I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 979

Chapter 979
So gradually, many players and other adventurers took Longteng Village as a small supply point on the frontier, and they could take on missions by the way.

Small frontier villages like Longteng Village, with their original disadvantages, are now able to attract a large number of foreign braves.

It is very normal for Longteng Village, which is convenient for fighting monsters, to take off like a giant dragon.

Flynn noticed that half of the villagers in Longteng Village have completed the transformation, from pure farmers to secondary and tertiary industries.

They serve the adventurers here, provide them with some logistical supplies, and make a profit from it.

And as Longteng Village becomes more professional and comprehensive in terms of adventure logistics, more brave men will come here, further expanding the industrial scale of Longteng Village.

A virtuous circle can be repeated.

But it must also be noted: this virtuous circle cannot last a lifetime.

Flynn knew that although Longteng Village had gained some geographical advantages for the time being, with the adventurous activities of the braves, the northern border of Iron Hill Kingdom would inevitably be further expanded.

After a certain time, Longteng Village will no longer be a border area, and it will also lose its location advantage that can conveniently provide logistics for adventurers.

Flynn hopes that, as the lord of Longteng Village, Kuangyan Longshao can see this as soon as possible, and vigorously develop the construction of the village while the location advantage is still there.

In the future, even if Longteng Village becomes an ordinary inland village, there are enough resources to allow Longteng Village to develop in the future.

It's a pity that Flynn didn't see Kuangyan Longshao himself,
When I asked, it turned out that he was pulling Long Shao violently, but he couldn't hold back his desire to fight monsters, so he went out to fight monsters with another passing adventure team.

Well, it can be regarded as generating income.

Flynn left Longteng Village, intending to continue to the next destination, but just after Flynn had just walked out of Longteng Village, Flynn encountered a fight.

It wasn't that Flynn was attacked, but that Flynn saw a group of robbers attacking an orchard newly built by the villagers of Longteng Village.

It's rare!

Because the Tieqiu Kingdom is so powerful now, and there are so many brave men active in the border areas, most of the ghosts and snake gods outside the border are too late to run, so how dare they take the initiative to invade?
Isn't this looking for death?

But after thinking about it, people die for money and birds die for food.

Even in the age of the brave, there were indeed some people who dared to take risks and enter the Iron Hill Kingdom to plunder and kill.

Flynn had heard before that due to the wealth of the Iron Hill Kingdom, some desperadoes carried out the behavior of robbing a wave and then flying away.

You must know that even a small border village like Longteng Village developed rapidly under Flynn's rule and accumulated a lot of wealth.

And those outlaws outside the border also have a new way of thinking, that is, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, they prefer to travel to the mountains.

They knew that it was very dangerous to enter the Tieqiu Kingdom to do things.

But if you can make a wave smoothly, and then fly away, you can make a lot of money.

In the face of interests, the desperadoes dare to do anything.

Flynn had heard of this situation before, but Flynn didn't take it seriously at the time.

Because there is no absolute in everything, and it is impossible to be perfect—I have achieved the overall security of the Iron Hill Kingdom, but outside of the overall security, there are more or less accidental casualties.

That too is unavoidable and acceptable.

As a macro ruler, Flynn naturally would not care about the occasional sporadic attacks in the border areas-after all, such sporadic attacks with one vote and one vote have a very low success rate.

Most of the so-called one-shot and run away are actually free gifts.

But now Flynn is not a macro ruler, but a witness on the scene.

Seeing the injustice on the road, he drew his sword to help, and saw more than a dozen villagers in the orchard trembling, so Flynn naturally would not stand idly by.

Flynn, who was hiding in the dark, was about to help, but saw three players appearing here.

Flynn saw that Love in Lordaeron, the Prince of Germany Second, and the Forest Ape-man appeared in the field of vision in turn.

The leader was Ai Zai Lordaeron, he jumped out from the side, and shouted with a smile when he saw his prey: "Hey! I finally found you!"

"I received information from a villager who collected medicine in the mountains, saying that he saw a group of unidentified armed men walking in the deep mountains."

"I figured it must be a bandit, who wanted to come to our place to make trouble, haha, let me hit you."

"I counted, almost 30 robbers!"

"In this wave, go back and hand in tasks to NPCs. The rewards are definitely not small. It's comfortable."

These 30 robbers had observed before and knew that there were no brave men in the orchard, so they boldly attacked with confidence.

Now they have reached the gate of the orchard, but bump into the brave man.

The robbers, who were still laughing and joking, suddenly became uglier than shit.

Warriors are very powerful and difficult to deal with.

Moreover, brave men are also good at shaking people. Often when they meet a brave man, a brave man who strengthens the group will suddenly appear later.

Therefore, even though the bandits had a tenfold advantage in numbers, they still felt the pressure when they saw the three brave men of Lordaeron, Prince of Germany, and Forest Ape.

Thirty robbers fight against 3 brave men, who has the advantage?

The robbers who felt guilty gathered together one by one as if they were facing a big enemy.

And Love in Lordaeron, although there are only three of them, they are very aggressive and proactive, walking up swaggeringly, shouting domineeringly: "I advise you to surrender honestly and honestly, and I will arrest you and educate you in prison .”

Flynn, who was listening nearby, originally planned to rush out to save people, but seeing the three brave men so crazy, Flynn couldn't help applauding them secretly in his heart.

Obviously, the arrogant attitude of Ai Zai Lordaeron and the other three also annoyed this group of robbers.

This group of robbers were also ruthless people who licked blood at the edge of their knives, so they were not scared.

Moreover, since they dared to face the risk of a large number of brave men appearing at any time, they also rushed in fiercely to make a wave. Naturally, they predicted that they might encounter brave men.

If the plan of this group of robbers is to meet a large number of brave men, then they will consider themselves unlucky.

But if you encounter a brave man who is alone, or a small team of brave men like the three in front of you, then the robbers dare to do it!

The leading bandit stepped up boldly and twisted off his head!

Instead of twisting his head, he twisted off his human skin mask!

Under the realistic human skin mask, there was a distorted zombie face!
It was not a zombie face caused by excessive plastic surgery, but a human face obviously affected by the evil energy of the demon god.

(End of this chapter)

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