I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 30 Expenses for Week 1

Chapter 30 First Week Expenses
Under the circumstances of all the benign developments, Flynn took a short break for a few days and did not update too many game content.

Read books, practice martial arts, inspect villages, and go fishing.

Occasionally, new and delicious ingredients are delivered, and I personally teach An'er's cooking skills.

Lord Flynn, everyday life is a leisurely one.

This life is still a long way from decay and decline, but it is indeed quite comfortable.

But in fact, Flynn is not enjoying it without thinking, but has been paying close attention to the situation of the village and the players.

Flynn wants to run the current system, check for loopholes, and find problems.

And when the server opened for a week, Flynn made a statistics.

The second internal test with 55 players, as of today is exactly seven days.

Counting the first internal test with only 5 players on the first day, during these 7+1 days, Flynn obtained a total of 298 grams of mithril powder through "point cards".

A total of 60 grams of mithril powder was spent, and 238 grams of mithril powder is currently available.

Besides Mithril Powder, Dinars are equally important.

So far, Flynn has collected a total of 1890 kilograms of food, 3 copper coins per kilogram of food, and spent a total of 5670 copper coins.

A total of 581 kilograms of iron ore and coal were collected, and a total of 2905 copper coins were spent.

In terms of mining stone, the hard-working workers quarried 129 tons of stone, for which Flynn paid 6450 copper coins.

In addition, two construction tasks have been released-the bakery and the blacksmith shop. The total reward for these two construction tasks is 3900 copper coins.

There were also some sporadic small expenses, totaling 750 copper coins.

A total of 19675 copper coins were spent on collecting food, iron ore, coal, stone, issuing missions, and some sporadic expenses.

In the past few days, the blacksmith shop sold 7 short swords, 11 long swords, and 4 round shields.

Each short sword costs 400 copper coins, and the total income is 2800 copper coins.

Each long sword costs 600 copper coins, and the total income is 6600 copper coins.

Each round shield costs 300 copper coins, and the total income is 1200 copper coins.

For the blacksmith shop, the total income is 10600 copper coins.

In addition to selling a lot on the first day, the bakery’s subsequent sales tended to be stable. Up to now, a total of 722 breads have been sold, with an income of 3610 copper coins.

Blacksmith shop + bakery income is 14210 copper coins.

Expenditure 19675 copper coins - income 14210 copper coins, the final net expenditure is: 5465 copper coins.

Among the miscellaneous expenses and income, Flynn still has dinars on hand: 43840 copper coins.

At a cursory glance, Tudou Village looks pretty good.

The first is Mithril powder. The income is nearly 300, and the expenditure is only 60 grams. I have saved 238 grams of Mithril powder in a week. The hamster is extremely capable.

As for dinars, with the construction of two new buildings, the net expenditure is only 5465 copper coins, and the remaining deposits can last for at least a few weeks. By then, we can expect a balance of payments and even a profit.

Over the course of a week, Flynn amassed 1890kg of food, 581kg of coal and iron ore, and 129 tons of stone.

Even if some are consumed, there are still more than 1300 kilograms of food, more than 350 kilograms of coal and iron, and more than 110 tons of stone.

In a week's time, Tudou Village has three more NPCs, blacksmith, baker, and construction engineer, and two more buildings, a bakery and a blacksmith.

In a week's time, players also purchased 21 weapons and 3 shields, and their outdoor adventure ability has been significantly improved.

Especially in the face of goblin bandits, the most common enemy in the field, unless the number of previous players is more than 5 times, facing goblin bandits can only be unilaterally abused.

But now, as players have added points, obtained weapons one after another, and rapidly improved their combat skills, goblin robbers are no longer invincible opponents.

It is not uncommon for a team of 5 in the wild to kill goblin robbers.

And the source of dinars is not only distributed by Flynn, there is also a chance to get dinars from wild adventures-for example, goblin robbers often bring some dinars with them.

Many people have a certain amount of savings on hand and have the ability to further consume.

As for Flynn's net expenditure of 5465 copper coins, it is not a very exaggerated figure.

After all, after consumption, Flynn still has 1300 kilograms of food, more than 350 kilograms of coal and iron, and more than 110 tons of stone. With these stocks, it is a matter of minutes to get back the cost!
It looks like everything is working fine.

Not only can it meet the existing demand, but also can further expand the scale of production and operation.


After many inquiries, careful scrutiny, bold ideas, and careful argumentation, Flynn discovered that under the sound operation of his village, there are still many hidden dangers.

For example, in the case of mithril powder, I earned 298 grams in a week, but only consumed 60 grams, and I saved more than half of it in a week.

This number seems to be a lot, but if Flynn really wants to use it, the system will spend every minute.

Because the village is only in its infancy at present, there are still many NPCs that can be hired and summoned. When there are more NPCs in the village in the future, the weekly fixed NPC cost will be a large sum.

The small wooden door system is also very imperfect, and many upgrade functions require Mithril, which are super large numbers.

Not to mention that there are no large-scale casualties among players taking risks now. If one day encounters a big boss and players need to adopt the tactics of heaping corpses, they may die hundreds or thousands of times on that day, consuming Mithril powder The speed is also very terrifying.

Therefore, with regard to the stock of Mithril powder, we can only remain cautiously optimistic at best.

More than 200 grams of mithril powder, it sounds like a lot, but in fact it is only about 200 gold coins, put it on the side of the local tyrants in the capital, more than 200 gold coins a week?
What a shit!

As for dinar, it seems that only 5465 copper coins were spent in a week, but this is largely because players are actively buying weapons, so the blacksmith shop sold more than 20 weapons in a week.

Wait until next week, next week, after players have generally bought or exploded their weapons in the wild, the blacksmith's business is likely to decline.

Moreover, at that time, players had weapons and their combat skills became more and more proficient. Their ability to obtain materials in the wild would definitely improve, and they might bring back hundreds of kilograms of food and ore at one time.

At the same time, there are fewer and fewer stones that can be easily collected in the periphery of the quarry, and the demand for tools for quarry players is getting higher and higher. Once they get the right tools, the work efficiency will rise to a higher level.

And these all mean that more copper coins need to be spent.

In short, it is obvious that if the status quo continues, the gap in my weekly expenses will definitely increase.

After some summarization, Flynn came to the conclusion that Tudou Village was running well in the first week, but further improvement is needed.

Especially in terms of dinar income, it is always a bit of a hidden danger that the income cannot be greater than the expenditure.

Tudou Village will not just develop in situ.

It is imminent to further expand the scale and increase the source of income.

(End of this chapter)

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