I May Be a Virtual Youtuber, but I Still Go to Work

chapter 31

[After today’s in-house match, please continue with the Parallel Song World Cup.]
The moment Mugeon heard those words, he felt an overwhelming sense of dissonance.
"This person is weird…."

In Mugeon’s mind, there were only three words that defined Employee-D.
Malicious. Sniper. Attention-seeker.
Attacking Mugeon without consulting Momo, the CEO, in advance. Telling him outright not to hold her back because she wanted first place. Throwing grenades because someone insulted Momo.

Every single action was extraordinary.
A normal person wouldn’t dare behave like that in front of someone as well-known as Mugeon.
And yet, this same person—
The one who had been acting all day like this was her debut showcase—

Now she was suddenly asking for a Parallel Song World Cup?
"I thought she was using first-generation promotions as an excuse and prioritizing her own debut… Was I wrong?"
But no, he wasn’t mistaken. Even the viewers thought Magia was strange.

A company employee who, just moments ago, had a tie wrapped around her head, face flushed from belting out trot songs—
Now suddenly straightened up, put on a serious expression, and started methodically marketing the products she had packed in her bag.
— Song World Cup?
— That’s so random, lol.
— Oh, I see. It’s for promoting the new songs.
— Ah, right, Employee-D is here.
:: An anonymous supporter has donated 1,000 Clouds! ::
:: "I completely forgot Employee-D was here for promotional purposes…" ::

— You too?
— Me too, lol.
— Wait, are they just enjoying the in-house match? Am I the only one who feels this way? Lol.
— For real, she could just stream like this and it’d be fine.
If she were just an attention-seeking troll, that would be one thing.
But her high-level gameplay, her top-tier voice impressions and rapping, and her ability to speak her mind without hesitation, even in front of strangers—

She clearly had talent for broadcasting, and she showed it whenever she wanted.
Yet, she still kept drawing a line, saying, "I’m not that kind of person."
It was frustrating to watch.
Like seeing someone with all the skills and opportunities complain about why they couldn’t do something.

If she was avoiding debut, it was either due to her own stubborn resistance or the company holding her back.
The latter might have valid reasons, but the former? That just made her an unusual person.
So now, Mugeon was curious.
Would this devoted employee forever remain outside the letterbox?
Would she never step inside the screen herself?

While he pondered, Magia, having run out of patience, asked in a sharp tone.
[So. Are you doing the Parallel Song World Cup or not?]
Back to the point—

Mugeon liked Employee-D’s crack playstyle.
He liked the huge ripples she caused in the otherwise calm in-house match.
But this entertaining atmosphere only existed because she was there.
Her presence alone was that unique.
Even though Mugeon was friends with Momo, he had never watched a single VTuber stream or even listened to a cover song.

— Is he really gonna go for it?
— Dude, even though he’s friends with Momo, he doesn’t watch VTubers, lol.
— If he agrees, this is gonna be legendary.
And yet, he had no choice but to accept.
Because that was the only way to get Magia back into another in-house match.

“Alright, screw it. Let’s open the club tonight.”
Celestial Rank Players See Diamonds as Pebbles.

In the celestial rank, diamonds were so common that they were practically worthless.
They were scattered everywhere, rolling underfoot like stray pebbles.
So when Magia first appeared in the in-house match, everyone thought the same thing.

"She’s just here to catch a free ride."
"A VTuber? From Parallel? If she’s here for promotion, she’s probably not worth much."
But then, after the warm-up round, everyone changed their minds.

Don’t go near the smoke.
If you get too close, you’re dead.
This wasn’t just a pebble.
This was a bowling ball.
Kick it, and you’ll break your ankle.
Strategies completely changed.

Instead of focusing on Magia, teams went back to the original plan: take down Mugeon first.
If they isolated him, they could use their numbers to overwhelm the remaining two.
But as mentioned earlier, Mugeon’s team played like a dual-trawler fishing boat.

Magia ran ahead, while Mugeon and their support followed.
If Mugeon got caught alone, Magia immediately turned back—not to save him, but to rack up kills.
And if Mugeon held out? The smoke grenades started flying, and at least one enemy was guaranteed to get double-barreled into the ground.
In a ranked game, retreating would be the smart choice.
But this was an in-house match. And losing twice to the same person was a matter of pride for celestial rank players.

If they stood their ground, Magia won every smoke fight.
Outside the smoke, she went down fairly easily, but inside—
It was like she activated a combat buff.

In the smoke, she wasn’t just a bowling ball.
She was an SCP. A cosmic horror.
The assumption that she just got lucky was completely erased.
The moment she threw smoke, she became celestial rank.

Every team unanimously agreed:
"If we see smoke, we back off."
By the end of the main match, Magia’s reputation had completely changed.

Mugeon’s team placed 1st in the first round, 2nd in the second round, and 4th in the third round—steadily declining.
But still, their total points placed them first overall.
They secured the championship prize of 1 million won.

As usual, Mugeon refused the prize.
And Magia, saying she had already gained enough exposure, also declined the prize.
So in the end, the 200,000-won winnings went to their support, Park Won-hyuk, who had spent the entire day babysitting Magia.

[Thank you so much. I’ll play Parallel’s first-anniversary song ten times on stream. November 5th, right?]
[Yes. Thank you for your interest.]
[No, no, I should be thanking you! Please join our in-house matches again! Your double-barrel play was insane today!]

[Don’t mention it. Your support was top-notch too.]
[Thank you!]
With that, Park Won-hyuk left the talk code.

As the last remaining player, Magia could hear Mugeon mutter to himself.
“…My one million won.”
Even at the very last moment, it was a close fight.

Mugeon had prioritized winning over getting kills, which led to Magia taking the lead by just one kill.
In a way, it was the difference between a former pro and an amateur obsessed with kill count.
But a bet was a bet.

