I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 126 How to Lose the Flying Dragon Riding the Face?

Chapter 126 How to Lose the Flying Dragon Riding the Face?
"Moreover, Shefford also issued a notice prohibiting everyone, including us businessmen, from contacting Tudou Village, or they will all go to jail."

"Lord Flynn, Sheft has hundreds of soldiers, you must be careful!"

Hearing the news sent by the businessman's courier overnight, Flynn showed a confident smile, and then comforted him: "Shefter has banned the connection between Shield Mountain Town and Tudou Village, but you still took the risk to send me information overnight, thank you very much .”

"My thanks, that means something."

"As for the safety of Tudou Village." Flynn laughed, "I have 400 soldiers and a castle. Don't you feel relieved?"

"Recently, the business between Tudou Village and Shield Mountain Town may be affected a little, but I can promise that I will protect the merchants in my territory."

After sending away the merchant's messenger, Flynn also passed on the news.

The players knew that Shefford was about to lead an attack, and they didn't take the risk of mining anymore, and they all enthusiastically encouraged the war.

"Defend Tudou Village to the death!"

"For the glory of Tudou Village! For Lord Flynn!"

"I'll use Shepherd's skull as a bowl!"

"Haha, is there finally a new big story? First punch Dunshan Town, then kick the king's army, and support Mr. Fu to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor. From then on, the era of the brave in the Iron Hill Kingdom began!"

"President Fu, give the order, old man, issue a mission, let's kill people!"

Knowing that Shefford was about to lead an army of [-] to attack, the players with high morale all requested to fight, wanting to fight the Dunshan Town army in the wild.

It is necessary to "keep the enemy out of the country".

But Flynn did not agree to the players' request, because Flynn did not want to take the initiative to attack Sheft's army.

What Flynn needs is a counterattack, a counterattack in self-defense that completely defeats the opponent.

Soon, Baron Shepherd led his 200 men near the southern entrance of Tudou Village.

Then Shefter froze.

Shefter had heard that Flynn had built a castle before, but Shefter believed that the only castle a country knight could build was a three-to-five-meter-high stone yard.

But the 10-meter-high city wall in front of him gave Sheft a heavy blow.

Why are your eyes sour?
"The knight Flynn of this royal capital is so rich? This castle is higher than the city wall of my Shield Mountain Town!"

Shefter, who was fully armed, saw more than 100 people with weapons glaring at him under the castle, and he couldn't help but secretly startled.

Shepherd couldn't help but regret that he led too few troops: this time he only brought 200 troops, originally thinking that 200 troops would definitely be enough to flatten a small village.

It turned out that Tudou Village turned out to be a castle with a 10-meter-high wall, and there were more than 100 people under the castle.

His 200 soldiers from Dunshan Town took the initiative to attack a castle guarded by more than 100 people. This must be a waste of time!

While regretting that he led too few troops, Shefter was also deeply shocked by Flynn's strength-a mere knight has a big castle and more than 100 soldiers.

Such a powerful knight will never be allowed to appear in Shield Mountain Town!
My Shield Mountain Town does not allow such a clumsy knight to exist!

At this moment, Flynn also came out with a smile, and shouted loudly to Shepherd: "Lord Baron Shepherd came from a long way, Tudou Village is not very honored, please come here, Baron Shepherd, I am here for everyone from Shield Mountain Town Brothers prepared good food and wine."

"Heroes of Tudou Village, let us warmly welcome the brothers from Shield Mountain Town."

Following Flynn's words, the players under Castle No. 100 shouted one after another.

"Welcome welcome! Warm welcome!"

"Welcome welcome! Warm welcome!"

Although it was a welcome speech, the voice was very powerful and contained a strong killing intent.

With the strength of Tudou Village far beyond his imagination, how dare Shefford make waves?

Shepherd didn't dare to order the siege of the city, let alone enter Tudou Village as a guest. He glared at Flynn fiercely with jealous eyes, and Shepherd said hello casually, and went back home. !
Seeing Shepherd leave, although Flynn regretted losing a chance to beat Shepherd hard, but at the same time he was still happy—after all, fighting is such a thing, one more battle is worse than one less battle.

But the players are not happy!

"Why is this Shepherd so cowardly? It's so boring!"

"When I was playing online games and fighting national wars, I hated this cowardly B-station commander the most. That Shefter would attack the city if he had the ability. Did he come and go for an armed parade?"

"It's a pity, a pity, a pity, I originally wanted to do a big job today!"

"Brothers, don't worry, Fugou only let more than 100 players show up today. This is to show weakness to the enemy. According to my little Zhuge's experience, then Shefford should be caught in the trap, thinking that our Tudou Village only has 100 to 200 brave men at most. .”

"Well, what is false is true, what is true is false. It seems that Lord Flynn still knows a little bit about the art of war."


The players in Tudou Village all returned to their posts one after another after complaining a few words about Shefford's loud thunder and little rain, which prevented everyone from fighting.

Those who should work should work, and those who should take risks continue to take risks.

Shefford came here in a hurry and left embarrassingly, without any impact on Tudou Village.

Even the economic blockade of Tudou Village, Shefter couldn't do it.

Because even though Shefter immediately issued several orders after returning, he once again emphasized that the merchants in Shield Mountain Town are strictly prohibited from conducting any transactions with Tudou Village.

But when doing business with Tudou Village is profitable, how can businessmen abide by the rules?
Large-scale smuggling transactions are still rampant.

In order to make money, the merchants conducted a semi-public smuggling transaction with Flynn. Because it was smuggling, they were even exempted from commercial tax. Instead, the merchants in Shield Mountain Town earned more and felt better.

It's not that Shepherd hadn't thought about using force to impress the smuggling merchants, but the chamber of commerce entrenched in Shield Mountain Town was very powerful and influential.

Even Shepherd didn't dare to tear his face too much.

So in the end, Shepherd had no choice. Although he continued to prohibit transactions with Tudou Village, he sent his men to collect protection fees.

Merchants are not allowed to trade with Tudou Village—merchant smuggling—no commercial tax—smuggling is acquiesced and protection fees are collected.

In the end, the merchants in Shield Mountain Town still traded with Tudou Village openly and aboveboard.

The lord of Shield Mountain Town, Shefford, still collects taxes from the transaction with Tudou Village.

Trading ban?

Completely took off his pants and farted!
Just out of face, Sheft has not canceled this order yet.


Flynn also knew that Shefter would not let it go.

Therefore, Flynn has been preparing for a real battle with Sheft.

Shefter's standing force is only about 300. Even if a call is issued, among the recruits who have combat effectiveness are a dozen knights and their retinues.

The rest of the temporary conscripts were nothing more than a group of armed peasants.

Flynn is also a knight who has participated in many wars, and Flynn probably knows the quality of ordinary soldiers and temporary conscripts.

With the defensive power of the castle, and 400 infinitely resurrected players, against his hundreds of 1000 people from Sheft, I really don't know how to lose!
It is estimated that unless Shefford brings in an army of griffins and flying dragons, his Tudou Village will be as stable as a dog.

 I am very grateful to book friends Mingri, Lingxianwu, Let Love Follow Fate, and 20190704215957072 for their support. Thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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