I have millions of wage earners

Chapter 1 Game Designer from Another World

"It's uncomfortable, Ma Fei, it's uncomfortable."

Sitting in the most luxurious two-story wooden building in the village, looking up at the stars in the clear night sky from the hole-in-the-wall roof, Flynn only felt something gliding past the corners of his eyes.

Flynn's mood now is very simple.

One word.


Flynn was originally a very successful young game designer on Earth. His debut work "Superman Chronicles" 10 years ago became an instant hit all over the world.

And "Power Rangers 2" is one of the most anticipated satellites in the gaming industry, comparable to "Saint Rodo 6" at its peak.

Flynn, who was at the peak of his life, after attending an awards ceremony, posted a Weibo post about yearning for freedom, and then slept soundly on the luxurious electric bed while shaking his red wine glass.

In his sleep, Flynn dreamed that he had traveled through time.

After waking up, Flynn found that he had become Flynn Knight in another world.

Flynn Knight looks exactly like Flynn. He is tall and handsome, has a rich family fortune, and his territory is small but very wealthy.

At the same time, Knight Flynn is personally very brave and can be regarded as the best among the young knights in the entire kingdom.

Although he is tall, handsome and rich, Flynn still feels cheated - he is a famous game designer with countless fans on the earth, how can he be no higher than this knight of lord?

Fortunately, Flynn is an optimistic person, so Flynn quickly accepted his new identity - Flynn, the young knight of the imperial capital.

But this status lasted less than a day.

Flynn was summoned to court the next day, and the king announced that Flynn would be deprived of his territory and property and sent to the frontier because of his close relationship with the rebellious lord!

Conscience of heaven and earth!

Flynn searched his memory carefully and found that the only interaction he had with the rebel lord was attending a banquet hosted by him, and they did not exchange more than three sentences with each other.


have you eaten?


Obviously, this was an unjust case.

But there is no Bao Longxing in this world to avenge Flynn.

So Flynn could only carry his luggage and ride his horse to his new territory in the border area - Potato Village.

Before setting off, Flynn already knew that Tudou Village was a poor village on the border and was not as wealthy as his previous territory.

So Flynn has vaccinated himself.

Flynn knew that Potato Village was poor, but Flynn didn't expect that Potato Village could be so poor!

The former lords of Tudou Village have all abandoned this place and run away. How poor do you think this place must be?

There is only one dilapidated two-story wooden building in the village that serves as the lord's residence. The remaining dozens of villagers live in dilapidated concrete houses with grass and wood.

The combined annual GDP of more than a hundred people in the village is probably not enough for the original Flynn Knight to hold a banquet in the imperial capital.

It can be said that there is no solution to the poverty among the poor.

And what’s even more terrifying is: you must know that this is a different world of swords and magic!

The poor village of Tudou Village is not only poor, but also very unsafe.

Why is Tudou Village a border?

Because the creatures outside the border are not humans!

Here, not only could I not live the life of a decadent feudal lord, but my life was in danger at any time!

Flynn lay paralyzed on his chair in a depressed mood, and casually opened a dusty book - "Potato Village Chronicles" left by the previous lord.

At this moment, a jingling sound suddenly sounded in Flynn's mind.

Accompanied by the pleasant mechanical sound, a few seconds later, Flynn heard a voice that, although emotionless, was like the sound of nature.

"The system is loading..."

"The small wooden door system was loaded successfully."

The name of the small wooden door is very familiar to Flynn - when he was on earth, Flynn announced the news that "Superman Chronicles 2" was being developed as early as 5 years ago.

The development tool for the game "Superman Chronicles 2" is being named Little Wooden Door by Flynn.

I wonder if this is a coincidence?

Flynn couldn't control that much for the time being, but couldn't wait to explore the system in his mind.

But Flynn didn't know how to use it, so he asked: "Little wooden door, how do you use this system? What functions does it have? Can you introduce it to me?"

The system's emotionless mechanical voice introduced itself as Flynn wished.

"This system is called the Little Wooden Door System, and it was born out of the development tool you created for "Superman Chronicles 2"."

""Superman Chronicles" is a game 10 years ago, and the news that "Superman Chronicles 2" is in development was released by you five years ago."