[So, Employee-D is officially above Mugeon, right?]
— Employee-D above Mugeon, lol.
— Scrub, scrub, scrub.
— Lmao.
“Fine. Until the next kill contest, I’ll accept it.”

[There won’t be another kill contest.]
“Huh? Why not?”
[Whether it’s another in-house match or a collaboration, please consult our CEO first. Now, can I finally start promoting?]

“Ugh… Fine.”
— Didn’t she tell us earlier not to bother her? LOL
— Stop bullying Employee-D!!
— Enough of that, just show us the first-gen video already!
— Bro, why are you being so clingy today?
— Time for promotions~~
It might have been disappointing for Mugeon, but now was the perfect time to start promotions.

[Live] A VTuber Newbie’s Parallel Song World Cup 35,654
Even though the in-house match had ended, the viewer count barely dropped from its peak of 38,000.
The numbers made it clear—the audience’s interest was shifting from Magia to the first-gen anniversary song.

The mood changed dramatically after the Song World Cup was suggested.
After all, the people who donate and send messages in chat?
They do it because they want the streamer to react.
And today, most of the people watching were here because they were curious about Employee-D.
So naturally, the viewers started wondering:

"How do we get her to talk more while she’s busy playing?"
Then, they figured it out.
"Oh? She responds when we bring this up?"
"What if we donate like this?"
"How about this kind of chat message?"

:: An anonymous supporter has donated 1,000 Clouds! ::
:: "Wow, has it really been a year for the first-gen members already?" ::
[Yeah, before we knew it, it’s been a year. Time flies, doesn’t it?]
:: An anonymous supporter has donated 1,000 Clouds! ::
:: "When will the new song be revealed? I’ve been waiting!" ::

[It’ll be revealed right after the in-house match, before Mugeon’s Parallel Song World Cup. Just hang in there a little longer.]
This created an ongoing question-and-answer relay.
Even those who weren’t interested at first began to pay attention, and Magia’s tone gradually became more lively.

Thanks to that, even though this was Mugeon’s stream, it felt more like a Parallel festival.
The viewers were happy to capture her attention, and Magia was happy that people were showing interest in first-gen.
[Alright then, let’s get to the Parallel updates. You’ve probably guessed from the title, but let’s watch this video first before I explain.]

— Huh??
— Been waiting for this!
— Let’s goooo!
— Crowd buzzing
— Another! Another! Another! Another! Another!
— Praying for a banger song
The screen faded to black, and a one-minute video began.
Thump, thump, thump, thump.
A strong kick drum pounded, followed by an electric synth line.

Then came the pre-chorus right before the hook.
The sound gradually built up, layering melodies and harmonies.
Even casual listeners could feel the anticipation—the chorus was coming.

Even people who had never heard the song before were already waving their glow sticks.
And then, Mugeon nodded along and gave his verdict.
“Not bad.”

— (Glow stick emoji) (Glow stick emoji) (Glow stick emoji) (Glow stick emoji) (Glow stick emoji)
— (Butt-shaking emoji) (Butt-shaking emoji) (Butt-shaking emoji) (Butt-shaking emoji)
— Ohhh
— (Glow stick emoji) (Shake it emoji)
— Wait, this is actually good??
Amidst the flood of glow sticks, more direct comments rolled in:
"This is fire."
"It’s got an insane vibe."
"Hyped as hell."

And then, the signature bold melodies and beats of K-pop came crashing in.
A hook-laden chorus surged forward, backed by the main vocal’s powerful delivery.
"This attraction is addictive, I’m falling deeper in."
"This love is so real, it’s taking me high."

"Our world, endlessly connected."
"Together we shine, like stars in the sky."
Dora and Maru took turns showcasing their vocals, while Komari and Rain’s rap verses seamlessly connected the gaps.
— Oh my god, this is refreshing.

Just as the audience was completely engrossed, a short, dynamic 3D silhouette dance video—created using the day’s motion capture footage—flashed across the screen.
— ???
— 3D?!
— IS THIS 3D??
— IT’S 3D!
Safe to say, the promotion was a massive success?

… — Mugeon (Internet Broadcaster) Forum — …
[Damn, there are actually a lot of good songs.]

Never really cared about VTubers, but…
Some of these songs are solid.
Thanks to Mugeon, my playlist is getting a huge update, lol.

— Mugeon835: Weeb detected at home. Arrested on the spot.
  ㄴ Mugeon213 (OP): 5252, just join us already, man. wwwww
  ㄴ Mugeon835: Tbh, my algorithm is already infected, lol.
  ㄴ Mugeon213 (OP): LMAO.
— Mugeon909: Honestly, the funniest part was watching Mugeon’s algorithm get absolutely ruined during the World Cup.
  ㄴ Mugeon251: Bruh, I played just one of these songs, and now my entire YouTube feed is wrecked.
  ㄴ Mugeon251: But ngl, it slaps.
  ㄴ Mugeon213 (OP): That’s how they get you, lol.
… — Parallel (VTuber) Forum — …

[Wait, isn’t Employee-D actually a VTuber?]
Does she have a channel or something?
I’m ready to subscribe and donate.

— Parallel849: You and about a million other people are already waiting.
  ㄴ Parallel242 (OP): For real?
— Parallel348: She’s being held captive by Momo, lol.
  ㄴ Parallel242 (OP): Damn.
  ㄴ Parallel348: Are you interested in the Employee-D Liberation Movement?
  ㄴ Parallel242 (OP): Lmao, calling it a ‘liberation movement’ is hilarious.
  ㄴ Parallel242 (OP): Let me know if I can help.
  ㄴ Parallel348: Great. Join us at the Employee-D mini forum.

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