I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 170 Arima 1 Clan

Chapter 170 The Arima Clan

Pamukkale is not only far away from Tudou Village, but also quite far away from other strongholds.

In order to change the isolated situation of Pamukkale, Flynn intends to develop a fishing ground in Shuilonghu and officially establish a Shuilonghu stronghold.

The distance between Shuilong Lake and Pamukkale is not too far, so Shuilong Lake and Pamukkale will no longer be isolated strongholds, but can be linked to each other to take care of each other.

In this way, both strongholds will be more secure.

At the same time, the rich aquatic products of Shuilong Lake, if well developed, will also be a very good income.

Flynn is no stranger to the area of ​​Shuilong Lake, and there is no need to investigate further.

Flynn stole a laziness and quickly summoned an aquaculturist with a weekly salary of 30 grams.

Originally, Flynn could have summoned cheaper aquaculture apprentices.

But considering the rich and ancient products of Shuilong Lake, there are many ancient creatures similar to fat-headed salamanders, and ordinary apprentices may not know how to raise these rare ancient creatures.

So Flynn paid a higher price and hired more powerful and comprehensive aquaculture experts.

Of course, just one NPC is not enough to support the Shuilong Lake fishing ground.

Among the indigenous villagers in Tudou Village, there are no professional fishermen.

However, after several rescue operations, as well as refugees who took the initiative to seek refuge for a long time, Tudou Village now has a population of over 2000 villagers.

Among the 2000 people, there are many fishermen.

Especially the refugees from the western mainland on Skull Island, who were stranded on a deserted island, naturally had a unique set of fishing methods for aquatic products.

Flynn recruited 20 refugees from the original Skull Island and asked them to follow the aquaculture master to Shuilong Lake and officially become fishermen.

The aquaculturist led 20 fishermen, called Bilding's assistant construction engineer apprentice, and under the protection of the players and a few NPC soldiers, set off for Shuilong Lake.

If all goes well, the fishing ground in Shuilong Lake should be established soon.

And the creature called fat-headed newt, which can provide 2 points of iron bones after being made into fat-headed newt porridge, is the focus of breeding and fishing.

This kind of food that can provide 2 points of iron bone attribute will definitely be sold among the brave.

Flynn seems to have seen the money in the Shuilonghu fishing ground.

It will be put into trial operation for a period of time. If all goes well, Flynn plans to send more people to the water dragon lake area to eat by the water.

After all, the area of ​​Shuilong Lake is not small, and it is so fertile, 20 people must not be fully developed.

Changed farmers to become fishermen, which reduces the farming population of Potato Village.

But that's not to say Flynn didn't take farming seriously.

On the contrary, Flynn, who knows that agriculture is the foundation of a regime, attaches great importance to agriculture and does not hesitate to invest huge sums of money in agriculture.

Other feudal lords may look down on agriculture: because even if agriculture is underdeveloped, the nobles will not be hungry.

And the taxes that medieval peasants could provide were also very low, completely inferior to the manors of feudal lords.

Fighting wars is not enough, and paying taxes is not enough. Naturally, ordinary lords do not value farmers or agriculture.

Although Flynn has been reducing the proportion of the agricultural population, his investment in agriculture has never been ambiguous.

Historical experience tells Flynn that sufficient and excellent agricultural production equipment can greatly improve the efficiency of agricultural production.

So Flynn has been leasing all kinds of excellent farm tools to the villagers for free, many of which are made of excellent materials, which are not far behind the weapons that the brave people bought at a high price.

Villagers use these excellent agricultural tools for free, and can maintain and replace them for free.

When replacing, as long as it is determined that the damage is not intentional, you can continue to replace the new farm tools for free.

There are also farm cattle, an important resource in the feudal society, including livestock such as donkeys and mules, and Flynn has been leasing them to farmers for free.

And also let the horseman NPC Hassler regularly check the condition of the livestock and carry out daily maintenance.

The free livestock supply, of course, has some rules and restrictions, but it can definitely meet the normal needs of the villagers.

The price of large livestock is high, and the price of cattle is unaffordable for many poor and lower-middle peasants.

Now, as the official lord, Flynn provides free high-quality farm tools and various livestock to the farmers of Potato Village, which greatly reduces the burden on the farmers and mobilizes their enthusiasm for production.

It also laid a solid foundation for the food in Tudou Village.

It is precisely because of Flynn's agricultural policies that Tudou Village has attracted so many refugees these days.

The free farm tools and cattle also make the farming in Tudou Village very efficient. Not only is it completely self-sufficient, but it can also stockpile food for emergencies.

Several strongholds have been stabilized one after another, and agricultural production is also going smoothly, so Flynn's next plan is also very clear.

That is to improve the traffic efficiency of Tudou Village.

Lake Como is 20 kilometers south of Potato Village, and Pamukkale is more than 50 kilometers north of Potato Village.

The area within this spans nearly 80 kilometers from north to south.

It's not too far away, but it's not too close either.

Flynn spent a lot of money and bought a lot of pack horses and mules for the convenience of players and villagers.

Flynn also specially hired 5 coachman NPCs with a weekly salary of 15 grams, and opened up shuttle bus routes in major strongholds such as Tudou Village, Lake Como, Tursin Mine, Logging Factory, Water Dragon Lake, and Pamukkale.

Players or villagers can ask the driver to drive after paying the charter fee.

Of course, unarmed villagers are not allowed to go to various strongholds by car.

You must be accompanied by a brave man or a combat NPC before you can start.

Spending money to initially establish the transportation system of Tudou Village, this greatly facilitates players to go to these places to work or take risks.

No. 11 road, no matter how can it compare to driving!

Generally speaking, in the current situation where the wilderness roads have not been repaired, the traffic is still somewhat inconvenient with these mule carts and carriages alone.

But there is no better way for the time being, after all, this is ancient times, it is impossible to really open the highway!

In addition to Flynn, in fact, the players themselves are also trying to find ways to strengthen traffic.

After all, every adventure takes a lot of time on the road, which is still a bit painful.

Many players with a certain financial foundation began to buy their own private war horses.

Completed the gorgeous transition from infantry to cavalry.

There were only 30 players with horses in Tudou Village before.

And now, there are more than 100 Arima clans!
Those who are poorer can buy draft horses, and those who are rich can buy war horses in one step.

With the gradual expansion of players' adventure scope, there are horses, which are gradually becoming the standard equipment for powerful heroes.

Horse expensive.

War horses are more expensive!

The lower limit of a war horse is 15000 copper dinars!

But there are still many players who buy it.

(End of this chapter)

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