I have millions of wage earners

Chapter 789 Miracle’s Line of Defense

Flynn, who happened to be observing this place with player radar, couldn't help but smile when he heard the completely different goals of male and female players.

Well, sure enough, even in a super-realistic game like "Superman Chronicles 2", the proportion of female players playing role-playing parties is quite high.

Follow the lens of the player's radar and continue to extend to cover the entire field.

Flynn saw a long line of construction site dogs queuing up to sign up, especially the line of players, which was already extremely long.

Players who are already at the construction site, and players who are queuing up to sign up outside, plus those players who have come from other parts of the world to prepare for work.

Flynn estimates that the number of players who will eventually come to work on the Maginot Line is at least between 250,000 and 400,000.

In addition to hundreds of thousands of players, there are also an equally large number of ordinary indigenous laborers, even much higher than the number of players, who come to work on the defense sites.

Because the compensation provided by Flynn is quite superior.

Not just for players, but also for ordinary working people.

When he came to work at the Maginot Line construction site in Flynn, his income was already above the middle level, more profitable than most casual workers.

The more attractive point is that although the Flynn construction site is busy, it is very secure.

There are certain standards for logistics such as food, clothing, housing and transportation, even high standards that exceed the normal standards of this era.

There are dedicated NPCs and indigenous officials at the construction site, and there is even a dedicated logistics committee to provide adequate supplies of food, clean water, warm labor camps, and enough brave men to act as bodyguards.

Including the management of the construction site, although strict, it is also orderly, with very clear and fair management regulations.

The Maginot Line was not a worksite of sweat.

Even the most ordinary workers will not be bullied and their basic rights as a worker are guaranteed.

Ordinary indigenous workers here in Flynn can get higher than average wages, and at the same time, they can also get a very good working environment in this era.

There will be no big projects that tire out countless workers.

It is natural that such a superior modern and civilized construction site can attract millions of civil engineering dogs to move in.

Not only are they eager to join the factory, but they are even grateful to Flynn. Many people express their gratitude to Flynn from the bottom of their hearts for providing them with such a wonderful working environment.

The workers were busy at work and flocked to the construction site with great enthusiasm.

Looking at such a lively situation, Flynn estimated that if the number of player workers is around 300,000, then the number of ordinary workers is likely to be double or even triple that of players.

300,000, plus two or three times more 300,000!

At a rough estimate, one million workers!

A super project that deserves its reputation!

Even Flynn would be shocked by this amount - haha, it's impossible to work part-time when Tiantian says.

But once I have a good job, it’s still really sweet.

But fortunately, the construction site designed and planned by Flynn is enough to accommodate so many people.

After all, Flynn's alien Maginot Line of Defense is a super-doubled version. This super-doubled Maginot Line of Defense is an out-and-out machine that devours labor force.

No matter how many people you have, our Maginot Line can eat them all!

One million workers are still within Flynn's control.

There are hundreds of thousands of players, plus hundreds of thousands of ordinary workers.

More than a million workers gathered at the construction site of the Maginot Line, which put very high demands on Flynn's logistics and required Flynn to spend a lot of money.


The cost of the construction site will undoubtedly be seriously overrun!

But that's also a good thing, because a lot of labor means a lot of man-hours.

Improving the efficiency of building the Maginot Line allows Flynn to build more, better and stronger defenses before the Empire strikes.

With strong defenses, when the time comes, we will give the extremely powerful empire a head-on blow, a beautiful head-on blow!

Flynn is not worried about himself and not being able to withstand the Empire's attack.

The victory of the war belongs to oneself after all.

Flynn is just worried about how much he will lose due to the Empire's attack?

And Flynn also sees the possibility of continuing to solve the employment problems of players and the livelihood problems of ordinary people through super projects similar to the Maginot Line of Defense in the future.

Work-for-relief provides players with something to do and poor people also have something to do.

Players who get dinars will spend them.

Thus, promoting the country’s domestic demand.

Similarly, people who have received their wages can also use their wages to improve their own living standards.

Players will gradually become stronger, and the living standards of ordinary workers and their families will gradually improve. This is what Flynn is happy to see, and it is also what Flynn pursues.

There is no doubt that Flynn's recent focus is on the construction of the Maginot Line.

After most of the workers entered the construction site and started construction in full swing for more than ten days, Flynn saw that the defense line had initially completed its basic functions.

Dozens of simple square or circular fortresses are scattered densely and are constantly increasing.

In addition, city walls that are tens to several meters high appear constantly in the defensive area, gradually connecting the independent fortresses into one.

Although it currently appears that Flynn's construction site is not a complete Maginot Line of Defense, they can support each other. Any army that wants to pass here will encounter countless hard nails.

Even if the Imperial Army defeated Flynn's first-line army, they were forced to pull out the fortresses one by one if they wanted to pass through the defense area.

This will cost a lot of time and money, and will also cost a lot of casualties.

It is no longer an ordinary building to be able to build such a powerful direction in a short period of time, and will continue to build more and more complete defenses.

In a matter of ten days, so many large-scale fortification groups were built, forming a super line of defense that was absolutely powerful in this era.

This is a miracle!

This represents Flynn's strength!

It is only possible to build it if a large number of workers, especially brave players, work day and night, 24 hours a day.

Even so, various means and talents are still needed, such as the transportation of a variety of vehicles represented by the water dragon transport team, and the provision of massive raw materials and tools to be able to implement it.

Such work efficiency, such material supply and personnel deployment management.

It is impossible for other countries to appear without bragging.

Perhaps the empire, with its strong national power, can also accomplish such a powerful and large-scale project.

But also, just built.

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