I May Be a Virtual Youtuber, but I Still Go to Work

chapter 15

Unfortunately, we only won the first match.
After tearing through everyone’s backs that first round, the stream snipers changed their tactics—
They started knocking Rain out first and tracking my every move.

At that point, it was impossible.
Even if you put a pro in my place, they would’ve given up too.
No matter how hard I fought, it was a sheer numbers game.
But honestly?
I wasn’t angry or anything.

I did everything I could,
And more importantly,
I got to play with CEO for four whole hours.
There was no way I could be in a bad mood.

:: An anonymous donor has contributed 100,000 Clouds! ::
:: We’ll see you again… right? ::
Normally, I wouldn’t respond to a donation like this,
But today?
I indulged them.

“We see each other every day in the same chat, you know?”
— Oh.
— Wait, why is that true?
— LOL, no way.
— Damn, we really didn’t think this through.
“So starting tomorrow, I’ll go back to being just another viewer in the chat, like always.
As the CEO said earlier, if the opportunity arises, we might meet again.
Thank you for today, everyone.
Please continue to support the CEO and the first-gen members.”

— Ah…
— Goodbye, Employee D!!
— D-VA!!
— D-BA!! ㅠㅠ
The CEO didn’t add anything.
It felt like a clean ending.
At least, that’s how I remembered it.

But one week later,
The smear campaign began.
—Parallel (VTuber) Gallery—

[Honestly, Signal Flare’s skill is overrated.]
After the stream ended, all I heard was:
“Damn, that was insane.”
“She carried the whole match.”
“Incredible performance.”
Momo and Rain praised me non-stop.

But actually?
Momo held out REALLY well that match, too.
Yeah, she died like an idiot afterward, but still.
That first win wasn’t just because of Signal Flare.

Maybe they were overhyping her a little, huh?
(Upvotes: 52) (Downvotes: 50)

— Parallel901: Damn, you’re persistent.
— Parallel731: Doesn’t even matter LOL.
ㄴ Parallel731: Momo’s stubborn as hell—she’d never push someone who wasn’t actually good.
ㄴ Parallel381: BUT YOU NEVER KNOW!!!
— Parallel812: Blind upvote.
ㄴ Parallel812: If she’s so good, she should just stream and prove it.
ㄴ Parallel781: FR LOL.
ㄴ Parallel114: FR LOL.

— Parallel393: Don’t diss Employee D.
ㄴ Parallel393: If it weren’t for her, the stream would’ve been ruined by snipers.
ㄴ Parallel571 (OP): That’s exactly my point.
ㄴ Parallel393: ?
ㄴ Parallel393: Oh.
ㄴ Parallel393: Yeah, she kinda sucked LOL.
ㄴ Parallel701: LMAOOOOOOOOOO.
ㄴ Parallel840: The instant betrayal LMFAO.
ㄴ Parallel715: He finally saw the truth.
Even the guy defending me turned against me in the end.

Was I really that bad?
No, that didn’t make sense.
I carried that entire match while dragging two deadweights behind me.

I played manager AND shot-caller AND hard carry.
They all praised me when I was just fucking around in Momo’s streams,
But the moment I streamed for real, they started tearing me down?

Maybe I didn’t notice it myself, but...
Maybe my skills really dropped when I got smaller.
I never mentioned it,
But my hands got smaller.
And because I had to adjust to that, my endurance definitely dropped.

Maybe my aim really was worse than usual.
And because Battle Colosseum was one of the few things I took seriously,
I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

That’s why, even after work,
I spent more time grinding ranked than usual.
Not because I wanted to prove myself to anyone.

Just because I wanted to make sure—
Was I actually bad?
I even stopped watching my usual Kirinuki clips
And focused solely on improving.

And then, after grinding match after match—
[(Team) TandooriChickenTandooriTime: You’re actually overrated.]
[(Team) SpacePirateNylonMusk: …?]
[(Team) SpacePirateNylonMusk: Do I know you?]
[(Team) TandooriChickenTandooriTime: Aren’t you Signal Flare?]
[(Team) SpacePirateNylonMusk: What the fuck.]
[(Team) TandooriChickenTandooriTime: So you admit you sucked this match?]
[(Team) SpacePirateNylonMusk: ???]
(Team member TandooriChickenTandooriTime has left the game.)
Suddenly, I was getting shit-talked in-game, too.

The problem?
It wasn’t just one guy.
Then it was two.
Then three.

And then I started thinking—
How the hell do they all know it’s me?

I mean, sure.
Running two Double Barrels makes me stand out.
But a lot of people copy my playstyle.
And my nicknames are all different.

It should be impossible to tell.
“…Are they just accusing everyone randomly?”

I’ve seen a lot of shit in my life,
But I never thought I’d see my alt account get exposed.

Time to make Account #21.
It was getting late,
But I should at least finish my placement matches before bed.

… ─── 🎄TreeWiki ─── …
[Signal Flare (Battle Colosseum)]
Category: Battle Colosseum / Gamers
Gender | Female
Affiliation | PARALLEL (Vtuber Group) Operations Team Employee
Game Nicknames |
Battle Colosseum[1][2] - HumanSignalFlareKimFirework, FinalEducationChickenSchoolMomo, FireworksFestivalTopPickKimDuckBae, SpacePirateNylonMusk
Aliases | D-Rain, Employee D

1. Overview
A manager (presumed to be lead) for Parallel’s first-gen members.
First gained recognition in 2019 as a notorious sniper targeting Vtuber Momo.
Became infamous for maintaining Diamond rank while only using Double Barrel shotguns.

