I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 140

Chapter 140

Krypton Emperor's house adopts a warm and lovely green-headed mushroom style. Although it has not been fully repaired, it can already be seen that this house is following a cute route.

The landlord’s house in Shaoyang has been repaired. His house is very ordinary in appearance, square and not beautiful, but such a simple house has achieved the ultimate in space utilization and cost, and is very economical.

Niu Dingtian's house is still under construction. Although the house has not been repaired yet, Niu Dingtian has already hung a signboard on the door beam of his house: Dingtian Alliance has strong income!
I can't be the captain, so I have to be an idol, and his house has an obvious idol stage style, with various purchased colored crystals and colorful stones, which adorn the house colorfully.

And the house of my wife in GAKKI is designed like a modern residential courtyard.

Rooms with different styles and shapes gradually appear in Tudou Village, which not only embellishes the scenery of Tudou Village, but also proves the development of Tudou Village.

More importantly, the players have worked hard to build their own houses in Tudou Village, and they have spent tens of thousands of dollars for this, which further proves the players' devotion to the game "Super Warrior 2".

For many people, games are part of life.

Play the game, if you don't take it seriously, you lose.

It is worth paying more attention and devotion to a part of life.


While Flynn was shopping and patrolling, he saw a group of glamorous knights coming from a distance.

After they approached, Flynn saw that this small group of knights in fresh clothes and angry horses turned out to be the Knights of the Wind Speed ​​Lord from the capital.

The purpose of the Fengsuqing Knights is to investigate the aristocratic civil war that took place in Tudou Village.

Although Shield Mountain Town is not directly under the king's territory, they are all nobles of the kingdom after all. If there is a war between them, they must be investigated, at least for formalities.

And after the official introduction to each other, and after bringing the members of the Fengsuqing Knights into the village, Flynn enthusiastically gave a bear hug to the leader of the Fengsuqing Knights.

"Yes! You're a good kid! I heard that the leader of the Fengsuqing Knights has been replaced by a young and promising knight. I didn't expect it to be you!"

"Gallery Knight Fast, powerful, powerful!"

"Fast was not born to me, the knight is like the eternal night!"

The leader of the Fengsuqing Knights, known as the Gale Knight, Fast smiled at Flynn embarrassedly, completely lacking the demeanor of the usual glamorous rookie knight.

Fast begged for mercy: "Hey, boss, don't make fun of me, my speed is very fast, but how can my speed compare with yours?"

"The reason why I try my best to practice speed is also influenced by the boss!"

Flynn thought about it, and his running speed of 20 was indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Even the Gale Knight Fast, who is famous for his speed, could only eat his own exhaust when he was playing in the capital.

Hey, the past is unbearable.

Flynn couldn't help thinking of the day when he and Fast were running in the sunset, that was Flynn's lost youth...

Fast took a look at the prosperous Tudou Village, especially when he repeatedly admired Little Swan Castle with surprised eyes, he couldn't help saying with admiration: "I heard that you were demoted to the frontier, Boss, I was quite worried, Boss. How can you bear it, Boss?"

"As a result, when I came to have a look today, I realized that the boss is indeed the boss. Where there is a boss, there will never be poverty."

"The poor village on the border is so prosperous under the rule of the boss, and there is such an exquisite castle, it is really enviable."

"On the surface I say I'm envious, but in fact I'm really envious. The salary of the Fengsuqing Knights is really low!"

"Boss Flynn, he deserves to be the most handsome knight in the royal capital back then, even in a small border village, he still shines brightly."

Flynn was dizzy and numb after being photographed, and he quickly waved his hands and said, "Stop poisoning me. Back in the capital, you guys used to brag about me every day, and you poisoned me and sent me to the border."

"I'm just a weak, pitiful and helpless little border knight, and you, Faster, are the leader of the Fengsuqing Knights who are in the limelight. I'm sore."

When Flynn said this, Fast waved his hands in shock: "Boss, don't blackmail me, I will always be your loyal follower."

"Boss, we are all convinced by your strength."

A wave of business exchanges made old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time quickly draw closer.


The Fengsuqing Knights, as the latest rookie knights, were sent to investigate the battle between Tudou Village and Shield Mountain Town.

Coincidentally, the newly appointed head of the Knights is none other than one of Flynn's young playmates when he was in the capital.

Back then, Flynn led a group of young knights to dominate the king's capital by virtue of his excellent strength, doing all kinds of evil.

And the fanboy back then became the head of the Knights in charge of the investigation, so the investigation became a form within a form.

Although Flynn is not particularly afraid of the king because he is far away from the emperor, but if the investigation results are in his favor, it must be better!

It took 10 minutes to conduct a formal investigation. Fast wrote a lot of good words for Tudou Village in the investigation notes, and then stamped it and baked it with wax.

So, the investigation is over.

Flynn also couldn't help laughing: The king didn't investigate his relationship with Fast, and sent a little brother of his back then to investigate him. Isn't this superfluous?

After the investigation where the water was exhausted, Flynn invited the knight brothers of the investigation team to drink at the newly opened tavern in Tudou Village.

While following Flynn into the bar, Fast greeted him: "This noble knight Flynn Tesniland is the most powerful young knight in our Tieqiu Kingdom. Although he is temporarily experiencing life at the grassroots level, but Sooner or later, he will return to the capital to hold an important position."

"Our 13-year-old princess is still clamoring to marry Lord Flynn when she grows up!"

"Be smart about today's matter, understand?"

The members of Fast's Knights nodded one after another: "Leader, we understand."

The Potato Village Tavern is also a newly built building in the past few days.

Because after defeating Baron Shefter, Tudou Village was settled, driven by Flynn, the players also pursued more material enjoyment.

The unhealthy trend of extravagant enjoyment gradually appeared in Tudou Village.

Tudou Village is a medieval fantasy-style settlement, without a tavern, it lacks a little flavor after all.

So Flynn deliberately spent 40 grams of mithril powder's weekly salary to hire an NPC to host the tavern, serving as the tavern owner and bartender.

In addition, the tavern owner also hired talents from the deserted island refugees as chefs and singers, and invited several young male and female villagers to wear uniform uniforms as waiters.

Food and drinks in taverns can provide attributes, but the attributes that taverns can provide can also be provided in bakeries, barbecue shops, and restaurants, and the price is even cheaper.

But despite this, the Potato Village Tavern is doing very well.

As we all know, the most important part of online games is standing on the street.

And many players like to entertain and chat in Zhanjie in taverns. Listening to music and drinking milk in Zhanjie in the tavern, isn’t it more crowded than squatting in Zhanjie at the head of the village?

(End of this chapter)

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