I have millions of wage earners

Chapter 799 The chance of ending

After Flynn's reserve team formed a tight infantry formation, even the heavily armored cavalry did not dare to charge rashly.

After all, they have now truly entered Flynn's front, and the number of troops who have come to Flynn's headquarters reserve team is only a thousand or so.

Most of them are still infantry followers, and there are only a few truly heavily armored Apocalypse Knights.

Seeing that it seemed difficult to directly defeat Flynn's reserve team, these powerful Apocalypse Knights finally stopped charging mindlessly this time.

An infantry formation of less than 1,000 people attacking 10,000 people?

Die in vain!

Although the knight troops are reckless, they are not fools. They just came here to test the attack. Seeing that Flynn's Chinese reserve team was as stable as a mountain, they knew that they could not take advantage, so they could not come to fight head-on.

These powerful Apocalypse Knights took advantage of their high mobility to break through Flynn's right wing.

Due to the previous arrangement, Flynn's right wing was very empty, with no obstruction worth mentioning at all.

Therefore, these Apocalypse Knights who rushed into Flynn's formation and their followers really easily got rid of the entanglement of Flynn's troops.

Most of the people, after killing seven in and seven out, withdrew. Only a small number of infantry with slower hands and feet were left behind.

A tentative cavalry charge, the casualties on both sides were not large, but in terms of momentum, the Knights of the Apocalypse clearly had the upper hand.

With a small force, they easily penetrated Flynn's first line of defense, came to the front of Flynn's reserve team, and showed off their power.

Surprisingly, they were not able to eat up Flynn's reserve team, but they managed to fly away, leaving a pool of exhaust for Flynn's troops.

After this series of smooth operations, it feels like the Apocalypse Knights are unstoppable on the battlefield.

Flynn's position?

The knight master can come when he wants and leave when he wants!

Facing the enemy's arrogance, Flynn still maintained the composure of a superior, but some people couldn't sit still.

Knight Fekir was on the left wing at this time, leading his cavalry. Seeing the enemy being so arrogant, Fekir was furious!

He sent someone to Flynn's side to request a fight!

Fekir stated that he planned to lead his cavalry to also attack the opponent's right flank.

Test the opponent's fighting power, and secondly, regain the ground and weaken the opponent's spirit!

Being beaten unilaterally is not good for morale!

Flynn thought for a while and decided to agree to Fekir's proposal and let him lead part of his troops to launch an attack first.

After receiving the order, Knight Fekir decisively led his cavalry into two triangular charge formations.

Two specialized cavalry charge formations, like two knives, quickly stabbed at the flanks of the main force of the Apocalypse Knights.

Fekir's cavalry were on their left flank, rushing towards the right side of the main force of the Apocalypse Knights.

There, Tianqi also deployed a heavy military group, which should not be underestimated.

But Knight Fekir faced the enemy's front without any fear and took the lead in charging!

"Brothers, follow me! For glory!"

"Live to die!"

Behind him, countless heavy-armed and super-heavy-armed cavalry charged into battle with the Fekir Knights.

Dada's iron hoofs brought the smell of death, and the rumbling trampling of war was like an earthquake, stimulating the timid little nerves.

Not everyone has the courage, and the powerful cavalry attack is a death charm!

While charging, Fekir did not forget to carry out mental attacks. He kept shouting: "I am Knight Fekir! I am Fekir! I am your orthodox grand leader!"

"Those who stand in my way will die! Those who obey will enjoy glory and wealth!"

Sure enough, under Fekir's charge and unrivaled bravery, many troops from the Knights of the Apocalypse country did not dare to confront them head-on. They only made symbolic resistance and dispersed to both sides. go.

These retreating enemy troops opened up a rather spacious cavalry attack channel for Fekir Knight.

The road keeps extending!

At this moment, the fighter plane appeared!

Knight Fekir discovered that if this passage continued to extend, it would be possible for him to charge directly behind the main force of the Apocalypse Knights!

At that time, a wave of cavalry can decide the outcome of the entire battle.

The smell of bloody victory!

The keen veteran Knight Fekir has already smelled the familiar smell of blood.

Knight Fekir asked the noble blood cavalry following him to spread to both sides.

Use them as cover troops to fend off other enemy troops on either side.

And he himself led the elite of his own elite, about 1,500 super-heavy cavalry, to rush towards the enemy's rear.

The Fekir Knight wanted to directly penetrate the opponent's formation, reach behind the enemy, and then launch a wave of back charges.

Even if the back charge doesn't have the decisive effect, it can definitely effectively damage the opponent's morale and kill a lot of people.

If this wave of charge is successful, the credit will definitely be considerable.

Not only Knight Fekir himself can get the credit, but also the cavalrymen under him can also get the first prize when the merits are rewarded after the war.

This is very important and very honorable for them who have been lonely for a long time.

Everything went according to plan, everything went so smoothly. Knight Fekir was unstoppable, and many enemy troops dispersed to both sides in front of his charge.

The small number of resisting troops could not withstand the elite troops of Knight Fekir.

After all, the brothers Fekir led were originally the most elite knights in the entire Apocalypse Knights.

During their stay in the Iron Hill Kingdom, they continued to practice martial arts and received a lot of financial support from Flynn.

During their time in the Iron Hill Kingdom, their general equipment had been upgraded to another level.

In this case, compared to other elite knights of the Apocalypse Knights, the troops led by Fekir are superior in terms of eliteness.

At the most critical moment, Fekir suddenly saw his father.

That is, the current Grand Master of the Knights of the Apocalypse.

The current grand leader is not Fekir's biological father by blood - Fekir's father has died.

But the current grand leader is Fekir's uncle and godfather. He shoulders the heavy responsibility of taking care of the orphans and is like a father-in-law.

According to the suicide note, Fekir had to call him father!

Originally, the position of the grand leader was not that of Fekir's cheap father, but that of Fekir's younger brother - but the young master was doubtful, especially now in troubled times.

Therefore, Zhongfu replaced his younger brother and temporarily acted as the chief of the group, which was approved by the majority of people.

Although it is only a temporary agent, will it really be returned after more than ten years? Haha, it’s hard to say!

In short, Knight Fekir met his "father".

He actually appeared in this position, not where the flag was!

Fekir didn't know the reason for this.

But Fekir feels this is an opportunity.

If he could rush forward and put on a show of loving father and filial son.

Then this battle will end.

He will be able to gain the entire Kingdom of the Apocalypse Knights at the cost of minimal bloodshed.

There was a bug before, but I fixed it early in the morning.

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