I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 95 Uncle Ben is the cutest in the world

Chapter 95
The world's number one uncle smiled proudly, and pointed to his neck: "Did you see the goblin necklace on my neck? This is a crystal product, worth hundreds of copper coins."

Burst Shochu Megumi: "Huh? I don't understand..."

Uncle Ben is the cutest in the world: "There are some newcomers among you who may not have participated in that battle. When the Tursin tribe was destroyed before, I discovered that there seemed to be more crystal products in the Tursin Goblin tribe point."

"Crystal necklaces, crystal pendants, crystal scepters, crystal bone bowls, even crystal table stones."

"Based on what I know about goblins, it stands to reason that the goblin tribe shouldn't have so many crystals. Even if crystals are not precious gems, at least they can be exchanged for some dinars."

"A poor ghost like a goblin must be reluctant to spend money on crystals."

"So, I boldly speculate that the Tursin tribe probably has crystal veins!"

"Didn't we discover an iron mine that was abandoned in the Tursin tribe before because it was exhausted?"

"With my girlish intuition, I feel that there may be something we want in that mine."

Although you are strong, I am also weak: "Well, it seems very reasonable, let's go!"

Uncle Ben is the cutest in the world, with his idol corpse, although you are strong but I am also weak, Burst Shochu Huihui, Xiudou magician, five people came to the Tursin tribe smoothly.

The ruins of the Tursin tribe, which used to be full of goblins, are now completely silent. Seeing how my brother went to the empty building, I can't help but sigh as the cutest man in the world.

"Seeing this former enemy nest, I suddenly wanted to chant a poem: "Nian Nujiao: Nostalgia of Turxin."

"The sun goes east, the wind blows away, and the Eternal Merry Goblin."

"South of the home base, Tudou Village, a genius alchemist."


"I think back to the time when Mr. Fu was hanged and beaten by Gobu, he was besieged, and he was alive."

"While I was talking and laughing, Gobu disappeared..."

Wen Siru, the uncle with diabetes collapse, the cutest man in the world, was reciting poems, when he suddenly heard a cry from a broken tent inside.

"Who is singing? Gob! It's so ugly Gob!"

"It seems to be human, damn human Gob!"

"It's all been robbed here. Humans are more ruthless than us goblins in stealing money!"

"Damn humans, ah, we fought Gob with you!"

At first glance, it turned out that it was four goblin robbers who somehow returned to the Tursin tribe.

It may be the remnants of the former Tursin tribe. I came back to my hometown to see if I could search for something.

The four goblins were trapped in the Tursin tribe, and they had nowhere to run. They got out of the tent and saw that the enemy was 5 humans, and 3 of them were petite women, so they puffed up. Courage rushed over with a howl.

In the eyes of the Goblin Bandit: 4 Goblin Bandits can definitely beat 5 humans.

But the growth rate of the players is super fast. How can the fighting power of the players in Tudou Village be comparable to that at the beginning?

Two days after the game started, when the players were fighting, many of them were almost scared to piss their pants.

But now, players have hard skills such as character attributes and equipment.

Or the soft power of fighting skills and cooperative awareness has surpassed the once invincible Goblin.

Perhaps these few strong goblins still crushed the world's cutest female mage like my uncle in terms of physical fitness.

However, how could the Faye Fagrans fight against the goblins?

Seeing the attack of the goblins, the world's number one cutest uncle shouted coquettishly: "Genius Alchemist Association, set fire!"

Opening the magic book, the fingers caressed with a gust of magical wind, and the heat of the flames quickly gathered in the palm of the palm: "Taste the big washbasin of my 14-point intelligence!"

"Red lotus, red lotus, red lotus!"

As the president of the Association of Genius Alchemists, the cutest man in the world still has two brushes. He quickly released a fireball and accurately hit the head of the first goblin. The goblin immediately He fell to the ground and howled.

Idol Big Corpse, although you are strong but I am also relatively weak, the two of them set fire, each with a fireball on the left and right, directly killing a goblin in seconds.

Explosive Shochu Megumin, and Xiudou Sorcerer even merged two fireballs in the air, forming a beautiful combo to strengthen the fireball.

In an instant, the four goblins fell to three.

The world's number one cutest uncle smiled coldly: "Beautiful brothers and sisters! The output is awesome! As long as our output is high enough, do we still need a meat shield?"

The remaining goblin shivered when he saw that his three companions were all GG.

And five people, including the world's cutest uncle who entered the fireball CD, took out their spare physical weapons and began to besiege the remaining goblin inhumanely.

In just one minute, the battle was over.

5 players, bloody 4 goblin robbers!

And just a month ago, 4 goblin bandits could even beat 20 players!
After killing the goblins, the world's most lovable uncle and others entered the abandoned goblin mine.

When the players evacuated the Tursin tribe before, everyone naturally discovered this mine—but this mine seems to be too old, and it has been dug so thoroughly that there is not even a slag left.

This abandoned and exhausted mine has been transformed into a second-hand warehouse by the goblins, and the materials in this warehouse have naturally been emptied by the players.

So, when my uncle, the cutest man in the world, and others entered this abandoned mine, they saw nothing.

After all, this place has been raided by the players, if there are any supplies left, it would be an insult to the players' search ability.

In the empty mine, you can see at a glance that there is nothing.

Although you are strong, I am also relatively weak. After looking around, I asked in a daze, "Boss, there seems to be nothing?"

At this time, the world's cutest uncle has already pulled out the pickaxe from the backpack, and the beautiful girl alchemist turned into a miner, and began to explore the stone wall of the mine seriously.

While knocking, the world's most cutest uncle commanded: "Everyone search the walls carefully, at this moment I think of "Attack on Titan", we should seriously check whether there is any mystery in the walls of the mine. "

"A woman's intuition is very accurate, and the intuition of a beautiful girl like me must be even more accurate!"

The five members of the Association of Genius Alchemists began to seriously knock on every wall, especially those fragile gaps in the mine.

Soon, there will be a harvest!

The idol corpse shouted loudly: "Everyone, come here! I found something strange!"

 Yesterday, the recommendation votes from the brothers and sisters were really powerful. One day was worth the past three days. Thank you very much!If I do this every day, I don't have to be pessimistic...


(End of this chapter)

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