I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 129

Chapter 129
Holding Lena's hand and shaking it vigorously, Flynn said: "I didn't have much dealings with the church in the royal capital. I didn't expect the lashing saint of my holy church to be so powerful. With the protection of the saint, I The Holy Cult will definitely prosper, punch heretics and grill heretics!"

"My lord, I still have something to do, so let's go first."

Flynn turned to leave, but Lena stopped Flynn and said, "But Master Flynn, didn't you come to confess to me?"

"Please sit down first. If you have any bad things, things that are against your conscience, things that are against your conscience, things that are struck by lightning, and heinous things, you can tell me. Don't hide it, is that okay?"

Flynn thought to himself that he had nothing to worry about besides the fact that he had offended the players on Earth.

The so-called confession was just an excuse. Now that Flynn had finished using Lena and heard the story, he naturally drew his sword and ruthlessly prepared to escape.

So Flynn shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Holy Maiden, at first I said I would ask you to confess, but now that I think about it carefully, there is no such thing as worth confessing to. I am a good person, really."

In the end, Lena still squinted and smiled, and asked softly and contagiously: "Is it true? Lord Flynn, do you really have no crimes to confess to? Since you nodded, let me propose a Your sin, okay?"

"It's not a small thing, you know, but you've committed a very serious crime."

Flynn suddenly shuddered!
A dangerous breath filled the air.

Flynn couldn't help but look at Lena in front of him again: This saint is a bit dangerous.

This woman doesn't seem to be easy to fool.

At this time, a man wearing a black cloak rushed over in broad daylight and said to Flynn directly: "Report! Master Flynn! I am from Shield Mountain Town, and I have an urgent matter to report to you! Please follow me immediately!" Go to a hidden place, I will report urgent information to you!"

Thanks to the arrival of this day and night ranger, Flynn was able to leave Lena temporarily.

In his private office, Flynn had a few words with Day and Night Ranger.

As expected, this person was a secret messenger from the chamber of commerce, and he brought a key piece of information to Flynn.

Since yesterday, Shefter has completely closed the gate of Shield Mountain Town, and even the smuggling team of the chamber of commerce can only suspend business.

After closing Shield Mountain Town, Sheft directly called all the knights in Shield Mountain Town and asked them to bring troops to prepare for battle.

And there is only one goal of the battle: "Break through Tudou Village! Loot Tudou Village's wealth!"

Shefter really wanted to get serious.

Flynn received the information, thanked the other party for taking the risk of sending the letter over the wall, and rewarded him for his hard work, and sent him away.

Then Flynn started the analysis.

If the intelligence was true, then Shefter was a brave man.

It's fine to use your own soldiers and horses to attack, and even summoned the knights under him to lead troops to support them. This is completely unafraid to make things big.

Although there were undercurrents in the Iron Hill Kingdom, he did not rebel, nor did Shefter—both himself and Shefter were nobles under the king in name.

And Shefter's blatant mobilization of troops to attack him will definitely bear political pressure. If it is not handled well, this kind of political pressure is entirely possible to completely defeat Shefter!

But Flynn thought about it. It is said that Shefter has a very good relationship with the lord behind him, and he can directly receive military assistance from the superior lord, which shows this point.

And as an exile, I have a very rigid relationship with the king, and I don't even need to expect the king to take care of it.

Perhaps Shefford also has someone behind him, and knowing that Tudou Village has no backers, that's why he dared to attack Tudou Village without fear.

With Sheft's strength, he may have nearly a thousand troops this time.

But Flynn wasn't scared.

After all, Shefter's regular force is only 300, plus the knights and their retinues, the total is about 400 people. These 400 people are Shefter's real fighting force.

With 400 players under him, the hard power is enough to fight against an army of 400 Sheft.

And those militiamen recruited temporarily to make up the number are not considered by Flynn at all. With his own strength, it is not a problem to simply recruit hundreds of militiamen.

Of course, one has to be wary of some masters among the knights under Shefford.

Although it is unlikely that there will be a knight as powerful as himself in this corner of the border, it must be predicted in advance.

And mages!Shefter might take the magician with him.

Fortunately, the Witch of the New Moon has really proved her strength. This shameless, sloppy witch who only wears a brown cloak all day long is a bit of a middle school two, but her strength is really nothing to say. Usually it is trustable.

For a nobleman of Sheft's level, the magicians he can bring will not be too strong, which should be enough to deal with it.

This is just a conventional power comparison, not to mention the ultimate killer move of infinitely resurrecting players.

After analyzing it for a while, Flynn felt that he really didn't know how to lose.

What kind of cavalry and infantry, just come, I will see who can beat me in Tudou Village?

Flynn sent word that Shefter was about to strike again and issued a war mission.

Naturally, all players have accepted such a large-scale war mission. Even if they don't plan to fight, there is no harm in completing the mission first.

Moreover, don't question the players' enthusiasm for fighting.

Indeed, in Tudou Village, there are fishing players who study hard and practice hard, and there are also players who are afraid of large-scale wars and are obsessed with working to earn money.

But 90.00% of the players are very motivated to fight at this time.

"Take down Shield Mountain Town, one female slave per person!"

"Capture Sheft alive, liberate the whole iron hill!"

"Assemble! Prepare to go!"

"Fugou, take care of your family, and watch this uncle perform a warm wine and cut the baron for you!"

"Your number is gone!"

The players shouted arrogantly one by one!

If it wasn't for Flynn's blocking, the players would have rushed to the outside of Shield Mountain and started the siege campaign.

It's not that he can't win if he takes the initiative to attack, but what Flynn needs now is a defensive battle, so that Shefter can take the initiative to attack him, so that he can easily occupy the moral high ground when he is wrangling after the battle.

It was he, Shefter, who invaded Potato Village, not me, Flynn, who invaded Shield Mountain.

And on the night of the third day, the businessman's secret messenger came again and reported to Flynn: "Shefter has led an army of 800 and has set off in the daytime."

"It is estimated that we will arrive at Tudou Village before noon tomorrow!"

On the morning of the second day, several scout players arranged by Blue Snake also reported to Flynn that they saw Shefter's army.

So, get ready to fight!
 Thank you for the reward and support that I am my different self.

(End of this chapter)

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