I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 154 Spoils of the Ghost Castle

Chapter 154 Spoils of the Ghost Castle
Players are looking forward to the spoils of the ghost castle, after all, the earl's family must have money!

But most of the property in the castle was destroyed in the collapse and corruption just now.

Only the castle's underground warehouses survived.

As a result, only two to three hundred gold dinars were found in the underground warehouse, and there were some scattered miscellaneous goods of unknown significance.

The players are naturally dissatisfied with this harvest. After playing for a long time, the group was wiped out several times, hundreds of people were sacrificed, and finally such a little loot?
Such a big castle, only to get such a small amount of loot, completely does not meet the inner expectations of the players!
Young Master Long was furious on the spot. He picked up a crying ghost maid lying on the ground, and asked viciously, "Say it! Where did you hide all the money in the castle?"

"If you don't say anything, don't blame me for being rude!"

The ghost maid, who had no fighting power, now lost her master, making her look even weaker, pitiful and helpless.

Faced with the threat of pulling Long Shao violently, the ghost maid shivered and revealed the financial situation of the castle.

It turns out that the castle of the Countess of Guma may indeed have been very rich in the past.

But that, after all, was also a matter of the Dinar Empire in ancient times.

More than 1000 years have passed since the collapse of the Dinar Empire, and more than 1000 years have passed since the Countess of Guma became a de facto lonely soul in the wilderness.

It has been more than 1000 years, even the mountains of gold and silver have been eaten up!
It's not that ghost skeletons don't need to be consumed—in order to maintain a decent and enjoyable life, they still need a lot of external materials.

The former territory and property have all been reduced to nothing, and now the Countess of Guma only owns this ghost castle, and her only source of income is the cotton produced in the manor.

The cotton grown in the manor is big and good, and the yield is also high.

However, the group of ghosts and ghosts in the ghost castle is naturally impossible to trade in the human world.

The Countess of Guma will order these ghost maids to take the produced cotton to sell to the demons and ghosts in the north, and then use the exchanged materials to maintain the life in the castle.

It's just that the ghost maids have no combat effectiveness, and they will become very weak if they go to the north away from their master.

Ghost maids who are like lonely ghosts are often robbed and killed in the north of the land of tigers and wolves. If you send more than a dozen maids at a time, you will be lucky if two or three come back.

In short, the Ghost Castle of the Countess of Guma has long been in decline, so there are really not many dinars in stock.

After listening to the stories of the ghost maids, Young Master Long seemed very disappointed.

And Burst Shochu Huihui also came over and said: "These monsters are actually human girls who have been captured, and they are actually pitiful. Let's let them go."

Young Master Long shrugged and said, "I didn't intend to kill them at all, I was just trying to scare them."

So the players let these ghost maids go by themselves: "You are captured ghosts, now you are free, you go back to your respective homes and find your mothers."

Burst Shochu Huihui noticed the weakness of the ghost maids, so she asked with concern, "Where are you going?"

The ghost maid who was being questioned had shrunk into a ball on the ground at this time, and the ghostly face that was already pale became even paler at this time, and she replied with difficulty: "I...we are already dead, and our... ...Maintenance, all for the master's service..."

"There is an eternal curse on us, we...we must continue to serve our master."

"Or, we slowly disappear."

Didn't expect this to come out!Explosive Shochu Huihui and other players felt even more sympathetic to these ghost maids.

It would be miserable enough to be captured by the Countess Guma when she was alive and become a half-dead ghost maid.

Now that he finally defeated the boss, he was still cursed to serve his master.

It seems that the ghost maids are gradually disappearing.

The players don't know what to do to save them, in fact, the ghost maids themselves don't know how to stay alive.

Although the ghost maids are dead in a sense, they are still living things after all. Even in a half-dead state, the ghost maids still want to continue to live.

So the players quickly searched for the loot, and drove back with the ghost maids in a horse-drawn cart and a donkey cart.

There are more than 30 surviving maids who have been rescued, and these 30 ghost maids are very light, which is not an extra burden for several carriages.

On the way back, the players auctioned off the loot while riding in the car.

After the auction of gold and silver jewelry tableware, unidentified handicrafts, etc., plus the dinars looted from the castle, each player got more than 400 copper coins on average, plus the old mercenary after completing the mission. You can also get rewards.

Basically, the total income of all players will not be less than 650 copper coins.

It took a whole day of hard work and got 650 copper coins, which is not bad for new players.

But for a player like me, the world's cutest player, who has been playing for two days, the income of 650 copper coins for two days is a very ordinary income.

And for this adventure, the player team invested a total of 3 medium-sized mithril resurrection statues, and 8 small ones.

The medium-sized Mithril resurrection statue Flynn is exchanged for 10 grams of Mithril powder, and the price is 2000 copper coins.

Small ones also sell for 200 copper coins.

This adds up to 7600 copper coins.

Plus the cost of renting a carriage, as well as some consumables, maintenance costs for weapons and armor, etc.

It can be said that this time the ghost castle battle, the harvest is indeed relatively average.

But this is also very normal.

Taking risks, there is no such thing as a guaranteed profit without a loss.

If you want to make a steady profit without losing money, and guarantee your income in droughts and floods, you still have to go to construction sites, mines, rocky mountains, logging factories and other places to work.

After doing some calculations in my mind, the cutest man in the world couldn't help being a little pessimistic: "Hey, I didn't expect this castle to be a poor B castle. In order to buy a house, I have to work harder to earn money."

"Tudou Village is currently carrying out road hardening projects. It seems that I can only be a beautiful girl on the construction site."

Burst Shochu Huihui smiled and said: "I'm also going to move bricks. Boss, your mithril powder fireball technique is really powerful. I'm going to save some money and also get a few grams of mithril powder to take with me."

Although you are strong, I am also weak: "Moving bricks +1, I played all day today, my magic book is okay, but my sword is a bit worn out, I don't need to repair it, I just plan to upgrade to a high-end one."

Xiudou Sorcerer: "When I was fighting monsters just now, my magic books were overloaded. I heard that Ge Gesi has newly purchased a batch of high-quality magic books, using high-quality parchment, and Yuzhen personally painted them The auxiliary inscriptions are inscribed, which can increase the power of magic and enhance the training, but the price is tens of thousands of copper coins, I will go and see how the quality is."

Idol Big Corpse: "Is it true? That's great! I also want to change to an advanced magic book, so I won't take risks tomorrow. I'd better go to the construction site and work like crazy."

"It's really not possible, I'll charge some more dinars, no matter how poor you are, you can't have poor weapons!"

The players returned to Potato Village while sharing the loot, and reported to the old mercenary Mosen that the mission had been completed.

 Thanks to International Cartel and Crimson Flame for their rewards, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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