I May Be a Virtual Youtuber, but I Still Go to Work

chapter 43

Watching my junior attempt to stuff a cold fish-shaped bread into their mouth without hesitation, I briefly wondered if it was too hasty of me to shout "You're hired!" during the interview.
I mean, if we were alone, it would have been fine. But we’re in the lobby of a building with people constantly coming and going, and the elevator hall is no better.
“3-second rule. You know? You can pick it up and eat it right away.”

“No, if I eat that, I’ll be the one harassing the company. Give it to me.”
“Ah, but you gave it to me, Senior... I’m sorry!”
Reluctantly, as the elevator door opened, I grabbed the dust-covered fish-shaped bread and shoved it into her face with a light headbutt, pushing her into the elevator. There was no way I’d be able to push her with my small frame and weak strength.

Senior Seungyeon stumbled backward and leaned against the wall of the elevator. I sighed and gave a small nod to the security guard as a silent apology for the ruckus before quickly entering the elevator myself.
Drrrk. Clank.

The elevator slowly made its way to the 8th floor.
Seungyeon, who was leaning against the wall, glancing at me, muttered hesitantly.
“I-I’m sorry…”

“It’s okay. I ended up being the bad senior who made you eat the fallen fish-shaped bread. What can you do?”
“No, that’s—absolutely not—”

Unlike before, even when I tried to look serious, it didn’t have much effect now.
During the interview, the three other candidates, aside from Seungyeon, had been good examples of that. No matter how much I frowned, squinted, or stared them down, they all smiled or laughed.
I didn’t like that, and that’s why I barely said anything during the interview. I think the president must’ve noticed that too, since he didn’t try to talk to me during the other three’s interviews.

At least Seungyeon met all the conditions I wanted, so it was no surprise that she ended up in the elevator with me.
“I’m sorry.”
“You didn’t say anything.”
“No... It’s just that you were staring at me... I feel like something’s off…”

Maybe she was just being too cautious.
It’s better to be cautious than be oblivious, but I worry that if Seungyeon keeps this up, she’ll have a hard time at the company and might even quit. I can’t let that happen to someone as promising as MK-II.
I’ll have to think of ways to help her relax. I’m hoping that when we talk later while watching a broadcast, it’ll naturally help break the tension.

‘This isn’t easy...’
How am I supposed to manage a junior like her?
Since I’ve only ever been a junior myself, I have no idea.

Upon reaching the 8th floor, I handed Seungyeon off to the head of HR, who was going to explain her employment contract and other pre-employment details. Then, I headed straight to the president's office.
I was about to make coffee for myself, but the president told me to come right over. I figured it might be urgent. When I arrived...
“From now on, you’re the part leader. Here.”

She handed me a new employee ID.
[Magia Assistant Manager / Streaming Part Leader]
I’m the part leader?

“Yeah. Congratulations on your promotion. Magia, part leader.”
Our company normally has 13 employees.

I had heard rumors that three people would be promoted to part leader this time, but I never thought I’d be one of them. It’s completely unexpected, and I’m flustered.
Is my job really one that deserves this title?
“Is there really a reason for me to be part leader? I’ve got a junior under me, you know.”

“The head of the finance team also has two people, including themselves, in their team, but they still hold the title of manager.”
“…Well, I guess so.”
“Everyone recognizes your abilities, and that’s why the promotion came through. So don’t feel burdened.”

Suddenly, a thought crossed my mind: does this mean my salary’s going to increase?
Our company isn’t exactly rich, and we’re always walking a tightrope between employee wages and profitability. If I’ve been promoted to Assistant Manager, wouldn’t my salary naturally go up too?
“If you’re thinking about money, you can talk to the head of HR about it later. Everything’s already decided, so it can’t be undone.”

I almost blurted out what the viewers say during streams, calling Momo a dictator.
The president, quick to pick up on the tone, narrowed his eyes and asked, “Dictator? This time, I won’t budge, Magia.”

“Today, you’re as majestic as an eagle.”
“Yeah, today’s skills are top-notch, huh?”
The president laughed and handed me a stack of documents. I opened it, and it was all recent advertising proposals.

One, two, three... How many are there?
“Thanks to your hard work lately, we’ve gotten a lot of advertising requests from first-generation talents. It looks like our finances will be in a better place for a while. So, don’t worry and just enjoy the promotion, alright?”
“Advertising doesn’t always come in like this.”

The president furrowed his brow and shot me a look.
“Hey, just go. Hurry up and talk to the head of HR.”
“But, president, think about the future of our company…”

“Head of HR! Take this part leader, Magia, away!”
—Yes, I’m on my way!
In the end, the head of HR quickly came running, gently pushing me toward their office, grinning as they pulled me along.

