I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 158 Players Are Not Natural Disasters

Chapter 158 Players Are Not Natural Disasters
The Northwest Chopper King, covered in blood, continued to speed up his horse, trying to do his best to save the villagers.

The corpse was rushed to the church, and the Northwest Cut King believed that the saint must be able to use advanced healing magic.

Healing, not resurrection.

The lashing Saint Lena also shook her head, expressing that the dead cannot be resurrected, and there is nothing she can do.

When the saint Lena began to pray for the dead villagers, the Northwest King also bowed his head.

The slumped Northwest Chop King slumped on the ground.

"I... I, shit, I..."

"I'm so stupid!"

The Northwest Killing King didn't cry, but he was really uncomfortable, "Cunzao, Mr. Fu, did he really die like this?"

Flynn is actually a little sad, but after all, Flynn is not only a game designer, but also a Flynn Knight who has experienced many battles.

Therefore, Flynn is still very accepting of death.

Facing the doubts of the Northwest Killing King, Flynn nodded slightly with a sigh: "Well, the dead cannot be resurrected, and may he find eternal peace."

Seeing the sad expression on the face of Northwest Killing King, Flynn comforted him: "In this cruel world, death is a common occurrence. The existence of brave men can prevent many such deaths and bring safety to the villagers."

The Northwest Beheading King looked at the corpse, and then at Flynn, with a very stiff expression on his face. Pointing at the corpse, the Northwest Beheading King said: "This man, he seems to have a nephew, and the wine his nephew gave is quite delicious."

"Drinking is wrong, drinking is wrong, hey, I still have to quit drinking in the future."

The Northwest Beheading King left with a forced smile, but after walking tens of meters, the Northwest Beheading King suddenly yelled and cursed, and smashed his flagon on the ground fiercely.

Disappeared offline.

And the next day, the Northwest Cut King didn't come online either.

In fact, on the third day, Flynn did not see the Northwest Cut King online.

The Northwest Cut King failed to protect the villagers. He went offline and disappeared after smashing the jug angrily. This incident spread among the players.

Niu Dingtian: "What's the matter with this brother who cut the king in the Northwest? Did he really abandon the pit?"

Clover knot: "It seems to be true. We have a few groups. He said that he plays the game too seriously and may not be suitable for this kind of super-real game."

Brother Gazi: "If you play a game seriously, you will lose. Isn't it just the death of an NPC?"

The evil panda said thoughtfully: "Games are games, but games are also our second life... I seem to have his phone number. I will persuade him later."

I don't know if the Northwest Killer figured it out by himself, or who persuaded him, anyway, the Northwest Killer went online again that night.

However, when Northwest Cut King chatted with people while holding milk in the tavern, he said that he would never drink again.

Flynn noticed the change in the Northwest Cut King, and didn't know what to say.

After Flynn's investigation after the incident, in fact, the attack of the thieves that day did not seem to have much to do with the Northwest King's drinking, and he did not drink anything wrong.

But maybe it would be better to find a reason.

The death of the villagers from the thieves attack also gave Flynn some emotion: the north of Tudou Village is so vast and dangerous. If Tudou Village wants to continue to develop resource points further north, it must invest in defense.

That group of thieves, the old mercenary Mo Sen has already released relevant investigation tasks, and the Northwest Killer also embarked on the journey northward alone - this time the Northwest Killer has made a great determination to investigate that group Thieves clues.

No matter what, the development of Tudou Village must continue.

In the past few days, under the protection of more brave men, the villagers have basically picked the high-quality cotton from Pamukkale.

Flynn also specially spent 30 grams of weekly wages to summon the cotton plantation owner NPC. Judging from the professional eyes of the cotton plantation owner and businessmen like Ge Gesi, the cotton in Pamukkale is indeed a rare high-quality cotton. On the market for a pretty good price.

If you build a factory in Tudou Village, and process the high-quality cotton with the spirit of nature into cotton cloth, and even make it into garments, you can even double the profits.

It is said that picking up the spirit of nature is equivalent to picking up money, so Flynn can now be said to have picked up a lot of money.

With this cotton castle, it is no exaggeration for Flynn to earn tens of thousands of gold coins a year.

Of course, given that the location of Pamukkale is more than 50 kilometers away from Tudou Village in a straight line, which is a little farther than Shuilong Lake, safety is a big issue.

The incident of thieves attacking Pamukkale made Flynn even more vigilant.

Pamukkale, of course, needs to be developed.

But invest more!

Flynn summoned the planter NPC with a weekly salary of 30 grams, organized a team of 30 people, and then the players cooperated and organized hundreds of people, and followed the cotton planter NPC and Beardin to build the potato village Pamukkale.

Under Flynn's instruction, the cotton plantation in Tudou Village is not only a plantation, but also a fortified military manor.

Using the large amount of stone left over from the wreckage of the ghost castle, the players, under the command of Bilding, built a very strong military manor protected by double-layer stone and wooden walls.

For this manor, Flynn deliberately spent a huge amount of money, and with a weekly salary of 20 grams of mithril, he summoned a full 10 NPC soldiers to protect the manor.

In other words, just in terms of NPC consumption of Mithril, Pamukkale consumes 240 grams of Mithril powder every week.

Over the course of a year, more than 1 gold coins of mithril powder were spent—of course, many of Flynn’s mithril were prostitutes.

Even though the security cost is high, after a rough estimate, after the cotton plantation is put into operation, the minimum limit for a year is [-] to [-] gold coins, and some of them can still earn money.

With the follow-up processing industry, you can earn more.

Moreover, Flynn also hopes that after the expansion of the potato village's sphere of influence, the security cost of the cotton farm can be shared and reduced.

Since Flynn organized more than 100 players this time, the construction of Pamukkale progressed very quickly.

Flynn also noticed that this time the players were no longer working purely for money, but were really participating with their hearts.

"Let's go to the Tursin Mine and bring some granite to make this place stronger."

"Stir a little more to get the adhesive to work its best."

"Come on a few brothers, let's go farther and cut down better trees to come back. We must find high-quality wood for this wooden wall."

"Everyone work hard, after this place is repaired, let's not disband."

"Organize a group to sweep around twice, clean up all potential threats, and then go back to hand in the task."

Through the player radar, Flynn was also very moved when he observed that the players worked hard to build Pamukkale, and spontaneously worked more to ensure the safety of Pamukkale.

Who said that players are the cruel, cunning and shameless fourth natural disaster?

Most of the time, players are also friends of justice!

If there is one good person in this world, it must be a righteous brave man!
(End of this chapter)

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