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Chapter 006

Chen Xue up to UC79

“Good guy! So it’s a clone?!”

Chen Xue sat cross-legged on the ground, facing the young man who was also sitting cross-legged on the ground in front of him.

Or in other words—Chen Xue from Gundam UC World.

“It’s about the same, and it doesn’t have to be through ‘myself’.” Gao Da Chen Xue sighed.

Chen Xue raised her eyebrows and asked, “What do you mean?”

“Before you came, there was a girl version of Chen Xue. Her name was ‘Karuri Yeqiong’.”

Chen Xue was stunned, and then thought for a moment.

“Then she…”

Gundam Chen Xue knew what Chen Xue wanted to ask as soon as she heard the beginning.

“She doesn’t have an older brother, and the world she lives in seems to be a hodgepodge of the everyday world. There are spring objects, passers-by, Sakurasou, and youthful pigs… Anyway, there are basically everything that can be counted as daily life. I feel that there may be Gabriel and Dragon Maid. .”

“Gabriel and Maid Dragon are a bit of a supermodel, especially Maid Dragon.”

what is this?

“I’m in the Everyday World of Reborn Sister Qiongmei”?

Just open a book alone!

“I’m powerless to complain…is there anyone else?” Chen Xue rubbed her forehead.

“There is another one who also traveled through ‘self’. He… is probably dead.”

“What?!!!” Chen Xue stood up abruptly.

“He is a D-class personnel…”



The two fell into silence, and Chen Xue sat down with a sad face.It turned out to be [SCP Foundation], so there is really no way.

“He tried to share memory with me, but I don’t know if the ability is shared.” Gundam Chen Xue shook his head, “I originally refused, and my ability in that world is tantamount to inspiration beyond human beings. Seeing indescribable things and going crazy.”

“You didn’t stop him?” Chen Xue frowned slightly.

“At that time, I was irritated by him… You should understand that I am a new human in the world of Gundam UC. When the new human first awakened, I was extremely emotional…”

To put it bluntly, it is neuroticism with extremely sensitive reactions.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be a “Camus? The girl’s name, what…it turned out to be a boy’, which led to the destruction of the Titans.

Brother Wan Zun was really miserable. Both his teammates and his girlfriend were killed by Camus, and he looked like he was crazy.

“Then you now…look very rational.”

Hearing this sentence, Gao Da Chen Xue scratched her head, and said with some surprise: “It’s strange to say. When you came to this space, I felt very at ease, and my restless emotions and chaotic thoughts became stable. I felt …feels like being bathed in a warm glow…”

Hearing this, Chen Xue understood, and then said to him seriously——

“Because I am the light.”

“Ah?” Gao Da Chen Xue looked up at Chen Xue in astonishment.

“I traveled through the Tiga world and became the light there.” Chen Xue stretched out her hand to press on his chest, and a faint light bloomed on his chest.

“You know, the giants of light in the Tiga world, their light is related to the mind, maybe that’s why you can calm down.”

“You became an Ultraman?” Gundam Chen Xue said in disbelief, with an indescribably sour tone.

“Yes…” Chen Xue nodded.

“Ahhh… so envious! Why am I not in the Ultraman world! If I were in the Ultraman world! What would I do?!”

“…Look at me, I’m living like this! Fucking UC era! Fucking 0079! Fucking Zeon! Fucking Char! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!!!”

“Why do I have to go to the battlefield?! Why do I have to drive a mobile suit?!”

“I’m obviously not ready for anything…”

“Just because I survived the red comet?! Just because my driving ability is higher than other pilots?! Just because I… am a new human?!”

“Damn Federation——!!!”

It seems to bring back bad memories,

Gundam Chen Xue let out a hysterical roar.

But he didn’t show any more radical actions.

The hysterical scolding was nothing more than venting the negative emotions that had been suppressed in my heart for a long time.

“The One Year War of Gundam UC0079…”

Chen Xue pursed her lips and said nothing.

With such a cruel war, it’s no wonder that I became like this.

“…Sorry for letting you see this (unbearable) side of me, another me.”

Hearing this sentence, Chen Xue didn’t say anything to comfort him, but stretched out her hand to him.

“another me?”

“I said before, I am the light.”

You are also me, no matter what you have experienced, you can also be the light.

“Another me… I can really do it? Even a person like me, so… a person like a ‘war machine’?” Gao Da Chen Xue asked in disbelief with her lips trembling.

Chen Xue nodded.

“Thank you…the other me.”

Holding hands together, a faint light bloomed between the two.

Afterwards, the memories of the two began to flow towards each other.

Chen Xue has very little memory, after all, he has only traveled for a few days.

And in Gundam Chen Xue’s memory, he sat in the cockpit of the mobile suit, the sniper Jim, as soon as he crossed. Before he could react, a red Zaku fell from the sky!

A middle-aged man’s terrified roar came from the communicator—it was a red comet! Chen Xue! Run away! ! !

Chen Xue in the cockpit seemed to have lost her soul, but the moment the red Zaku pointed the gun at him, Chen Xue reacted and quickly manipulated Jim to avoid the attack.

