I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 378 You can make waves, but not wild waves

Chapter 378 You can make waves, but not wild waves

Even if it has a strange appearance and does not have the iconic bear skin of a black bear, the Golden Helmet Quadruped is also the core of a black bear, and its body strength and explosive power are absolutely powerful.

Moreover, the Golden Helmet Quadruped is a magical beast, and its physical strength has been greatly enhanced on the basis of the original animal. Even facing a master like Flynn, it is not easy to give it for nothing.

A black bear took out its palm and hit Flynn directly, extremely fast and powerful!
The power of a bear's paw cannot be underestimated!
But Flynn has too much combat experience. As an expert in beating, he immediately used his talent of battlefield intuition to estimate the power of this palm.

So, Flynn put on a good posture and forcibly took the palm of the Warcraft-level monster Golden Helmet Quadruped!
The sharp bear's paw cut on the metal breastplate of the Minglong with overwhelming power!
After two clang clangs, nothing happened!
The bear's paw, which can snap off a big tree, can't help Flynn's armor at all, and the impact of the golden-helmed quadruped was also deflected by Flynn's hard resistance.

Flynn couldn't help laughing; "Haha, with this armor, you are invincible in the world!"

After taking a black bear's heart out, Flynn confirmed that this set of armor of his own should be the first-class armor in the Iron Hill Kingdom.


Then Flynn used the reward skill he got after defeating Little Cole and completing the system task - Flying General Flurry.

As soon as the skill was activated, Flynn was shocked!
It's like that kind of full energy, the refreshment that fills the whole body!
Draw your sword!

Cold light flashes!
In the next instant, Flynn had already appeared behind the golden-helmed four-legged beast, and Flynn cleverly cut twice on the sturdy back armor of the monster.

The movement speed has been greatly increased!
Let Flynn move from the front of the golden helmeted quadruped to the rear in an instant.

Attack speed greatly increased!
Allow Flynn to swing the sword continuously without affecting his own speed during high-speed movement.

The attack power is also greatly increased!
The back armor of the golden-helmed quadruped beast is very strong and strong. Generally speaking, unless Flynn hits with all his strength, it is impossible to cause damage to the extremely strong back armor of the monster.

But this time, Flynn did it.

The high-speed two swords in high-speed movement did not exert any force at all, but they all left cracks on the solid carapace of the golden helmeted quadruped.

A normal attack is as powerful as a heavy attack!

While testing his equipment and skills, Flynn enjoyed the fun of fighting, retracting and unwinding the whole process freely, showing the demeanor of a master.

This kind of fighting art can be recorded into a wonderful video of a master.

Although the Golden Helmet Quadruped is not a powerful monster, it is not a soft persimmon that can hang out in the wild.

But it was such a strengthened version of the bear-blind monster that was powerless in front of Flynn, and was beaten by Flynn like a sandbag.


"too slow!"

"Three, two, one, die!"

After the Flying General's flurry of dance skills ended, Flynn killed with one blow, and then laughed heartily: "Haha, it increases attack speed, movement speed and damage, and also has a certain phase shift effect. It really deserves the name of a flying general." !"

Flynn, for the first time, was grateful for the system.

"This feeling is really not bad."

"System, you must still have a lot of good stuff hidden, right? Wait, sooner or later, I will tap all your potential."

Flynn, who was sweating a little during the warm-up battle, originally thought that he would simply make a few more waves while he was on the north bank of the Wolf's Claw River.

But after thinking about it, Flynn felt that it was still possible to make waves, but it was not necessary.

While waves are human nature, Flynn didn't want them to go wild.

The battle with the golden-helmed quadruped just now was already a small wave, and it could relieve Flynn's unwillingness to be lonely.

Putting away his weapon, Flynn looked at the most lovable man in the world who was fishing in the pool in the distance, and sighed with emotion: "Only by enduring loneliness can we maintain prosperity. Let's go, let's go home."

After Flynn returned to Magic Wolf Mountain, he ordered the large army to disband. He and a few guard NPCs rode the Griffon set up on Magic Wolf Mountain and returned to Little Swan Castle in Tudou Village.

On the top of Little Swan Castle, there is a large flat space that can be used as a helicopter landing pad, so it is easy to park the Griffin.

Landing from the top of Schwanstein Castle, Flynn entered the interior of the castle and asked the ghost maids to pack up their precious armor. Flynn decided to take a bath.

On the other side of the huge bath, hot water is supplied 24 hours a day.

Although Flynn said that apart from himself, other people in the castle, whether it is Ann or the ghost maid, including the two ladies Zhen or Lena, can also take a bath at any time.

But in fact, this bath is basically only used by Flynn.

Ann has her own servant's room and servant's bathroom.

The ghost maids are dead and basically have no metabolism, so the frequency of bathing is very low. Even if they take a bath, they use the collective bathroom of their ghost maids.

After several renovations in Lena's church, the facilities are already in good condition. She has her own church, so naturally she doesn't need to come to Flynn's side.

As for true?
This scruffy witch rarely takes a bath.

So this time in the bath, it was still only Flynn, and An'er, who was wearing a beautiful royal privately raised silk cloud silk bathrobe, was next to him.

After the daily bath, Flynn felt tired.

That's right, although Flynn seemed to just go to the north bank of the Wolf's Claw River to fight a monster, and left after finishing the fight.

But going back and forth this time is still very exhausting.

So Flynn asked Ann to wipe her hair clean, and took a nap in the luxurious bathroom on the spot.

There is no need to worry about catching a cold, because the whole bathroom is kept very warm.

The warm wind made Flynn drunk, and resting his head on Ann's knee along his legs was soft and comfortable.

Flynn closed his eyes and was half asleep.

A cotton swab was slowly inserted into Flynn's ear, making a whistling sound.

This kind of personal cleanliness is sometimes done by Flynn himself, and sometimes Ann comes to serve Flynn.

Accompanied by the whistling sound of cotton swabs, there was the sound of Ann humming softly in Flynn's ear.

"The red dragonfly in the sun..."

In fact, at the beginning, Flynn sneered at the music in this world, thinking it was monotonous, childish and boring.

But perhaps because of doing as the Romans do, Flynn, who has been in this world for a long time, gradually fell in love with some of the medieval-style music of this different world.

In Flynn's words, this is the original and authentic fantasy music.

And Ann sometimes hums folk songs, but it's authentic country music.

With his head resting on his soft legs, his nose inhaled the moist air with a faint milky scent, his ears were comfortably puffed out, and accompanied by soft intermittent music, Flynn soon fell asleep.


(End of this chapter)

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