I Memorized the Disaster Manual

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Are You All Together?


The 9th underground floor was also a collective of shelters, just like the 10th.
It seemed that the minimum unit of configuration, the shelter, was primarily classified by type of work and function.

The difference lay in their connection directions.
While the shelter on the 10th underground floor was a square structure connected in four directions, the 9th underground floor’s shelter was octagonal.

Another significant difference was the central control versus decentralized system operation methods.
Security Shelter 13 was a small independent shelter composed of the accommodations, maintenance shop, and training facility for Security Team F.

“It’s really sealed off.”
“Ugh, what on earth is going on?”

The atmosphere in the situation room was heavily subdued.
Just a day had passed since hearing the news of the incident on the 10th underground floor, but it was genuinely under lockdown.

“How can there be no survivors? Why didn’t they evacuate?”
“It’s not that they didn’t, but that they couldn’t.”

Not a single person made it out.
That was the final report that was announced just a moment ago.

It was such a horrifying event.
It felt too real, making it all the more somber.
Of course, not everyone felt that way.

“Ugh, why is everyone acting so unlucky!”

The head of security, Drek, entered the situation room and scolded the two guards, who were sighing heavily.

“Over a thousand people have died. Unlucky? What kind of idiotic comment is that?”
Luis barely suppressed his anger and retorted to Drek’s words.
But Drek just scoffed at Luis.

“Stop pretending to mourn and stand properly at your post.”
“Chief, why are you picking a fight…?”

Luis couldn’t finish his sentence.
A sudden thud and a strong vibration shook through.
Drek sensed another anomaly.

“What’s that smell?”

Drek approached Luis and examined the fifty or so monitors filling the room.
There appeared to be no unusual signals.

“What is that person doing?”

On the screen Drek pointed at, someone clad in a protective suit and helmet was signaling.
Luis, who had been quietly observing, spoke up.

“That’s a signal used by the special forces.”

Both of them checked the monitor number simultaneously.
They didn’t know who sent the signal, but he was already gone from the screen.

“So, what does that mean?”

Luis couldn’t answer Drek’s question.

‘Evacuate? What on earth does that mean?’

Luis thought for a moment and then shouted urgently.
“Arroyo, check the emergency signal at the central control!”
“Already in communication!”

The two tried to respond quickly as per protocol.
Luis activated the scouter immediately, and Arroyo turned on the microphone.

All personnel in the shelter, remain on emergency standby.
All personnel in the shelter, remain on emergency standby.

Suddenly, the siren blared loudly, and the announcement repeated.
Yet still, no one in the rest area moved at all.

“What’s going on? Is it some swanky evacuation drill?”
“Who knows? Is it a system malfunction?”

Even with the flashing red emergency lights and the urgent announcement, they remained calm and unfazed.
Watching this unfold on the monitor, Arroyo took to the mic again.

This is a real situation. Everyone must follow the instructions!
Repeating! This is a real situation!

Finally, people turned their gaze to the CCTV cameras.
“What’s the real deal?”
“I think it’s because of the vibration we felt earlier.”
“That’s pretty common, so what?”

Just as everyone was having their chatter, suddenly,


The sound of metal being crushed echoed through the speakers, causing all to frown.
“Ugh, crap!”

And then followed a series of voices.
What, what the hell?!
Who’s that?!
Boss? Luis!

Unexplainable screams mixed with horrifying sounds of something being shredded rang out.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the end.


“What the hell is going on?”
People covered their ears as the howling pierced their brains.
And the strange sounds they had heard earlier painted terror on their faces.
Soon, the mic’s howling stopped.

“…What, what’s happening?”
“What should we do?”

While everyone was at a loss, a crackle signaled a blackout.
Not knowing what was going on, the terrified people could only exchange glances.
At that moment, someone spoke from the darkness.
“It’s not a blackout.”

Upon hearing that, everyone’s attention turned to one point.
The large monitor and screen installed on the wall of the rest area, along with various electronic devices, still had their lights on.
Only the lights were out.
This meant someone had intentionally turned them off.

“Just earlier, the guy rummaging through the place said there was an issue at the Biological Research Institute and we should evacuate quickly, right?”

That statement elicited dry gulps and gasps throughout the room.
The Biological Research Institute shelter.
A place researching the comparison of human DNA and various animal genes.

It was operated very restrictively, allowing no access except for authorized personnel.
Even so, everyone had an idea of what kind of research went on there.
It was common to joke that if you opened that door, a plethora of monsters would swarm out.
And there were rumors that someone had actually seen a human-shaped mutant being cultivated there.

At this very moment, it seemed that those rumors materialized in the minds of the people.
“Uh, where do we go?!”
“Oh, the protective suits! Grab your suits!”

The once calm rest area erupted into chaos in the blink of an eye.
However, the clamor quickly transformed into ear-piercing screams.
What, what’s going on? Why?!
Save me! Grrk. Hk!


Sounds of choking, blood boiling, flesh tearing, and bones snapping continued without pause.
A scene of utter chaos.
And not long after, heavy silence settled in the darkened space.
But that tranquility didn’t last long.
A chilling, grotesque noise began to circulate in the blood-soaked area.

Hrrr… Hrrr…”

As the emergency sirens blared in the previously quiet hallway, Reina activated her booster without looking back.
That was also a guideline from the manual.
“When signs are recognized, alarms will sound within 3-5 minutes. If you don’t follow the alarm immediately, it’ll be too late.”

Remembering the guidelines from the disaster manual, she couldn’t help but feel disheartened.
Being part of the operations team allowed her to recall such details, but who else would think of the disaster manual’s contents?
A pinnacle of cutting-edge science?
A perfect safety system?
What nonsense.
The most fundamental and essential things were hopelessly chaotic in her mind.

Reina could still picture the faces of the people in the rest area as she ran.
None of them were particularly warm or friendly, but they were people she’d seen over the years.
Leaving them behind was unthinkable, but there was neither time to persuade nor explain the dangers.
All she could do was shout for them to evacuate.

‘If only there had been a little more time.’

The 9th floor, unlike the 10th, still allowed the use of scouter goggles.
Following the path indicated by the goggles, she finally arrived at the emergency shelter.
The indicator at the door was flashing urgently.

The shelter would automatically close and lock after a certain period passed following the initial siren.
Thankfully, she barely made it inside by hurrying.

Reina let out a long sigh of relief as she turned around, only to freeze.
She thought her heart might stop.

In that moment of hesitation, the emergency shelter door slammed shut.

Standing in the dimly lit room was a strange figure, softly illuminated by the low-intensity lights.
Reina scrutinized the mysterious entity before her, on high alert.
As if sensing her tension, the figure took a step closer, lowering its profile.
“Ah! Wow, you scared me.”

Her inner thoughts slipped out unintentionally.
Reina opened her helmet’s visor and greeted the stranger casually.

“I didn’t think anyone would be here before me.”
“Neither did we. We didn’t expect anyone else to come.”

Reina nodded quietly at that remark.
It’s difficult to respond aptly to sudden emergency situations.
It was only natural to be too busy worrying about oneself to care about others.

Nevertheless, the blonde beauty before her was remarkably calm and composed.
However, she followed up with,
“Are you all together?”

Her gaze kept getting drawn to the two Asian men seated behind her and the large wolf.
‘Especially that expressionless, sharp-looking black-haired guy.’
Strong physique, attractive eyes, and a handsome face.
He seemed extraordinary at first glance.

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