And this seemed to arouse Xiaya’s curiosity. He even took the initiative to chase the sniper Jim driven by Chen Xue.

Several attacks were dodged by Chen Xue in anticipation, but Chen Xue couldn’t dodge the sudden Xia Yafei’s kick. The sniper Jim fell to the ground. The body suffered serious damage and was unable to move.

The great terror of life and death enveloped Chen Xue’s heart, almost driving him crazy.

Fortunately, the Gundam driven by Amuro arrived at this time and rescued him from Shaar’s gunpoint.

After that, he survived due to fighting with Char, and was favored by the officers of the Federation. He was transferred to the Federation’s mobile suit unit and equipped with a new sniper Jim.

Then there is war…

Driving a mobile suit to plunder the lives of others.

The lives of comrades-in-arms around him were also plundered by others.

Even if he is like this, he still has partners who are worth entrusting behind him.


The screen was dyed red by the alarm, which was a reminder of the enemy’s attack. A small mobile suit unit from the Zeon Army made a surprise attack.

They have just finished a battle and have already fixed the body, so there is no time to attack!

And the barrage of the ship’s shells is too weak to attack the opponent at all!

A flexible mobile suit can easily bypass the attack angle of the defensive guns, but it is difficult for a large and heavy ship to react quickly.

“Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up…” Chen Xue said madlyKuang muttered, the remaining retainers on the sniper Jim hadn’t been undone yet.

Then there was an explosion, and their communication with the bridge was cut off…

The bridge was destroyed!

Chen Xue realized this.

The captain and members of the bridge who were calmly commanding the ship during the communication just now have turned into dust in the universe.

“No…it’s impossible!” The voice of a comrade-in-arms collapsed came from the communicator.

“That’s why I said don’t mess with the relationship between men and women during the war!” Chen Xue cursed in a low voice, and then shouted into the communicator: “Uncle Luo! Are you still okay?!”

Shen — Mo —

“You can only ‘manually’ get out of the fixation… Stop crying! Gorman! Hurry up and get out of the fixation! We will become targets!”

The sniper-type Jim pulled out the beam saber to cut off the remaining fixing frame, and quickly moved to the door of the maintenance room, intending to open a door with the beam saber.

It’s hopeless, this ship will explode at some point, if it can still move, it will have to struggle to survive!

As for the damage to the body?

Is it important to have the driver’s life? !

Chen Xue, who opened the maintenance room, was targeted by enemies in the universe before rushing out.

Drip, drop, drop! ! ! !

“Damn it!” No need to aim, the beam rifle in his hand fired a burst of bursts at the enemy, knocking down three MS in an instant.

“Gorman, what are you dawdling about?!”

“Captain… I… I can’t move.”

Compared to Chen Xue’s sniper Jim, which has already unlocked half of the fixing frame, the fixing frame on the other Jim is locked because it lost its operator.

“Damn it!” Chen Xue had no choice but to return to the maintenance room and cut off the fixing frame on Gorman’s body.

And at this time, the enemies outside seemed to find that Chen Xue was not easy to mess with, so they planned to detonate the entire ship!


Explosions began to appear inside the ship.

At this time, the sniper Jim driven by Chen Xue pulled the Jim driven by Gorman out of the fixed frame.

However, it was already too late.

The two airframes were instantly engulfed by the flames of the explosion, and they were blown out together by the violent impact.

After being in a trance for a while, Chen Xue managed to regain consciousness. She was glad that she was still alive, but at the same time, she found that the MS that attacked the ship had already left.

“Fortunately, we are still alive…Gorman, you…”

Chen Xue was silent, and the sniper-type Jim’s hand was tightly clutched with only a single arm part.

Even a machine like the sniper Jim couldn’t bear the explosion just now, but he survived.

The price was that another GM was destroyed by the explosion.

“Uh … ah ah ah ah ah !!!”

Chen Xue’s heart was completely broken. He raised his fist and slammed the monitor until his fist became bloody.

This cruel universe keeps taking the lives of one comrade after another from his side!

The emotions that have been suppressed are pouring out wantonly like a collapsed dam.

“Dead again! Died again! They died again! Why…why was I the only one who survived in the end?!”

“How long will I have to fight?”

“When will it end?”

“When will this pain last…”

With the last cry, the memory ends here.

As high as Chen Xue’s memory, the sadness and pain almost tore Chen Xue’s heart apart.

People who haven’t experienced it can’t understand how cruel Chen Xue’s experience is. It seems that living itself is a kind of pain!

After recovering, Chen Xue looked at Gao Da Chen Xue in front of her, and said, “I will not express any pity or sympathy to you.”

Gundam Chen Xue, who should have been angry because of this sentence, smiled helplessly.

“Accept it, this light… This is my greatest support for you.” Chen Xue, with a solemn expression, condensed a ball of light in her hands, and integrated that ball of light into Chen Xue’s body.

“I wish you success in changing that cruel world, another me.”

“Really… Look like you know everything!”

Sensing the warmth from the light in her body, Gundam Chen Xue showed a smile.

“Thank you, another me.”

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