I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 149 The Problems Facing Tudou Village

Chapter 149 The Problems Facing Tudou Village
In fact, among the monster strongholds recently discovered by the heroes of Tudou Village, the ghost castle is one that Flynn is more interested in.

However, Flynn felt that now the number of players and combat effectiveness are gradually increasing, most of the missions and dungeons, the players should be able to complete independently.

As a lord himself, he only needs to coordinate the overall situation and formulate a general direction.

I don't need to take care of the specific task of killing monsters and downloading the dungeon, and I don't bother to take care of it.

As a feudal lord, why are you so tired?

Wouldn't it be better to enjoy life after decay and decline?

Moreover, Flynn didn't actually enjoy it very much. Flynn was still very hardworking.

Recently, Flynn's key tasks are planning to transform the economic system of Tudou Village, and continuing to transform the living environment of Tudou Village.

Flynn called some NPCs and had a meeting.

Flynn first said to Onomamos, the sheriff in charge of the security of Tudou Village: "Now the scale of Tudou Village has further expanded, and the mobility of people has also increased. In addition to the businessmen from Shield Mountain Town, there have been many people in recent days. One after another, dozens of refugees came to seek refuge in Tudou Village."

"And it is foreseeable that I will summon more brave men to Tudou Village in the near future."

"It can be said that the security situation in Tudou Village has faced a new test."

"There are not many NPC soldiers in Tudou Village, most of them are still my personal guards and cannot be used by you."

"So, I ask you to form a new Tudou Village security patrol team, and you find the native villagers of Tudou Village yourself, looking for the kind of young man with good conduct and hard work."

"They are not the army for the time being, but they may be in the future, so you have to train more strictly."

"The security patrol team of the villagers will make up for the manpower problem of the Tudou Village security team. I request that the distance of more than 20 kilometers from Lake Como in the south to the stone mountain in the north of the village be included in the patrol route of the Tudou Village security team."

"There are not enough manpower now, but the patrol area may be further expanded in the future."

Sheriff Ono stood up, and his two-meter giant figure put a lot of pressure on everyone present.

Ono said: "Following the instructions of the adults, I will establish a village patrol team of 25 people. In the future, when the population of Tudou Village further expands, the size of the security team will also expand accordingly."

"Whoever dares to destroy the stability of Tudou Village, I will crush his dog's head!"

Looking at the muscles on Ono's two-meter-tall body, Flynn had no doubt that Ono could crush the enemy's dog's head like the Magic Mountain.

Of course, so could Flynn himself.

Then Flynn said to Bilding: "I planned to arrange a city wall for Tudou Village a long time ago, but now that Tudou Village is expanding rapidly, I changed my mind and decided not to build a city wall for the time being."

"City walls can wait, but roads cannot."

"I request that the roads in Tudou Village and its suburbs be fully hardened."

"The 20-kilometer main commercial road from Tudou Village to Lake Como must also be fully hardened."

"There must be street lights on both sides of the road. It is best to use the magic energy street lights that are common in Wangdu, which is convenient for pedestrians and convenient for us to maintain."

Bilding said with a bit of difficulty: "Building roads is very simple, but after the completion of Neuschwanstein Castle, the brave people's enthusiasm for construction work seems to have dropped a lot."

"It seems that the brave are no longer as keen on moving bricks to earn dinars as before, but prefer to form a group to take risks outside to get rich."

"If you want to recruit a large number of brave men, you must increase the rewards. Otherwise, it may be difficult for me to recruit enough brave men to quickly complete the road construction work within a few days."

"Of course, there are also professional brick-moving braves who are particularly keen on dinars. It is no problem to recruit them without increasing the salary, but the number is not enough."

Flynn actually noticed the problem Bilding mentioned.

It is true that in the ultra-real game of "Super Warriors 2" with unlimited physical strength, moving bricks can also experience unique fun.

But the main content of the game can't be to move bricks to work!

Players who entered the game at the beginning called it fun to move bricks and work. After a few months, players still enjoy moving bricks and work, how is that possible?
More importantly, the price of dinars has also dropped, and one copper coin can no longer be exchanged for two real RMB.

This reduces the enthusiasm of the players to work and makes the players more enthusiastic about taking risks and fighting.

However, this problem is not insoluble.

Says Flynn: "It's okay to raise the salary, and it will be inflationary."

"The wages for a day's work here are 200 to 400 copper coins. It's not too little to exchange them for the real currency of the brave."

"Although it may be boring, as long as you have money to earn, it must still attract a lot of brave men."

"In addition, I should expand a group of brave men in the near future, and the new brave men should have a higher enthusiasm for work."

"Also, you have to properly accommodate some indigenous workers. It is best to form a full-time long-term construction team. Professional construction workers can improve the quality of construction."

Bilding accepted Flynn's arrangements and suggestions, and also looked forward to the arrival of new brave men.

Bilding also said: "The human resources in Tudou Village are not very sufficient. The full-time construction team I established may not be too large in a short period of time."

"Master Flynn, please find more people to come if possible, otherwise it will have a great impact on the construction of Tudou Village."

Bearding indicated a shortage, and Flynn made a note of it.

Then businessman Ge Gesi also reported his difficulties to Flynn: "Master Flynn, since the prices of commodities in Tudou Village started to be adjusted, more and more ordinary villagers have become consumers."

"Based on the consumption needs of those villagers, I must be able to easily meet them."

"But the problem is, although I support multi-threaded simultaneous business processing, due to physical limitations, I can often only receive one customer at a time."

"With the expansion of Tudou Village's business, brave men, merchants in Dunshan Town, and indigenous villagers all need to do business through me. I feel that it's time for Tudou Village to need No. 2 grocery merchants."

"Otherwise, the quality of the commercial services I provide will decline."

What Grace meant was clear: The Cowboys were busy.

Ge Gesi is in charge of 2000 people inside and outside Tudou Village, and the caravans outside the village appear more and more frequently, which makes Ge Ge Si overwhelmed.

In fact, Flynn, who is good at observing and discovering, has already noticed this point.

But even for a trainee businessman like Gerges, the weekly maintenance fee needs as much as 40 grams of mithril powder. If Flynn wants to upgrade and hire a more advanced businessman, the consumption will be even more expensive.

Two or even three grocery merchants?

It's a bit expensive!

(End of this chapter)

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