I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 78: She had perfected demonstrated what guilty conscience looks like. (3)

After going through Gu Xi’s homework assignments from beginning to end, Gu Shao finally signed his name on the very bottom with his vigorous and powerful writing.

“Anything else?” He asked.

“No, just these.” Gu Xi took back her homework notebook and her practice notebook. Clutching them in front of her chest, she said “goodnight” to Gu Shao before she turned and left.

She had not forgotten to give the document pouch one last look before she walked out.

While Gu Shao was going through her homework assignments, Gu Xi took the opportunity when he was distracted and moved two books on the table over the document pouch.

She hoped that it would be out of sight and out of mind for Gu Shao.

After all, it wasn’t anything important as far as Gu Shao was concerned.

Gu Xi returned to her room as she was thinking about that.


After returning to her bedroom, Gu Xi looked at the homework notebook that Gu Shao had signed from her just a little while ago, dazed.

– Truth was, Gu Shao has been truly nice to her.

When she first came looking for Gu Shao, she only hoped that he wasn’t a complete villain as described in the novel. Her ask was simple – for Gu Shao to be her legal guardian until she was of age.

Nevertheless, Gu Shao had, so far, provided for her way more than what she had expected.

He let her moved in with him; he took care of the transfer of her household register and her to her new school in person; he had Grandma Mei come to look after her; he bought her new textbooks; he asked her about her thought and would drop her off and pick her up from school.

What more could one ask from a father?

In addition, Gu Xi started to wonder: Perhaps he was the natural villain because he was antagonizing the male and female leads when, in reality, Gu Xi hadn’t noticed anything bad about Gu Shao.

If, in the future, the events described in the novel truly took place and Lin Yize was going to target Gu Shao, she wished that nothing bad would happen to Gu Shao.

After thinking about that some, Gu Xi pulled out her cell phone and logged into the Battle at the Summit of Tianchuang chatgroup.

[X]: Channel owner, I have given it some thoughts. I can join your team in the Tianchuang Competition. I might not be too technical in some areas but I will do my best to learn as much as I can, if you don’t mind, that is.

As soon as Gu Xi had sent that over and, before she could even start typing the next line, [AAA], on the other side, had already responded instantly.

He responded with multiple messages to be precise:

[AAA]: ! ! !

[AAA]: For realz?!

[AAA]: That’s awesome! I love you, Bro X! I have been waiting for you to say that for so long!

Looking at how exciting [AAA] was, Gu Xi couldn't help but stressed again: I really am not an expert in this field.

[AAA]: responded instantly again: That doesn’t matter.

He found the few ideas that Gu Xi had come up with earlier pretty impressive already.

[AAA]: We have [Lin] for the technical stuff. You don’t need to worry about that!

[X]: Okay.

[X]: Em… …

Gu Xi found it a bit awkward to broach what she wanted to say next.

[X]: Can I take 300,000 yuan of the prize money if we win?

Weak, humble, and full of anticipation.

– Gu Xi had thought it through. In the novel, both her going offline and Lin Yize started targeting Gu Shao took place when she was about to become of age.

Truth was, she didn’t have a lot of time. Relying only on just some of the prize money for students and her scholarship money, she would not be able to save up much before she turned 18. There wouldn’t be much of a safety net to speak of.

She needed to save more. That way, even if Lin Yize bankrupted Gu Shao in the future, she would still have enough money to support both him and herself.

Speaking of, should she look for an opportunity to warn Gu Shao to watch out for Lin Yize?

Gu Xi thought to herself.

At the same time, [AAA] sent over another message: The prize money is nothing. We don’t even need to split it. You can have all of it when we win!

Even [Lin], who rarely said a word in the group, chimed in: That works.

[AAA]: @X, where are you based out of?

Gu Xi thought about it some and didn’t feel the need to hide that fact, so she responded with: City B.

[AAA]: What a coincidence!

[AAA]: We are based out of City B as well.

[AAA]: Perfect. [Lin] was back too. Let us brothers meet up when we have some free time. We can have a ceremony for the forming of our team and also talk about matters with regards to the competition.

[Lin]: I am busy.

[AAA]: Haven’t you completed all of your academic requirements over at Country M ahead of time? You shouldn’t be busy right now.

[Lin]: You don’t understand.

He even included a rare complacent emoji after that.

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