I have tens of millions of wage earners

Chapter 101 Industry Acceleration

Chapter 101 Industry Acceleration

The hard-working report has aroused Flynn's inner vigilance.

But now that Tudou Village's strength is limited, Flynn should not act rashly for the time being. It is also inconvenient for Flynn to take offense at the robbers committing crimes at the Lake Como pier, so he can only kindly remind him a little bit.

In addition to the small clues of the Lake Como dock, in general, Flynn is very satisfied with Tudou Village and the status quo of the new version of the game "Super Warriors 2".

In particular, the discovery of the deep underground mines of the Tursing Goblin tribe is expected to bring a large amount of raw materials to Flynn, as well as far and constant financial resources.

Although the Tursin Mine is not very safe, there are bloody battles between the players and the Gophers every day, but as long as the monsters in the underground world don't rush over, it doesn't matter if the players and the Gophers fight every day.

Anyway, the player died for the construction of Tudou Village, for Flynn's castle, and died with honor.

With the mining of a large amount of granite, together with the stone materials provided by Shishan and the wood provided by the lumber mill, the main material of Flynn's Little Swan Castle is basically OK.

Just waiting for the money.

In addition, Flynn wants a lot of beautiful marble. After all, castles are also palaces, and a palace without marble decoration is always a little bit interesting.

It's not that there are no players who are bothering to find marble mines these days. After all, I am the cutest in the world. They discovered the Tursin mine and got thousands of dinars as rewards, which made many people jealous.

It's a pity that although the players tried their best, they got nothing in terms of marbles. Maybe there is really no marbles in Tudou Village?
Marble, most likely depends on imports.

In addition, the auxiliary materials, decoration materials, furniture and equipment of other castles also need to be purchased, so the cost of Little Swan Castle is still high.

It is best to earn tens of thousands of gold dinars before it can be considered as insurance to complete the project budget.

Flynn realized that he was short of money, which made Flynn need to speed up the development of his private industry. In the middle ages when productivity was backward, the miserable peasants had little money to provide in taxes. Pay attention to the life and death of the peasants under him.

Although Flynn is different from those aristocratic lords who don't care about the life and death of the people, he cares about the well-being of the villagers in Tudou Village.

But Flynn also knows that it is unrealistic to collect taxes from the villagers to get rich. The real money is still his own industry.

For example, the most common feudal manor was the most common noble industry in the feudal era.

Large-scale feudal manors can employ hundreds of thousands of people, and all the agricultural and livestock products throughout the year are the income of the manor owners.

Flynn's current property, counting the Stone Mountain, the Valley Logging Mill, and the Tursin Mine, which is fighting every day, is only three—for ordinary knights, it is very rich, but for Flynn who used to For the lord who has everything and is ambitious to build a potato village, it is far from enough.

Therefore, Flynn's eyes naturally focused on the swamp with the natural spirit of the water dragon.

If the water dragon animal ranch develops well, it will be an exclusive business!
At least one million copper dinars can be earned in a year, and this industry should not need to hire a large number of players, and all the output value will basically be owned by themselves.

Previously, Flynn only had more than 100 villagers and 150 brave men, and the manpower, material and financial resources were not enough.

And Flynn now has nearly 300 villagers and 300 brave men, and has successfully opened up the logging factory sub-mine, so opening the second sub-mine of the Water Dragon Beast Ranch has also become a possibility.

There was another most important reason why Flynn didn't open the Water Dragon Ranch before, and that was the talents who managed the ranch.

Water dragon beast, the villagers will not raise this thing.

Not to mention the players.

If you want to manage and breed water dragons, you also need NPCs to do it.

However, when Tudou Village was still Tudou Village, the weekly salary of NPCs in the farming industry that the small wooden door system could provide was only 25 grams.

This low-level farming expert NPC is good at raising chickens, ducks, pigs and cattle.

However, the prehistoric giant water dragon with a body length of three to four meters can easily breed this thing, and an NPC with a weekly salary of 25 grams cannot do it!

Rare ancient monsters like water dragon beasts require more advanced talents, and this can only be unlocked after Tudou Village is upgraded to a town.

Now the potato village is actually a potato town, so Flynn can hire a factory manager with a weekly salary of 50 grams.

This person can raise water dragon beasts.

He decisively summoned the director of the pig farm. This middle-aged woman named Ting Lei, who looked like a thick village girl, was actually an experienced water dragon animal breeding expert.

Although Flynn is not very clear: why Ting Lei is an expert in breeding a creature that no one has ever raised, this seems to be a very unscientific system.

But Flynn didn't dwell on that, because Flynn didn't want to find science in the system.

As an expert in breeding water dragons, Ting Lei is also backward compatible with raising chickens, ducks, pigs and cattle, but these living Flynn don't need her to take care of them.

Flynn directly organized a water dragon breeding advance team, including 3 male and female villagers, and [-] guards. These people will obey Ting Lei's orders and become employees of the water dragon farm.

Then Flynn issued a mission and recruited 20 players. Together with the advance team of the Water Dragon Ranch, they took all the necessary tools and set off for the Water Dragon Swamp.

The swamp with the natural spirit of the water dragon beast is a forest outside, and a swamp inside the forest.

The total area is not large, but it is not small, and the terrain is relatively complex.

Flynn asked Bearding to follow the team to plan and design according to local conditions.

After arriving at the swamp, everyone found that nearly a hundred water dragons had gathered in the swamp again.

Some of them should be water dragon beasts that were in the swamp before, and they returned here after escaping.

But some of them are newly migrated water dragon beasts.

Places with the natural spirit of water dragons are very attractive to water dragons. After the water dragons here run away, other water dragons will come back automatically—even if they are far away, there are still water dragons. willing to come.

Such is the attraction of the spirit of nature: unless there are really no other water drakes in the area, there must be a lot of water drakes living in this swamp.

After investigating around, Bearding proposed the design of the water dragon animal ranch according to the terrain.

Use local materials, first cut down part of the forest, circle the open space and connect it with the inside of the swamp, and use it as a breeding ground for water dragons.

The part of the breeding ground on land will use the trees here to make a double-layer fence, and then pile up mounds behind the fence. In this case, it is basically impossible for the water dragon to break through the fence and escape.

The part in the swamp will also be transformed to form a natural barrier with the swamp.

 It's 100 chapters, commemorate it, and look forward to the next 100 chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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