I have millions of wage earners

Chapter 774 Skynet Awakens

At the beginning, there were sporadic scattered attacks in the underground world, just like ordinary wild monsters and monsters, and they did not attract much attention.

Everyone just thought it was sporadic wild monster attacks, which was really normal.

But later, attacks from underground became more frequent and uncontrollable, causing panic in the entire Hezhong area.

Including the authorities of the Grand Duchy of River, they also specially dispatched adventurous mercenaries and official troops to carry out raids and patrols.

But not all troops have the courage and ability to enter the underground world to fight.

Most of the armies in the surface world can only run rampant in the surface world. It is difficult for those who are not particularly elite strongman troops to enter the underground.

The official army of the Grand Duchy of Riverside is actually of very average quality, and it is difficult to penetrate deep underground. They can only strengthen patrols and barely maintain order.

Originally, this kind of difficult time would pass after enduring it.

But just a few days ago, the underground world launched a large-scale ambush.

Terrifying creatures from the underground world launched attacks on 5 battlefields at the same time!

At least 5,000, or even 10,000 underground city troops, including regular troops and various monsters, organized and targeted to launch a large-scale attack on the army of the Grand Duchy in the River!

After a fierce battle, at least half of the main force of the small country in the Grand Duchy of Hezhong was lost!

Tens of thousands of troops and civilians were killed in this attack.

At the most dangerous time, there were even dozens of ferocious gray-haired Yin-Yang Bear monsters that raided the farmland on the outskirts of the capital of the Grand Duchy in the river.

The roar of the monsters penetrated the sky and the earth, and caused a big explosion during the battle. The sound was so huge that it once frightened people in the capital.

After this large-scale ambush, the canyon area in the Grand Duchy of River was completely reduced to enemy-occupied territory.

Large swathes of the country fell and the army was routed.

It can be said that the country of the Grand Duchy of Riverside has reached its most dangerous time.

Facing the ferocious and brutal monsters in the underground world, and the formidable elite troops in the underground city, the small country of the Grand Duchy in the River is powerless to resist.

Their archduke personally came to Super City and asked Flynn for help.

At the same time, envoys from all walks of life rushed to various forces, including the King of Iron Qiu, for help, including powerful nobles from Iron Qiu like Balgrufu, as well as players such as Niu Dingtian and Jiuzhou Supreme who have gained fame and strength. Boss.

According to Flynn's understanding, messengers seeking help also traveled to other countries.

In fact, it was as early as when monsters and small groups of troops in the underground world started small-scale sporadic attacks.

The Grand Duchy of Riverside, which is very sensitive to the invasion of the underground world, has already sent a warning and a letter of request for help to Flynn.

They hope that Flynn can provide support. They do not expect Flynn to come in person as the Protector of the Country, but at least send some brave men to handle the matter.

As long as 20,000, 30,000, or even 10,000 brave men can stay in the Grand Duchy of Hezhong and engage in related adventure activities for a long time, it is entirely possible to calm the matter and save Hezhong in crisis.

But Flynn did not do this.

Because in the initial letter asking for help, the Grand Duchy of Riverside requested that the brave men entering the country were not allowed to move freely, but had to accept their command.

In other words, Flynn is equivalent to lending his army to the Grand Duchy of the River and letting the Grand Duchy of the River command it?

That is definitely unacceptable to Flynn.

So Flynn just waited for the situation to continue to develop and change.

And sure enough, the invasion of the underground world, which was sporadic and small-scale at the beginning, became more and more frequent.

Even in the underground city, a large-scale battle was launched, which severely damaged the army of the Grand Duchy of Hezhong. The Grand Duchy of Hezhong was half disabled in the first battle.

As the situation develops, it has completely exceeded the control of the small country of the River Grand Duchy.

It's just in the middle of the river, so I don't dare to make any more demands.

Later, when the Grand Duke of the Grand Duchy of River came to see Flynn in person, he no longer dared to say anything.

Facing the domestic crisis, the Grand Duke of Riverside could only ask Flynn to take over the matter entirely, and promised that Flynn could act expediently within the entire Grand Duke of Riverside.

The troops stationed in the river, whether they are brave men or Flynn's regular army, do not need to answer to anyone in their Grand Duchy of the river, nor do they need to accept command.

Flynn's army, the brave men who helped the River Duchy pacify the underworld, or Flynn's army, all enjoy complete autonomy.

They only have to answer to Flynn.

After seeing the latest request for help from the Grand Duke of the River, Flynn thought it was almost done.

If you hold it any longer, it will be counterproductive.

After all, in addition to itself, the Hezhong Grand Duchy is also seeking help from other forces, including powerful forces like the Empire.

At first, I chose to give Hezhong's request for help some slack, but now, it's time to go all out to help them.

So Flynn warmly received the Grand Duke of the Grand Duchy of Riverside, comforted him with good words, and made many verbal promises at the same time.

Pretty words, that’s a bunch of them.

He said that he would do his best to help the Grand Duchy of Hezhong and save the country of the Grand Duchy of Hezhong from the terrifying shadow of the underground world!

So blatantly, he said a lot of beautiful things.

Of course, Flynn, as the ruler of a powerful country, is a noble prince who values ​​credibility and quality.

Flynn's verbal promise is also quite valuable - the glorious knight promises a thousand gold!

In fact, at the same time as he made the promise, Flynn had already prepared a lot of serial tasks.

A lot of various missions are released for brave men!

At the same time, Flynn dispatched special mission guidance NPCs and order patrol NPCs, leading a large number of brave men who went on missions into the interior of the Grand Duchy of River.

For the first time in history, Flynn sent a large number of brave men on a mission to a foreign country.

It is of great significance!

You know, Flynn has more and more brave men.

Perhaps one day, Flynn will use the brave to conquer the entire continent, and let the brave go to all parts of the world and enter all countries in the world.

But if the indiscriminate fourth natural disaster sweeps across all the heroes under his command, it will undoubtedly have a devastating impact on the entire world, which is definitely something Flynn does not want to see.

Today it is a large-scale entry into the river, tomorrow it may be another country!

Therefore, allowing brave men to enter the Grand Duchy in the River on a large scale is an experiment and an adventure.

In order to avoid the fourth natural disaster, which would have a negative impact on the people and normal life of the Grand Duchy of River, Flynn also activated the Skynet system during this operation.

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