"In the past five years, every time fans and reporters asked you about a sequel, you said it was almost done and was being done."

"But in fact, the progress of the game was 0% five years ago, and it is still 0% five years later."

"You just made a backend development tool called Little Wooden Door, and then lived on the credit of "Superman Chronicles"."

"Finally, on the day you attended the award ceremony, the reporter sneaked into your studio, obtained the information, and broke the news that the development progress of "Superman Chronicles 2" was 0%."

"That night, you received more than 10 million curses from players."

"The huge resentment prompted your rebirth and the birth of this system."

"This system will serve you, allowing you to create your own game world in another world."

"You will be able to use the small wooden door to connect with humans on the earth, and summon them to come to this world, become your players, and experience the game you designed."

""Superman Chronicles 2" has been difficult to produce for many years, and you will have the opportunity to make it come to life."

After some communication with the system, Flynn also sighed.

"I used to be an ambitious and talented young game designer, but later I degenerated into a pigeon."

"Hey, I'm really sorry for the players."

"If rebirth is my punishment, I am willing to accept it."

Looking at the low and dilapidated houses outside the window, Flynn said: "The small wooden door system is very interesting. I can use the small wooden doors to gradually create an ideal game world."

"In order to give an explanation to the fans on earth, and also to let myself live a better life."

"I want to make a game!"

Flynn, who is optimistic by nature, is determined to use the system to create "Superman Chronicles 2" in a different world.

An extremely high-quality "Superman Chronicles 2".

System functionality was carefully examined and many key questions were asked such as player count, resurrections, equipment, skills, etc.

After some consultation, Flynn learned that the current small wooden door system is still very crude.

For example, the most critical number of players is that the small wooden door system currently only supports connecting 5 earth players at the same time.

Other functions are also very rudimentary.

To say simple is a euphemism - in fact, the current small wooden door system basically only has two functions: summoning players and making announcements...

This is also Flynn's own fault: Who told him that he had been lazy all the time, and the small wooden door development tool he made was just a prototype?

Fortunately, although the small wooden door is simple, it has considerable growth potential.

The system has set many hidden and non-hidden achievements. After completing these achievements, the small wooden door will unlock many new functions.

As long as he has the resources, Flynn will be able to use the functions of the small wooden door system to accomplish more achievements.

Complete achievements - Unlock features - Use resources - Complete new achievements - Unlock new features...

In theory, this is what a virtuous cycle looks like.

The key to a virtuous cycle is resources!

Developing games with small wooden doors on Earth requires resources such as computer computing power.

In this other world, developing games using small wooden doors requires mithril.

Mithril is an important mineral in this fantasy world.

After mithril ore is mined, it is usually turned into mithril powder and used in all aspects of life.

Adding mithril when making a weapon can make the weapon lighter and tougher, and have the ability to be enchanted.

Armor added with mithril powder also has stronger toughness and magic defense capabilities.

When a rich magician rubs fireballs, he can squeeze a handful of mithril powder in his hand to exert greater power.

Top craftsmen also like to use mithril tools to carve more exquisite and perfect works of art.

It can be said that the mithril powder in this world is extremely versatile and is an extremely important resource.

For small wooden door systems, mithril powder is an important carrier to undertake information technology and enhance computing capabilities.

As long as there is enough mithril powder, Flynn can improve the function of the small wooden door system and create a complete game world!

However, although mithril mines are widely distributed, because mithril is so useful, the supply is still in short supply, and its price is naturally high.

The price of 1 gram of mithril is as high as 1 gold coin.

The mithril Flynn currently possesses is: zero.

Oh, by the way, Flynn, as a once wealthy knight, his sword and armor are made of mithril.

But we can’t let Flynn melt his weapons and armor, right?

Fortunately, although Flynn does not have mithril for the time being, players can provide mithril for Flynn.

According to the system introduction, a player can provide Flynn with 1 gram of mithril powder every 24 hours online.

Kind of like a dot card on Earth.

So in theory, as long as Flynn can attract a large number of players online for a long time, he can have a large amount of mithril resources.

But the game industry on Earth is unprecedentedly prosperous and competition is fierce. Can the games created by Flynn attract players?

Flynn, a talented young game designer, has confidence!

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