I Have Countless Skill Points

Chapter 8 - Accident

“Why not come … I’ve thanked the flowers I waited for!”

“Yeah, it’s seven o’clock, now it’s eight o’clock.”

In the first to fifth grades, fifty students began to complain constantly. The children’s patience was limited. Complaints began to appear ten minutes late.

“Don’t be anxious, classmates. It’s morning rush hour. You know the traffic conditions in the Soviet Union. You will not be able to get there at one and a half, so please be patient.” The responsible teacher of the organization keeps calming the students.

Sure enough, after a while, a bus approached, the bus stopped, and a crowd of elementary students cheered.

“Here is the first car, why can’t the second car be?”

“Yeah, what about the second car?”

同学 “Students, don’t worry, I left half an hour earlier than the second car, and now I’m here. It is estimated that there is some time for the second car. Children and parents of the first car, please come with me and everyone will line up in turn.”

“Forget it, don’t go, wait so long, might as well play a black game at home.”

“Yeah yeah … it’s boring!”

After No. 1 car left, the remaining elementary school students complained more intensely. Song Jia also kept kicking the ground with unhappy face. However, Song Jia’s character is relatively quiet, and for a long time he has not complained.

Surprises always come so suddenly. Car No. 1 didn’t go long, and Car No. 2 came. Seeing the arrival of the second car, the elementary students cheered again.

Especially those who were unable to go before going home, they jumped happier than anyone else.

There are fifty-two seats in the car, with adults and children sitting in a row. Deserves to be the parents of the aristocratic school, the quality is really good. Line up in turn and sit in turn. Except for the noisy elementary school students, the conversations between adults are drizzle.

喂 “Hey, Mr. Huang, we are on the bus too. How are your road conditions?”

“Well, don’t mention it. It ’s noon to stop at Tianmu Lake. I do n’t know what happened today. There are fog everywhere and the roads are closed high, so the whole city is motionless.”

“This can’t be helped, goodbye that day.”

“it is good!”

Mr. Qiu hung up the phone, and the driver suddenly said, “Mr. Qiu, the city is blocked like this, otherwise we should take the Ring Road National Road. There should not be so many cars around the ring road. Although it is 30 kilometers more, it takes about an hour. It’s coming. “

“Really? Then the troublesome master will take the national road around the city.”

“Oh, children and parents, please fasten your seat belts and we’re off!”

The bus started slowly, and it turned out that there was a big traffic jam as soon as it left the school gate. After passing a section of turtle speed, the speed began to increase. The traffic in the city is almost paralyzed, and it is better to reach the destination around a circle outside the Soviet city.

There was laughter and laughter on the car, and the teacher was busy playing games with the children in a cheerful and active atmosphere.

Wang Lan gazed his head sideways and looked out the window, maybe this summer vacation was his last comfort. Awakened Star Warrior, then in the future will seize every opportunity to become stronger. In the Star Warrior’s world, if you are not strong, you will die.

普通 For ordinary people, the world is safe, and the country they live in is constantly getting stronger. Public order is stable, the economy is leaping, and everyone can eat and drink warmly.

But they can enjoy such a safe environment without the killing and desperate effort of Star Warriors. Human civilization has ushered in such a long time of peace since the demons were repelled 70 years ago. But throughout history, the demons have never given humans a long time to rest.

Every invasion of the Demons brings bitter memories to human beings. Two hundred years ago to seventy years ago, in the 130 years, the human population sharply decreased from 7 billion to 2 billion. Integer generations, if you count the number of deaths, it will be an astronomical number that humans do not want to think about.

Although there is no war now, alien space is frequently opened, and every opened alien space must send a wasteland group and army to explore. Can be controlled as a trial ground, and can not be closed as a trial ground.

If you disregard it, the alien beast in the alien space will rush out of the alien space to hunt humans. Look at the cities in the Middle East that were destroyed by strange beasts. Look at those displaced by the country’s weakness. How lucky it is to be born into this strong and secure country.