‘This dictator,’ I glared at the president, but he just kept grinning.
No, usually, he listens to everything I say, but today he’s really acting like a dictator.
What happened to that small-time Parallel?

“Where’s Seungyeon?”
“Her employment contract is done, and she’ll probably spend the rest of the day with the operations team for basic company training. Just keep doing your work until she’s back.”
‘What’s “Japat”?’ I guess people love shortening names.

The head of HR handed me a sheet of paper placed on an acrylic board.
“Here’s the new employment contract reflecting the salary increase. You know how this works, right? Read through it and sign. The papers behind it are for setting up a corporate card, so fill those out carefully too.”
“A corporate card?”

“Yeah, you’re the part leader now. You need one. Return the shared corporate card you’ve been using and switch to your personal one. When you need to handle broadcast-related issues at night or travel for work, use it for those expenses.”
“Ah, okay.”
“It’s not a huge limit or anything, so don’t go using it to buy goods or donate via Super Chat. Got it?”

“I didn’t do that with the old card either.”
“Yeah, I know, Japat. You’re sharp, so I don’t need to say more.”
I focused on filling out the paperwork, thinking that if I kept responding to HR Manager's chatter, it would go on forever.

The employment contract. This is the second time I'm filling it out, but it still feels full of complicated terms, just like the first time.
Since I trust the company and the president, I just jumped straight to the salary section.

Article 6 (Overtime Work) Due to the nature of the work, overtime is typically required, so “Party A” shall obtain consent from “Party B” for any overtime work beyond the specified working hours (hours beyond the regular working hours), and “Party A” will compensate “Party B” with overtime pay for extended, night, and holiday work as outlined in Article 7 (the rate for overtime pay) including night work (yes/no).
Article 7 (Matters Concerning Salary)
Salary Amount
Base Salary (regular working hours, including weekly holidays): 2,612,500 KRW (209 hours/month)
Fixed Overtime Pay: None
Fixed Night Work Pay: 375,000 KRW (60 hours/month)
Fixed Holiday Pay: None
Overtime, Night, and Holiday Work Pay: Paid based on actual hours worked = Monthly Salary: 2,987,500 KRW

The monthly salary listed in my previous contract was 2,509,500 KRW. It’s gone up nearly 500,000 KRW.
A simple calculation shows a 19% increase. Since I’m maxing out the 52-hour work week with weekends, holidays, and night shifts, there are plenty of days when the total hours are close to 400.
Plus, these days I get bonuses whenever I appear on broadcasts, and in October alone, I received nearly 1.5 million KRW in bonuses.

…Isn’t this too much of an increase?
Do part leaders typically get paid this much?
I’m glad that all my hard work brought in so many ads, but it should really be because the company has the financial leeway to afford this kind of salary increase.

The president, who’s always honest with me, should be careful when it comes to money, but for now, I can only assume it's fine.
I quickly signed the papers and handed them over to the HR manager, who then asked me,
"Any complaints about the salary?"

"It’s a bit much."
“Oh, as expected. The president asked me to pass along this message. Listen closely… ‘Take what’s given.’”
Yeah, I guess if the president wants to give more, he could.

Then, I’ll work harder for the company.
Hatchlings, leaves, puddles, and round ones. I’ll lift the log a little higher.
You all pitch in too!

The money we gather will become original songs, covers, and new outfits!
“Here’s a copy of the contract. Let’s keep things going well, Japat.”
“Every time you say 'Japat,' I feel like I’m turning into red bean paste.”

“Of course. Koreans are quick, so we like to call names quickly for flavor.”
“Ah, I see, Director Yeom—”
“‘Hee, Seong, Gwa’—You skipped over three syllables! You’re amazing, you language expert. Alright, Magia Part Leader, see you again.”

That was confusing. The HR manager might have a harsh face, but they’re strange in a good way.
I shook my head and returned to my seat.

I tiptoed a little and saw Team Leader Kang and Seungyeon chatting happily in the meeting room.
Unlike the earlier scuffle over the fish-shaped bread, they seemed to be getting along quite well.
It must be that Team Leader Kang has been managing people for a long time and has already worked her magic on Seungyeon.

‘But as a senior, I guess I should take the lead.’
The seniors I know are the president and Team Leader Kang.
Maybe I should invite everyone to dinner tonight?

Since we can’t leave the office for the Halloween broadcast special, ordering pizza, which almost no one dislikes, seems like a good option.
A few hours later, in the Parallel headquarters meeting room.
After completing the basic company training, Team Leader Kang smiled contentedly.

