I say almost on habit but some confusion slips into my tone.

And it only increases as Shino and Natalie step in, their fingers entwined together. They stop before me and both wear a trace of rosiness on their cheeks. I guess making out together made them a little shy.

“How can I help you?” I look between them.

Natalie glances at Shino before focusing on me. “I want our first time to be… together.”

My gaze falls onto the short girl immediately and she raises her hands in defence. “I did not ask for it, Sensei. Natalie-san suggested.”

I turn to the talented bard. “You know that you aren’t obliged to sleep with me for being with Shino if that’s not your thing, right?”

She nods softly. “Yes. And while I think you are already aware that I’m partial to the feminine figure, I’m not exactly repelled by men. Especially with the right person. I don’t think I’m lesbian by its common definition, but it’s like… It’s just… Shino.”

Natalie gestures at all that is the petite lady next to us like it’s supposed to explain everything, and it actually does, evoking a chuckle from me. She shows a tiny smile, knowing that I get it too. 

Yeah, there’s something to that. We both fell for the cute Japanese princess hard and it might have been what made the American actress reconsider her sexuality. She might not even really be a lesbian since it’s quite known that people often go far and change a lot for those they truly love, but she couldn’t have been sure before. As she said, it’s all about Shino. Things might have been the same with different genders in the play.

“And you are sure this is what you really want?” I inquire one more time.

Instead of using words, she crosses the distance separating us and plants her delicate lips onto mine. At first, it’s nothing more than a chaste peck and I’m happy to return such gentle affection, but things slowly develop further. She invites me in by prodding my mouth with her tongue testingly and we deepen the kiss properly. My hands join over the small of her back while she throws hers around my neck.

Shino coos sweetly on the side as we unhurriedly smooch each other. The lack of experience from the young actress shows clearly, but it’s not anything glaring or super awkward. Natalie is clearly used to winging things and going off the script so she hastily gets a feel of how things should go, copying my actions. Plus, she must have gotten at least some clue of this from her earlier moment with Shino.

When we finally pull apart, a heavier flush decorates the skin of the usually calm woman. “Is this sure enough?”

“I think so.” Smirking, I give her one more peck. “Who am I to disagree?”

“Yay!” Our mutual best friend and now lover jumps happily in circles. “I was so worried you would try to change her mind, Sensei!”

Snorting, I shake my head. “She is a big girl and can make her own decisions, so I only wished to ascertain she isn’t sacrificing her comforts for us, but you look rather excited that I didn’t try to turn this around.”

She stops right away and turns fully crimson, caught red-handed, or rather red-minded. 

That evokes an almost silent chuckle from Natalie. “I’m so glad to see you excited about me.”

They stare at each other for quite a few seconds and Shino finally looks at me. “So… What now?”

“If you don’t mind this particular bed, then please, go on.” I turn them towards our royal mattress.

“What about you?” she asks curiously.

“I’ll be there with you, of course. But you should focus on each other first.” I take their hands and we walk forward together.

Helping the girls climb on, I guide them higher and more to the centre, where I put them in front of each other, sitting on my knees by their side. They don’t make any moves for what feels like an awkward eternity, clearly unsure of what to do first, and I roll my eyes at them.

Reaching out to Shino, I cup her chin up and pull my lovely samurai for an affectionate kiss. As our tongues play together, I bring her palm forward and place it on Natalie’s upper garments until she finds purchase in the material of her white shirt. Then, I mirror the motion with the enchanting bard while keeping Shino’s face close to my other side. Me pulling away results in their noses almost touching and they gaze into each other’s eyes only briefly before continuing the kiss on their own.

Thankfully, they get the idea and start fiddling with each other’s clothes too. I watch in silence as their agile fingers unpin button after button, revealing more of their delicious fronts. They shimmy out of their tops soon enough, displaying their varying bras. Shino’s is black and has pretty patterns while Natalie prefers white and simple ones.

They give me a glance so I quickly match their state, giving them a good view of my chest. Shino reddens again as her eyes roam over my muscles but Natalie’s reaction isn’t too bad either. She admires them too, hinting at some interest in men at least.

I raise a brow at them to encourage the quiet ladies a little and they unhurriedly get to each other’s bras. That brings them close again since they don’t turn around and their lips meet in a passionate exchange which looks so alluring from the side. And even more when their gorgeous breasts pop out of their underwear. Shino’s petite pair is a pleasure to see, and Natalie’s developed peaks are just as alluring as I remember from our little baths. Though, I think they got bigger a tad, becoming fuller and more tender.

Our short friend looks aside, slightly covering her modest charms, at which the taller girl slightly tilts her head.

