I have millions of wage earners

Chapter 776 There is no such thing as this

Being supervised by the system, although there are some things worth complaining about - such as why use cameras?

But overall, it can be considered relatively normal, especially the more common settings in games.

Of course, Flynn's low-key launch of the Skynet system allowed many players to see the sky above their heads and cameras floating in the ceiling of the store.

It still makes many players feel unhappy.

These players also made certain criticisms on this matter, but fortunately they did not develop to the point where they were too strong or even inflamed.

In the world of games, players have a high tolerance for being supervised by the system.

Although it is a game with a high degree of freedom, isn't it natural for the game to be managed by the game system?

Besides, this is the age, in the era of big data, everyone is being monitored!

Those junk apps secretly use the recording and camera of mobile phones, and have already stolen all the privacy of modern people.

In comparison, Flynn just set up a camera in the game, which is not an excessive thing.

As Flynn launched a set of combo punches, nearly 100,000 players eventually poured into the country of the Grand Duchy of the River.

At the beginning, Flynn actually only wanted to release 50,000 people, but after the mission was released, the enthusiasm of the players, especially the new players, was too high.

Therefore, Flynn also relaxed the standards to allow more players, especially more novice players, to enter the Grand Duchy of the River.

As long as the corresponding novice tasks are completed, that is to say, the reputation level exceeds that of entering the world for the first time and reaches the level of being unknown.

Then you can go to the Grand Duchy of River region for adventure activities.

If it weren't for Flynn's restrictions, I'm afraid the number of people entering the Grand Duchy of River would be even greater.

But in the end, the total number of players allowed to enter the river was limited to 100,000.

Logically speaking, the influx of 100,000 brave men into a small country is already a very extreme and exaggerated number, and it can easily cause other kinds of unrest.

Fortunately, Flynn installed the Skynet system, so that a small number of troublemakers received corresponding and appropriate in-game punishment in a short period of time.

Otherwise, the chaos caused by 100,000 brave men probably does not require the underground world. Those new players with high enthusiasm can already tear the country of the Grand Duchy of River into pieces.

100,000 powerful and energetic warriors entered the Grand Duchy of Riverside and completely changed the country's daily life.

The whole country in the Grand Duchy of the River was transformed into the shape of a brave man.

Ordinary people started making deals with the brave men one after another.

Or ask the brave to help them complete some small tasks.

As for the nobles, they also negotiated deeper exchanges with the leader among the brave men, the guild president, and others.

The number of players pouring in is so large that it can even be said that, to a certain extent, it is the Grand Duchy of River, a small country under the Iron Hill Kingdom.

It is no longer the Hezhong belonging to the Grand Duke of Hezhong.

Maybe the actual ruler of a country has changed?

And this is part of Flynn's plan.

In this incident of the underground world's invasion of the Grand Duchy of Riverside, Flynn had a slightly disgraceful underbelly.

First of all, the rules of the world have changed a lot since the world restarted and entered the age of magic.

The underground world, under the previous world operating rules, would not appear underground in the core area of ​​the continent occupied by humans.

And now, while it represents that the world is disrupted, the underground world should also be disrupted.

The rules for the emergence of the underground world are different.

The underground world was refreshed below the Grand Duchy in the River.

This is a ticking time bomb.

But before, the underground world was relatively low-key, and there were no invasions.

The underground world will be a threat to the Grand Duchy of River, but maybe tomorrow, maybe next century?

Perhaps to a certain extent, it was Flynn's previous exploration of the Tomb of the Titan Soldier in the underground world that was the catalyst that activated the invasion of the underground world.

If it hadn't been for Flynn's invasion, the Grand Duchy of Riverside might have had a peaceful life for a while!

Flynn has to bear part of the blame.

And in the underground world, they began to invade the Grand Duchy of Riverside one after another.

Flynn did not immediately provide all-out assistance in dealing with the aftermath, but responded to the initial letter for help...


There is no such thing as sparseness.

It was not until things escalated later that the authorities of the Grand Duchy of Hezhong no longer placed any conditions or restrictions on themselves.

Flynn, as a savior, sent a large number of brave men to the Grand Duchy of River.

Perhaps, in the eyes of outsiders, Flynn is even the savior of the Grand Duchy of River!

No, in fact, Flynn is the savior of the Grand Duchy of the River.

It’s just that Flynn, the savior, could actually do better.

Flynn was able to quickly quell the matter on a relatively small scale from the very beginning, even before it happened.

Of course, it cannot be said that the early sacrifices of the Grand Duchy of Riverside were wasted.

Because with the continuous invasion of the dungeons in the underground world, they have shown more and more strength, and Flynn has more and more information about the dungeons.

And as we all know, information matters.

Flynn now has a preliminary grasp of the dungeon's name, strength, and even some of its historical background.

The name of this underground city in the dark is very bright.

It's called... Sunshine Dungeon.

To be honest, this name is more suitable for an entertainment club, tea house, etc., rather than for an underground city.

Flynn was also puzzled.

Why is the dungeon in the underground world, which is clearly in darkness, called the strange name Sunshine?

Perhaps this means they yearn for the light?

But to be honest, it is unscientific enough that the races in the underground world yearn for the light.

Flynn, who has a certain understanding of the strength of Sunshine Dungeon, believes that he has sent nearly 100,000 novice and veteran braves to take risks.

Yes 100%, this matter can be solved.

There was no way that underground city could withstand the adventures of a hundred thousand energetic warriors day and night.

But this mission does not allow players to fight freely.

This operation, even if the players can solve most of the problems on their own, must be organized to a certain extent.

Because, if players are allowed to play purely freely, it may take them a long time to slowly defeat the dungeon and clean up the underground world.

And now, after all, the Grand Duchy of Riverside is in danger, and there is no time to allow players to wander around!

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