“Definitely, you’re a fast learner, it’s great.”
“Thank you!”
“So, you’re Oshika Komari, right?”

“Do you like cute people, by chance?”
“Yes... Is that strange?”

“Nope, no one dislikes cute things. Then I guess Magia Part Leader will like you too?”
At that moment, Seungyeon’s mind finally connected the dots on the company hierarchy. She had memorized the whole company structure, and with her parents' help, she at least knew where she stood in relation to the president.

‘I’m the employee, then the team leader, and then the president.’
Seungyeon sighed in relief.
She had been confused about whether Magia was an executive or manager, but now she knew her role and was relieved to know there were higher-ups like Team Leader Kang too.

But isn’t it surprising? Even though Magia wasn’t that high in position, the fact that she came for the interview shows she must be well-loved by the president.
Magia joined Parallel as Momo’s manager, and it seems like she grabbed a golden opportunity.
“What’s more, I’ll never forget how Magia Part Leader kindly treated me when I came early for the interview! Thanks to her, I was able to rest and take the interview comfortably! I really think she’s a great person!”

Hearing that, Team Leader Kang burst out laughing.
“The person who came at 2 AM was you, Seungyeon?”

Team Leader Kang’s sternness faded at that, impressed by how Seungyeon had such a polite and respectful attitude.
Her voice was a bit loud, but that’s something she could work on. It wasn’t like Magia would shrink away like a hamster if Seungyeon raised her voice.
‘I guess there’s nothing to worry about here.’

I’m not sure if Magia has a knack for picking people, or if people like Seungyeon just happen to flock to her.
Either way, there seems to be no reason to keep them separated for long.
Team Leader Kang prioritized smooth collaboration between the two, so he was happy to see them working well together.

“I usually accompany the kids when they go outside, like to studios or labels. So, we won’t be working together much. Just make sure to listen to Magia Part Leader.”
“Ah, yes, I understand. But I’ll still greet you every day!”
“Good. Magia Part Leader may seem mild, but she has a lot of pride in her work and can be a bit particular. So, don’t get caught up in her issues. Just work hard and don’t make unnecessary trouble, got it?”

“Alright. Let’s head back to our seats.”
With Team Leader Kang’s words, Seungyeon began to see her in a new light, like a gentle breeze. It seemed like everything was falling into place for her to settle into company life.

‘Ugh... about the fish-shaped bread earlier…’
I really hope she’s not still mad at me.
I wish she’d smile and welcome me back when we see each other again...

“Are you back? Sit here. From now on, this will be Seungyeon’s seat.”
Just as Seungyeon wished, Magia was smiling brightly.
She’s cute as usual, but she looked even cuter when she smiled.

Seungyeon had to stop herself from reaching out to play with her messy hair.
Seungyeon sat down in the chair, shifting around, testing the backrest and the seat, adjusting it here and there.
The chair fit perfectly, supporting her back and bottom comfortably.

“This chair is really comfortable.”
“Well, since we’ll be sitting here for long hours, I asked for the best one.”
“Wow. Top-notch welfare.”

Magia’s expression seemed to have brightened compared to earlier, and then she casually suggested something.
“Since we’ll be working together from now on, it still feels a little awkward. How about we have dinner together later? What do you think?”

If Magia had been upset, Seungyeon was planning to suggest dinner first, using her experience of managing senior relations at dinners or gatherings.
But now, with Magia suggesting it first, Seungyeon was absolutely thrilled.
“Wow. That sounds great! I’ll definitely join!”

“Well, we’ll be doing the Halloween broadcast soon, so we can’t go out. But we’ll just order in and eat here.”
“Oh! Still, it’s great to eat together at work. It’s my first time!!”
The atmosphere was warm and cheerful.

Magia turned to ask Team Leader Kang.
“Would you like to join us for dinner?”
“Huh? Should I? What’s the menu?”

At that, Team Leader Kang quickly turned his gaze away.
“Oh, I just remembered, I have to pick up someone. I can’t make it. Maybe tomorrow?”

Magia seemed genuinely disappointed.
Team Leader Kang, with a concerned voice, asked Seungyeon,
“Do you like pineapple?”

Seungyeon would eat pretty much anything, but she couldn't stand sweet or sour things. Pineapple, which is both sweet and sour, was one of her favorite fruits, whether fresh or canned.
Magia smiled even brighter.

“Wow. You like pineapple?”
“Yes, yes! I love it!”
Team Leader Kang, knowing there was a huge misunderstanding, couldn’t bring himself to speak up.

He knew Magia had an intense love for pineapple pizza.
While everyone in the company liked Magia, they were also baffled by her quirky preferences.

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