From 2021, her appearances became increasingly rare…
Until, well—
2. D-Rain, Employee D
Recently appeared in Parallel first-gen member Rain’s “Find Rain” content,
where she perfectly mimicked Rain’s voice and rap style, even fooling Rain’s own chairman.

The following week, she joined a Battle Colosseum collab with Rain and Momo.
Her adorable voice immediately captivated viewers,
and her natural sense of entertainment left many asking—
"Why doesn’t she stream?"
She then solidified her legend by holding her own in a 9v1 smoke grenade battle,
proving beyond doubt that her Diamond rank was no fluke.

Currently believed to have transitioned from Momo’s manager to a full-time employee at Parallel.
[1] Currently has at least 4 confirmed active accounts. Total number unknown.
[2] Has been banned multiple times for headshotting trolling teammates out of frustration.
The next day, after lunch, Dohee returned to the office,
clicked the link Rain had sent her,

And immediately burst out laughing.
“These TreeWiki historians are insane.”
Just last week, the page was barely filled in.
Just a handful of details, nothing major.

It had her gender, her job, her entire streaming history—
Practically a full-fledged streamer’s profile.
Everything publicly available about Gia had been compiled in one place.

“Still… for all the attention, there’s no real controversy.”
If anything had gone wrong during that collab,
they wouldn’t be enjoying this peace.
Dohee sipped her iced americano from the café downstairs,
leaned back into her chair,

And for a brief moment,
Let herself relax.

She had spoken the cursed words.
A jinx of the highest order—
The kind that always invites disaster.

Even if it was a jinx, she couldn’t help but feel at ease.
It had been over a week since the stream.
And while the community was still buzzing about Signal Flare and Employee D,
There had been no major fires.

Even the guys who threatened to spam cursed images
had been swiftly dealt with by moderators after taking out a few casualties.
Honestly, that one was on the idiots who clicked the “Parallel 2nd Gen Employee D Leak” thread.
The title was obviously bait.

“…Still, just in case.”
Since she was already feeling uneasy,
Dohee decided to run through her active projects.
✔ First-gen 3D Models:

Completion: Next month
Quality & polygon count approved
No issues
✔ First-gen 1st Anniversary Collab Song:
Sample received from the label → Exceeded expectations
Members are training hard
Recording scheduled in 3 weeks
✔ 2nd Gen Applications:
Ad banner design finished
Waiting for external company’s final site traffic test
“…The planning side is solid.”

Next, she checked operations.
First priority: 1st-gen streaming schedules.
✔ Rain → Still grinding Battle Colosseum Iron rank
✔ Maru → Some new puzzle game
✔ Komari → Ranked League
✔ Dora →

Dohee blinked.
Then checked again.

Then checked again.
It still said “Pandemic Village.”
“…A horror game?”

The latest entry in the globally popular Pandemic series—
A masterpiece of survival horror mixed with FPS elements.
A bit gory, but not a problem with an age restriction.
The real issue was that Dora was playing a horror game.

Dohee glanced at the clock,
Then called Gia.

Nearly a full minute passed before it was about to switch to voicemail.

Then, finally—
[“…Yaaawn… Hello?”]
A soft, sleepy voice.

Even groggy, she still sounded adorable.
Dohee thought, truly, a voice blessed by the heavens.
And then she spoke.

“Gia. Dora’s playing a horror game today.”
Gia yawned again, then mumbled.
[“…Mmm. Should I… handle it at HQ later?”]

Even after showering, the yawns wouldn’t stop.

Maybe I shouldn’t have played so long last night.
I wrapped a towel around my still-damp hair,
flopped onto my bed,
And checked Dora’s Z-feed.

Akari Dora ☑ @Akari_Dora - 5 minutes ago
“Guys, let’s negotiate.”
Akari Dora ☑ @Akari_Dora - 1 minute ago
“How about we play something else instead of a horror game? Hmm? Please?”

She got hit with the punishment.
Dora had the worst punctuality out of the first-gen members.
So she made a deal—

Every 10 times she was late,
She’d let viewers pick a horror game as punishment.
“…She already hit ten? It’s only been two months.”
Technically, office hours were 3 PM to midnight.
But whenever Dora played a horror game,

I always stayed behind.
She tried to be careful,
But her natural clumsiness meant she kept banging into equipment whenever she got scared.
And since she had zero technical knowledge,

If anything broke, she couldn’t fix it herself.
And when a stream gets delayed because of technical issues?
Viewers get pissed.
It’s like watching a big esports match that keeps getting paused.
Even if the casters try to stall,

Too much downtime kills the mood.
A few weeks ago,
Dora had a major audio interface failure mid-stream.
It looked like a quick fix on the surface,
But it had actually butchered her live viewership.

Some people suggested that if we were so worried,
We should just station a staff member at her house.
But come on.
There was no way we could send a male staffer
to wait inside a woman’s house for hours just because we were scared of technical issues.

“…Wait a second.”
I tilted my head.
Looked in the mirror.

Checked my reflection.
A cute girl who had just taken a shower stared back at me.
“If that’s the problem…”

I muttered.
“…Doesn’t that mean I could wait at her house?”

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