I have the option of love in the starry sky.

Chapter 238

To be honest.

During the time in Luofu Fairy Boat.

Bo Chang had heard Yan Qing's name several times.


This was the first time he had actually met him.

He was a young boy.

Before the time travel, he was probably just a junior high school student or a high school student.

"Wait a minute, I have a few words to say to my friends in the train group..." Jing Yuan looked at everyone, "Before you leave Luofu Fairy Boat, I have two things I want to give to the train group."

"Gift? He finally found his conscience and wants to compensate us for the hard work along the way?"

March Seven whispered.

Although the voice was not loud,...

Everyone heard it.

Xing thought of Bo Chang's treatment in Beloberg and said, "Is he going to give us a house?"

"It's a bit too early to solve the mystery now, so... everyone, see you at Shen Ce Mansion."

Jing Yuan didn't plan to answer this question for the time being, he turned around and left with Yan Qing.

Bo Chang looked around.

His eyes turned.

Looking at the graceful Yukong Siduo, she looked up at the direction of the Xingcha and did not speak for a long time.

Through Walter Yang and Dan Heng's casual chat.

Bo Chang knew that Yukong should still be immersed in grief.

It is said that thirty years ago, she held the same ceremony on the Fanghu Xianzhou, and that time...

Yukong lost her good friend, Caiyi.

That is, Qingni's real mother.

After that, Yukong resigned from his military post and entered the Tianbo Division to do some civilian work.

Bo Chang, Sanyueqi and others had no intention of disturbing him.

Instead, they simply packed up.

Then they all went to the Shen Ce Mansion.

As the place where General Luofu lived, no matter how many times he came here, it still made people feel majestic and domineering.

Jingyuan stood on the stage.

"Everyone... Today, we gathered everyone here to reiterate Luofu Xianzhou's gratitude for the righteous deeds of the train group Wumingke."

Looking down at everyone.

Jingyuan said a lot.

And the two things in the other party's mouth.

One is the jade sign of friendship for the alliance, and the other is to pardon Dan Feng's guilt.

There is nothing much to say about the latter.

That was a gift promised to Dan Heng long ago.

It is mainly a jade sign symbolizing friendship for the alliance.

Thousands of years ago, when the alliance was established, all the immortal boats swore an oath together and engraved the jade sign as a witness.

Heaven and earth will be destroyed, but this oath will not be changed.

This green jade sign.

Not only records Luofu Cloud Rider's promise to the train group.

It is also a beacon.

Holding this jade sign that looks like a tiger talisman tightly, you can send a message to the corresponding jade sign on Luofu Cloud Rider. No matter how far the journey is, Luofu Cloud Rider will come to support.

This gift.

It is indeed a big investment.

After all...

Long-distance communication is always accompanied by various accidents.

The jade sign that can stabilize communication.

Its value is not much inferior to that of the transmission ring.

Moreover, this jade omen can mobilize Luofu Cloud Cavalry, which is a combat force at the level of a commander. You can imagine how precious it is.

"Finally... there is one more thing. Everyone in the train group, I plan to send a special envoy to stay on the Starry Sky Train. What do you think?"

General Jing Yuan stretched out his hand.

The members of the Starry Sky Train looked at each other.

Bo Chang asked curiously: "Special envoy? Who?"

"Qing Que, come out."

Jing Yuan clapped his hands gently.

Qing Que, wearing the uniform of the Taibu Division, walked out from the side. The petite girl smiled.

Bo Chang was stunned.

Walter Yang pushed his black-framed glasses and said: "Miss Qing Que wants to join the Starry Sky Train. Of course, we welcome it."

"That's right."

March Seven nodded repeatedly.

Although Qing Que gave people a very unreliable feeling when they first met.


After spending a long time together.

You can also find that this is a very interesting guy.

March Seven certainly welcomes it.

Jing Yuan crossed his arms.

"Well... Qingque, you can go on adventures with everyone on the Starry Sky Train in the future... Don't worry, they have teleportation rings, you can come back at any time."

"I know, General."

Qingque nodded in agreement.

When she first knew that she was appointed by General Yunqi to go on the Starry Sky Train.

Qingque was still a little reluctant.


When she thought that she could slack off for 24 hours with pay in the future and could return to Luofu Fairy Boat at any time.

The mahjong girl was shaken.

Finally, she agreed to the task issued by Jingyuan.

Become a member of the glorious nameless guest.

The matter of Luofu Fairy Boat has come to an end here.

Walter Yang and Dan Heng have to go back to the Starry Sky Train first.

March 7 plans to bring some gifts to the train conductor.

Xing decided to say goodbye to the friends he met on Luofu Fairy Boat.

Bo Chang had nothing to do.

He wanted to go back to the train directly.


Walter Yang called Bo Chang and gave him a small commission.

It was a task about curing diseases.

It is said that there are many physically disabled children on the Luofu Immortal Boat, and they live in misery.

These people are called Tianque people.

They are different from the short-lived people.

The physical conditions of the immortal species are mostly determined at birth.

Appearance, intelligence, height...

These are determined from the moment of birth.

Basically, they are permanently fixed in the blood and flesh genes.

The defects that the short-lived species can make up with the help of machinery or surgery are useless for the immortal boat people.

Because no matter what means are used.

No matter how much machinery is implanted.

The body of the immortal boat people will be restored to its original appearance.

This is the price of strong recovery.

Walter Yang asked Bo Chang if he had a solution.

For this...

Bo Chang himself is not clear.

He can only try and see.

Walter Yang left an address and asked Bo Chang to find a child named Xiaoyu.


Everyone parted ways in the Shen Ce Mansion.

Bai Lu was also sent away by the Yunqi Army and returned to the Danding Division.

The future Dragon Lord of the Chiming Clan has been away for such a long time, and the dragon masters of the Chiming Clan.

Now it is quite urgent.

Bo Chang was alone for the first time in a long time. He walked on the streets of Luofu Xianzhou.

Slowly looking for the child named Xiaoyu.

Chapter 279: First meeting with the God of Abundance

There is the address of Walter Yang.

It is actually quite simple to find Xiaoyu.

Bo Chang did not spend much time at all.

He found the blind girl, who was standing somewhere on the corner of the street, silently looking at a pavilion.

This is where Dan Shu often stays.

It is also a place where Tianque people often stay.

After all...

As a Tianque person.

Dan Shu often helps other Tianque people who have the same experience as himself.

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