I have millions of wage earners

Chapter 758 Too many people are gathering wool

Originally, the new benefits of membership in Kyushu were always there.

But now, it has been cancelled.

Because after this public beta, there are too many players joining the major guilds.

Especially the Jiuzhou Guild and the Dingtian Alliance have great goals and great reputations, and are sought after by many people.

Now there are many new players whose birth points are directly in the cities they control. Naturally, these cloud players have joined big guilds such as Kyushu one after another.

If 10,000 people join, it will cost more than 1 million copper coins!

Money is not an issue, the problem is that there are too many new players joining in a short period of time, which has exceeded the management capabilities of a guild.

For example, Jiuzhou Supreme, he has always been a professional online game player. In the history of online games for many years, he has also accumulated a considerable number of key guild members, management, team leaders, etc.

A guild can easily develop if it has a large number of core members leading the team.

Adequate team management has always been one of Kyushu's greatest strengths.

After entering "Superman Chronicles 2", Kyushu Supreme has been cultivating new brothers, actively recruiting and developing new people, and making them new team leaders.

Since its development, the Jiuzhou Guild has already had a relatively good middle-level backbone group and has the ability to manage tens of thousands of people.

But this time, the number of people who want to join the Kyushu Guild has exceeded 50,000 and is running towards 100,000 in a short period of time.

You know, the total number of Jiuzhou guilds in the past was only about 30,000!

If we take all the orders today, we will go straight to the 100,000 yuan!

This is equivalent to directly expanding the army by more than 300% in a short period of time!

I can’t keep up with the rhythm!

The sudden open beta resulted in a pace of expansion so fast that even the mighty Kyushu Guild couldn't keep up!

The Kyushu Guild naturally wants to rapidly expand its strength in this public beta and become bigger and stronger.

In fact, among the long-term ambitions of Kyushu Supreme, there are even more, not to mention 100,000 people!

He even thought about whether he could create the first super guild with one million people in the history of online games in the future, so that he could become a commander in charge of millions of people!

A person who is like a king.

But the premise is that he can really control millions of people.

If all the newcomers were allowed to enter Kyushu, they could come and leave as they pleased, and after entering, the guild management staff would not be able to keep up, resulting in chaos.

Not only will it fail to improve the strength of your guild, but it may also cause new players, including some old players, to become dissatisfied with the guild's management due to excessive chaos.

When news of the chaos within Kyushu spreads, it will have a negative impact on the guild.

As a veteran who has competed in many online games, Jiuzhou Supreme has seen too many guilds explode like supernovas, but after the tide subsides, only a few can survive safely.

So this time, the Kyushu Guild, which originally prepared a huge amount of money and manpower and material resources to recruit new members, suspended the recruitment of new members due to insufficient management and leadership after recruiting 20,000 to 30,000 people.

Instead, we began to hold emergency meetings to formulate new management methods, and began to let the existing management and bring new people start to develop.

As for how to explain to the outside world, one of the largest guilds, Jiuzhou Guild, no longer recruits new members?

The cunning Jiuzhou Supreme has already thought of an excuse.

His excuse was that the Supreme President of Kyushu wanted all the new brothers to develop quickly.

We have specially prepared a very generous starter set for all new members, worth 998!

It's a pity that Jiuzhou Supreme is so enthusiastic, but he encounters the evil people's heart.

Many people quit the membership on the spot after receiving the novice equipment given as a gift.

With so many novices giving away equipment, the Kyushu Guild has suffered huge losses!

But if membership benefits are cancelled, it will be unfair to those brothers who join later.

There is no other way. In order to better ensure that every new brother who joins the guild will receive fair and just treatment, the Jiuzhou Guild has temporarily suspended the recruitment of new members with pain and tears.

In fact, this excuse is not true.

Indeed, there are some people who, after receiving the novice benefits, change hands and quit the membership.

But those are only a few.

Most people will stay at least for a while, at least for a few days.

Because the game "Superman Chronicles 2" is not a pure online game - it is not the kind of online game where no one knows whether you are a human or a ghost.

"Power Rangers 2" is also a real world, a second life, and its social attributes are very strong.

If you really commit the act of joining the guild before quitting the guild, you won't be punished, but you will still be a little embarrassed when you meet those from the Kyushu Guild.

It wouldn’t sound good if it spread out—it seemed like someone who loved to take advantage.

So in fact, there are only a very small number of people who join the membership purely for the benefits and quit the membership at the speed of light.

The existence of such a person has always been in the plan of the Nine Provinces Supreme.

A few of these people do not affect Jiuzhou Supreme's finances at all.

The reason why I came up with this excuse was just to throw the blame away anyway.

"It's not that we don't recruit people, it's just that a small number of newcomers are too cunning!"

After stopping recruiting new members, the Kyushu Guild was indeed not criticized.

Even Brother Sharp, who was originally thinking about joining Jiuzhou to do novice welfare, just sighed, and then scolded those people who do not have the quality to do welfare.

He completely forgot that he actually wanted to join in to get benefits - he just said that Brother Sharp planned to stay for at least a week before quitting.

Without being able to get the novice benefits of joining the Kyushu Guild, Brother Sharp simply refused to join the Kyushu Guild. He followed the huge crowd and began to flow out of the city.

Unfortunately, the fight cannot begin just outside the city.

The suburbs near Jianmu City have been basically cleared and developed into fertile farmland.

Many indigenous farmers farm in these agricultural areas.

Sometimes, the farmer NPC will issue relevant reclamation tasks, asking brave men to renovate the land that is not easy to develop and develop it to a level suitable for farming.

But that kind of task usually only exists during the land reclamation stage, and it is basically gone now.

As for the indigenous farmers who farm the land, most of them are poor people. Although they are willing to hope that the brave men can help them with their farm work, the brave men cannot work in vain, right?

In fact, except for some middle peasants and rich peasants who have spare money or extra eggs and milk, they hire brave men to work for them.

Most of the other poor and lower-middle peasants do not have that kind of financial resources.

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