“It’s embarrassing when you stare so much…” Shino stammers out.

“We’ve seen each other plenty of times, though?” Natalie’s brows rise in surprise.

“This is… different…” the Japanese cutie says.

“It’s been a while since I saw that part of hers,” I whisper rather loudly while leaning onto Natalie. “I really missed my sweet, innocent student so thanks for that.”

“Sensei! That makes it sound like I’ve become some massive degenerate!” Shino complains.

The two of us deadpan at her, making her squirm while turning all scarlet to the tips of her ears.

Yeah, I think me and Natalie are the two people who know her secrets best.

Nudging the lady next to me, I push the silent actress into motion and she softly runs her palm over Shino’s lithe frame before grazing her pretty hills. They kiss again as Natalie’s fingers trail lower and the Japanese beauty hops on her butt a few times to help a little, soon losing her panties and skirt. 

She has to stop the pecks for a moment since Natalie’s pants require a bit more work, but the actress tries to work with her too, getting only a bit hesitant when Shino reaches for her underwear. We can both spot a noticeable damp spot on the bottom of the material and a sticky trail of love nectar connecting it to the pretty pussy it’s hiding, an invitingly pinkish slit sealed shut by the enticingly plump folds. A trace of golden hair above it proves that Natalie tries to shave regularly but isn’t best at it and it’s been a moment since the last time. The two of us can recognize the simple triangular pattern amongst the other strands though and appreciate the effort.

“Would you like some tips about shaving, Natalie-san?” Shino asks with an innocent smile, taking a quick peek at her completely smooth pubic area.

“Sorry.” Natalie smiles back but rather weakly. “I didn’t really have to shave yet back at home.”

“It’s okay. Everyone’s body develops at a different pace and there’s no shame in that. I had maids teach me and would be happy to show you how to easily do it the way you want,” my samurai wife offers. “Oh, but don’t worry, I don’t mind your hair right now. It gives you that… mature feel. Right, Sensei?”

I nod approvingly. “Definitely. Though, I have to say, I didn’t expect you to be this wet already.”

Natalie clamps her thighs together as compared to Shino, she’s pretty much flooding the sheets. There will be a rather large fragrant stain underneath her after she lifts her pert behind off the bed. As they say, still water runs deep.

Shino giggles adorably and strokes Natalie’s thigh, pulling it aside to reveal her feminine bits. “That was a compliment. But, I wonder if it was because of me or Sensei.”

“That’s easy to test.” I snicker and they look my way.

Having their attention, I get rid of my undies too, bringing my fully erect member into the open air. Shino’s eyes instantly snap to my length and she practically worships it with her longing expression as I start lazily stroking myself in front of them. Perhaps subconsciously, she moves one hand to her small breast and starts rubbing it tenderly, with the other soon snaking down her smooth belly. As for Natalie, she does enjoy the show, but it doesn’t hit her just as hard. Yet, it’s clear she has some fascination with men and me personally, which is nice.

After observing her reactions for a moment, I pause my fun and grab their wrists. Yanking Shino to me with a cute yelp, I give Natalie a lighter tug so that she scoots exactly where I need her. The black-haired girl gives me a questioning look and I wink at her, pushing her onto all fours by my side, with her butt up and face in the sheets. Sitting on my knees, I run my hands over her round cheeks, which are pointing straight at Natalie.

“Isn’t this pretty?” I ask with an amorous tone. “Beautiful? And a little… arousing?”

Her blue eyes are glued to Shino’s pert behind, and when I pull aside the little samurai’s cheeks, she swallows thickly, moving her gaze right to the centre of the hidden valley. Keeping Shino open temptingly with one palm, I use the other to brush over her tight anus and down her slit.

It’s like Natalie is in a trance as I trace lines over both of Shino’s folds, revealing sneak peeks of the promise curtained behind them. When I finally pull them aside and let a tiny trail of love juices roll over the exposed pink insides, her breathing hitches a bit. I continue to rub Shino’s pussy while keeping it fully displayed for Natalie, who isn’t even perceiving my hard cock right next to the short girl, rubbing against her thigh. Some muffled humming reaches my ears, letting me know that Shino enjoys this particular experiment.

Then, I let her girly parts fall into their natural state and Natalie’s eyes finally move to my face, hers quickly heating up after being caught in the act. Shino turns around with a fake pout at the fact that I stopped instead of giving her all the love she deserved and I kiss her deeply as an apology.

“And? How did touching me help, Sensei?” she asks curiously, perhaps wondering if I wasn’t just looking for an excuse to play with her pussy.

