I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 393

Chapter 393
As the savior of Mercury Bay, Flynn didn't put on airs at all. He quickly helped up a few people who knelt down and thanked them, and said modestly: "Everyone, don't be too polite, Tudou Village and Mercury Bay are both in the north. The human stronghold should stand by and help each other in the face of threats such as demons."

"All are brothers within the four seas, and everyone is one of our own!"

Flynn said some nice words and comforted these hard-hit Mercury Bay survivors.

In the process of continuing the conversation, Flynn also learned the basic situation of Mercury Bay.

The stronghold of Mercury Bay also has a history of hundreds of years.

Thanks to the easy-to-defend and difficult-to-attack terrain, and the fact that there are ports for trade and fishing, it has gradually developed and grown over the past few hundred years.

Especially in the past few years, it has developed very fast, and it has almost entered the golden age-and thus offended the demons.

Mercury Bay headquarters plus some affiliated manor strongholds, etc., the total population has exceeded 2.

Compared with Dunshan Town on the border of the kingdom before, it is not too much to give up.

With a population of [-] and a military strength of over a thousand, coupled with the bug-like terrain, Mercury Bay is more than capable of protecting itself even in the difficult and wild northern region.

Residents of Mercury Bay know that it is dangerous outside, so they seldom stay away from Mercury Bay. Most of them live peacefully in the Mercury Bay area.

Except for some merchants specially set up for external contact and purchase of goods.

Most of the residents of Mercury Bay have spent their entire lives farming in the mountains and outside the mountains of Mercury Bay, plus fishing. Although life is hard, they can still live.

As for why the residents of Mercury Bay would rather live in the dangerous wilderness than go to the human civilized world in the south?

The reason is also very simple.

In Mercury Bay, the residents are all freedmen—there are differences in property, but relatively equal status.

In Mercury Bay, ordinary people are farming, fishing, and collecting firewood.

Going to Dunshan Town or other places, ordinary people don't do this?
At least, in Mercury Bay, there is no need to pay taxes to the lord, and there is no need to suffer from the common oppression of the feudal society.

For most ordinary people, as long as they can make a living, it doesn't matter whether they belong to a certain lord in a certain country.

As for the all-important security issue?
At least before the arrival of this wave of demons, the security level of Mercury Bay is very high.

At least it is much safer than Tudou Village back then.

In the past, the people of Mercury Bay were like savages outside the Great Wall in Game of Thrones, living a small life of freedom in a land outside the culture-although not rich, but very fulfilling.

But things are different now.

Mercury Bay was severely damaged by the demons, and the production materials accumulated over the years were destroyed.

There are no defense facilities, no houses, and no food stores.

Mercury Bay, a small human city in this wild area, can no longer function.

The surrounding tigers, wolves, and monsters will not give Mercury Bay any time to breathe!

Perhaps this stronghold, which once had a population of 2, will become a geographical term.

Under such circumstances, it seemed quite normal for someone from Mercury Bay to wish to move to Tudou Village.

The people in Mercury Bay begged Flynn: "Master Flynn, we have heard about the reputation of Tudou Village, and we know that poor people can live well in Lord Flynn's land."

"Now that Mercury Bay is gone, I hope Lord Flynn can accept us and let us become your subjects, Lord Flynn."

Sixty-seven thousand people died in the war in Mercury Bay, and thousands more fled and scattered in the chaos of the war.

There are close to [-] people still in Mercury Bay.

For the 1 people, Flynn definitely wants it—although Flynn doesn't expect to receive any taxes from these poor people, they can provide a lot of food.

At the same time, a larger population also means that Flynn can recruit more troops.

For Tudou Village, which is in a state of expanding its territory, the more population, the better.

The church will also provide Flynn with assistance in many aspects - the beliefs of these aliens were very messy before, and now that they want to return to the country of human civilization, the religious beliefs must naturally be unified.

While converting them, the church will naturally allow these people to accept Flynn's rule with peace of mind.

Flynn wasn't worried about converting the people in Mercury Bay to this point.

In this era, almost everyone among the aborigines was superstitious, and even if they didn't believe in the holy religion, they often had some other beliefs.

As the most important religion on this continent, the Holy Cult itself has a great market in Mercury Bay.

It is not difficult for these residents of Mercury Bay to officially become citizens of Flynn and believers of the Diocese of Tudou Village.


Mercury Bay asked to join Tudou Village and become a subject of Flynn.

Without thinking, Flynn directly agreed to the request of the people in Mercury Bay.

Flynn announced that he would take in volunteer residents, move to Tudou Village, and become Flynn's subjects.

And, Flynn drew a lot of pie.

"My Tudou Village has recently expanded its territory. From Shield Mountain Town to the Wolf's Claw River, the land of my Tudou Village is already in my Tudou Village. After you residents of Mercury Bay go to Tudou Village, you can get the land."

"In terms of taxation, the tax in my Tudou Village is thirty one, and there will never be any additional taxes, and there will be no additional exorbitant taxes."

"If the lord needs you to do some projects, or needs you to provide some food and silk cloth, then I will definitely pay for it."

"As for safety, my lord solemnly promises that the safety of Tudou Village is definitely beyond your imagination."

"Tudou Village has no city walls, and Tudou Village is not as dangerous as Mercury Bay that can be defended, but Tudou Village has brave men, and the brave men are the moving Great Wall of Tudou Village!"

In Flynn's description, Tudou Village is a safe, rich paradise without the oppression of lords.

Hearing that the residents of Mercury Bay were all excited.

Starting from a small group of elders who had a meeting with Flynn, the news spread quickly, and soon the thousands of surviving people in Mercury Bay knew that Flynn was willing to accept them.

Moreover, it sounds like Master Flynn's Tudou Village is really good?
When Mercury Bay was basically destroyed, most of the residents prepared to move without hesitation.

They gathered outside the conference hall in large numbers, shouting thank you Lord Flynn, long live Lord Flynn and so on.

So far, the remaining population of Mercury Bay can be said to be in Flynn's pocket.

But there are also a small number of people who are hesitant.

A slightly older resident said to Flynn, "Master Flynn, thank you for your kind hospitality."

"But... well, my family has lived in this Mercury Bay for generations, so I really can't bear to give up like this."

Flynn laughed.

"Abandon Mercury Bay? Who said I'm going to give up Mercury Bay?"

(End of this chapter)

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