I have millions of wage earners

Chapter 795 The father and the horse are amiable

Throw yourself into death and survive, throw yourself into death and survive!

Facing the threat of the imperial army, it gave Flynn the opportunity to send troops to conquer another country.

In this era, when fighting, we must be famous for our example.

For example, the reason why the empire came to attack the Iron Hill Kingdom this time was to restore Caracalla II of the Iron Hill Kingdom to his throne.

To be fair, Caracalla II's claim to the throne of the Iron Hill Kingdom was indeed very legal.

Therefore, the empire can be said to be famous.

Likewise, Knight Fekir, who was the heir to the former Grand Master of the Knights of the Apocalypse.

His claim to the position of Grand Master also has a very legal basis.

As long as Flynn has the strength to bring Fekir back, defeat his opponent, and support Fekir up.

Then, Knight Fekir's throne as grand leader will be very stable.

He himself is the orthodox heir, and if he takes office, there will be no big problems in his country.

Knight Fekir is expected to lead the entire Kingdom of the Apocalypse Knights in battle.

Even if they devote all their efforts to support themselves, there shouldn't be much of a problem.

When Flynn told him his plan, Knight Fekir became more and more excited.

Finally, is the day coming for me to take back the Grand Leader?

At the same time, Fekir was also a little worried and embarrassed.

He said with some hesitation: "Lord Flynn, I must admit that I really want to return to my country to save the suffering people of the Apocalypse Knights."

"But I must also maintain my loyalty to you."

"Now, the imperial army is about to attack, and the Iron Hill Kingdom is in crisis. If I go back at this time, wouldn't I become a deserter?"

"If I go back now, wouldn't it be a betrayal of my promise to you, sir?"

"As a knight, I am absolutely unwilling to do such a disloyal act."

"Thank you, Lord Flynn, for your kindness, but now that the imperial army is approaching, I can't leave now."

"Sooner or later, the position of leader of the National University of the Apocalypse Knights will be mine."

"I'm still waiting for the next opportunity, right?"

"After we defeat the empire, we can fight there on the way. I'm afraid it will be smoother, isn't it?"

Knight Fekir's statement made Flynn very satisfied. He was indeed a noble, respectable and trustworthy knight.

But while feeling comfortable, Flynn still patiently persuaded him: "I am going to let you lead 30,000 elite troops, plus your own troops and horses, a total of 40,000 to 50,000 infantry and cavalry troops, and directly attack thousands of miles to the Apocalypse Knights. group!"

"This does not mean that you will be a deserter, nor does it mean that you will not be allowed to contribute in the upcoming war with the empire."

"It was me who arranged it specially."

"As you know, the empire is very powerful. It would be difficult for us, the Iron Qiu Kingdom, to compete with it alone."

"I still need more allies."

"Iron Qiu needs more allies."

"And the Knights of the Apocalypse are so powerful that they can dispatch more than 100,000 cavalry!"

"When the war is coming, I need your combat power, not just your current 10,000 or 20,000 cavalry, but more!"

"Gu, what I want is the 100,000 cavalry of your entire Apocalypse Knights!"

"Now, let me ask you, Knight Fekir, are you willing to lead your people and fight alongside me?"

"I ask you, Knight Fekir, do you have the courage to fight against the Empire?"

"Knight Fekir, when you ascend to the position of Grand Master, will your people stand with you?"

"Knight Fekir, this is the task I give you, can you complete it?"

Flynn's words, aren't they more powerful than Boruto?

After those words, Knight Fekir felt a strong sense of responsibility.

The feeling of responsibility!

Lord Flynn set such high goal requirements for himself, which made Knight Fekir feel strong pressure.

This kind of pressure made him breathless.

But such heavy pressure did not defeat Fekir.

On the contrary, Knight Fekir is full of endless motivation.

The greater the pressure, the greater the motivation, the greater the responsibility!

Knight Fekir understands that the greater the pressure on him, the greater his determination to complete the task!

Knight Fekir nodded solemnly and said solemnly: "I already understand my mission. I will go down and prepare now. I will set off as soon as possible!"

"This time I will definitely take back my position and my power."

"And I will lead my people to fight alongside you, sir! Fight for your honor and the world!"

According to the original plan, Flynn would support the Fekir Knights with 30,000 elite troops.

Coupled with Knight Fekir's own troops, the two armies joined forces and set off to the Knights of the Apocalypse to seize power!

The army does not include brave men, but pure indigenous soldiers.

Although the total of about 50,000 soldiers and horses is not enough to defeat the Knights of the Apocalypse in a head-on battle.

But after all, Knight Fekir, he is the crown prince of the orthodox Knights of the Apocalypse - the most legitimate heir to the Grand Master.

To that country Fekir had an indisputable inheritance.

Of course, the premise is that Fekir can defeat the enemy.


That is the current grand leader.

The reign of the current Grand Master should come to an end, and Fekir needs to be crowned as the new Grand Master.

This means that Fekir needs to kill his father.

Stage a great drama of a loving father and a filial son!

There is one thing to say, which is quite normal in this era.

Based on Fekir Knight’s previous deductions and estimates.

He still has many old ministries in his own country - of course, these old ministries should be closely monitored and may not be easy to command.

But at least the old troops who were being monitored would not come against them.

If he goes back to seize power, at least half of the soldiers in the country will not stand with his father, or at least they will remain neutral.

With more than half of the country's military forces remaining neutral, it is entirely possible for the approximately 50,000 troops led by Knight Fekir to storm the capital and seize power.

There was no need for Flynn to conduct this expedition himself.

Originally, Flynn had no intention of going on a personal expedition.

But one day later, when the troops were assembled, Flynn suddenly came up with the idea of ​​leading the army himself, or as a mascot, to fight with the Fekir Knight.

Flynn, it’s not that he doesn’t trust Knight Fekir’s ability.

Mainly, this time the war is a show.

It is a political performance for the whole world.

When the imperial army was about to attack the Iron Hill Kingdom.

Many other forces in this world are waiting and watching.

On the one hand, they surrendered to the power of the empire.

But on the other hand, it doesn't mean that they are willing to be the empire's little brothers.

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