“Would you mind getting up?” I ask Natalie in turn.

Our dear friend follows my request albeit not without wondering what the point of that is. Then, as she lifts herself to stand straight on her knees, I point under her as multiple thick trails of arousal connect to it to her girly mound, and at the initial place she sat on before.

“See the difference?” I raise a brow at Shino and watch her quickly come to an understanding.

The size difference between those two spots is more than double, and Natalie’s nether lips still steadily drip her alluring nectar, now rolling down her delicious thighs. She too looks where I’m pointing and at herself, quickly hiding her feminine bump behind her fingers.

“Wow… Was all of that really because of me?” Shino gazes up at her with awe.

Natalie clearly considers looking away timidly, but she manages a brave nod, dropping her gaze to the bed. “Yes…”

“Well, then. Why just watch? Have you ever wished you got a chance to get a taste?” I grin at the gorgeous blonde and her eyes widen to the brim.

As Shino’s join hers, I drag the petite girl into my embrace and place her in my lap, resting her back against my chest. Putting my hands under her knees, I bring them up with her feet still on the sheets and spread her open, sliding my legs in the openings between her ankles and butt to keep it like that. Then, looking deeply into those sky blue gems of our musically-gifted lover, I pry Shino’s folds aside, presenting her inner beauty in its full splendour.

“Come on. Dig in before it gets cold.” I wink at Natalie while Shino watches her face intently.

Natalie looks between me and Shino’s sacred place and her tongue flicks onto her lips as she is clearly tempted by the invitation. She drops onto the bed and hesitantly crawls forward, still switching her attention up and down. Halfway there she accepts that I’m not changing my mind and stares at Shino instead, who gazes back with grand anticipation, her breathing getting quicker with each passing second.

Finally getting far enough to eliminate any opportunity to retreat, Natalie runs her fingers up Shino’s smooth thighs and pushes her mouth into her best friend’s nether regions. She puts out her tongue and gives Shino’s slit a tentative lick, causing the petite samurai to shiver and exhale heavily.

Emboldened by that reaction, Natalie keeps their gazes locked as she starts to revere Shino’s magnificent little pussy with her tongue. She laps it over her folds and the middle that I keep available to her with my fingers. Shino’s sighs and moans of bliss gradually turn louder and louder.

“Ahhmmmm… Ahhhmmm… Natalie-san…”

“Does she feel good?” I ask my lovely girlfriend softly.

She nods quickly. “Very… Mmmmmm…”

“And does she taste good?” I ask my new bi-curious girlfriend.

She instead sucks at Shino’s clit, evoking a sharp gasp from our shortie.

I watch in amusement as everything plays out, playing my role as their support for now. I have no doubt that they will pull me into it at some point, but I want them to first have their first time even if they brought it to me. And, it’s not like I don’t enjoy my two beautiful students partaking in their carnal desires right before me.

“Natalie-san… Sensei… Ahhhhnnn…”

Shino must have been rather close after all that stripping, teasing, and playing around as she arrives at her peak rather quickly. Or it’s Natalie who is a goddess with her tongue. I leave her pussy fully to the talented actress and use my palms to gently massage Shino’s pert breasts and tickle her nipples. Her fingers find purchase in my hair as she starts writhing more and more before she screams in ecstasy and trembles strongly in my lap from the powerful high, leaking more of her fragrant love onto Natalie’s face in the process.

Pulling away from the mess she made, Natalie exchanges short glances with Shino before leaning forward and joining their lips together. Then, her eyes flick to me behind the petite girl’s shoulder and she pushes herself further forward, giving me a loving kiss too. Her palm finds a way to my crotch and her slender fingers caress my length as we chase each other’s mouths, which results in her delicate breasts being thrust right into Shino’s face.

This night is going to be really interesting.


For something that was planned from the beginning of the story, it happening on 200th chapter must be fate.


Enormous gratitude towards our  Living Legends of the highest tier - Moheebi3abc, Lynderyn, Muff_Diver_Dave, and Jeffrey B.! No less respect for our EX-rank Guild Members - Julian, William H., and James M.! And naturally towards all the S-rank Guild Members - Fandley, Soen K., Darth Mole, Dennis W., William J., Michael S., Tonatsi, Robert H., Fussel, Trenton S., SIDracon, Alvzorin, Rando C., TheGovnor, Sura, Jampodevral, Drew P., D3monEmper0r, Riley M., Solomon P., Eddie F., Chocotaku, Nicholas G, and Saint.J! We wouldn't be able to have such epic adventures without your support! This Guild Master is greatly honored by your presence!

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