The strength of the country, in addition to the leaping economy, the powerful star warrior power is also the strength of the country. If there is no economy, there is no Star Warrior in the air, and if there is no economy, there is no Star Warrior. Yuguo, the two are compatible.

The speed suddenly started to slow down, and Wang Lan’s thoughts were collected.

外 At this moment, there is already a misty mist outside the window. Not to mention five meters of visibility, I am afraid there are not even two meters.

“What’s going on? Why is there such a heavy fog …”

“The ghost weather is really abnormal today. Master, can you still drive? Would you like to stop?”

不 “No, this is a ring road, you can’t stop it. If a car behind hits it, it will fall over the cliff. The visibility is too low, it’s okay, we use a speaker to sense it.”

The bus turtle hurried forward, dangling, and walking for about half an hour, no other vehicles passing by along the way.

Wang Lan frowned, although the national highway around the city was relatively scarce, it should still be a continuous stream.

“Master, have you gone the wrong way?” Wang Lan suddenly realized that something was wrong.

“No, I’m familiar with the National Highway around the city. It’s OK to open it with my eyes closed.”

The problem is, now he is no different from driving with his eyes closed. Isn’t it just a blind man if the visibility is only two or three meters?

“Master, right, this **** has been going on for half an hour. Where is the **** so high?”

“Slope? Are we going uphill?” The driver suddenly called nervously, “Why do I feel like I’m walking on flat ground? Ah! No—”

A loud scream raised the hearts of everyone in the car in a panic, and the bus started to tilt strongly. Wang Lan quickly hugged Song Jia beside her, screaming and screaming, the bus suddenly lost weight.

For a while, the bus was rolling and falling.


Strong vibration, the bus tumbled and fell to a standstill.

After the bus stopped, Wang Lan quickly released Song Jia from his arms. “Jia Jia, how are you? Have you been injured?”

“Brother … it hurts …”

“Woohoo … it hurts, mom …”

“Uncle, I have a headache, I bleed …”

Suddenly, there was a cry in the bus. Wang Lan unfastened his seat belt, the bus fell to the ground, Wang Lan broke the glass with one punch, and flexed out of the bus.

I was still confused by the thick fog, but now it was sunny. And this environment seems to be a canyon. It can be said that Gorge City is only Xishan Gorge, but it seems that Xishan Gorge is not like this, is it because of different angles.

“Brother!” Song Jia looked up at Wang Lan and looked up hard.

来 “Come, give me your hand and pull you up.”

After Xun Jia took Song Jia out of the bus, a fashionable woman brought the child in her hand.

“Everyone come one by one, don’t squeeze …”

Wang Lan took the children one by one, and then helped the people inside the car to get out of the bus.

“When we fell from such a high place, we are all alive?” After coming out, several parents looked up at the cliffs hidden in the clouds above their heads.

“Not all are alive, the driver is dead.”

“Don’t be lucky, hurry up and call for help.”

“Damn, I don’t have a signal on my cell phone. How is your cell phone?”

“Also no signal.”

“Don’t you say that the 4G signal is covered in the city?”

“Maybe the mountain is an exception.”

“I’m afraid it’s not that simple …” One of the middle-aged men in his forties looked diligently at the bus.

“You see, the bus has been reinforced. It is because of these reinforcements that it was rolled down from the top of the mountain and was not killed. But now the driver has died. I cannot be sure that the reinforcement of the bus is for the safety of passengers. Are temporarily reinforced. “

“Anyway, let’s first find a way to ask for help. Let’s spread out and see where there is a cell phone signal.”

There are twenty-five children and twenty-five adults in a car. Most adults are fine except a few injured. Faced with this situation, the little child has no God and only knows how to cry, but the adult has already begun to figure out a way.


Suddenly, it was getting dark, and it didn’t give people a chance to breathe, and it started to rain lightly.

Now it is June, it doesn’t matter if you drizzle a little rain, but the strange thing is that the raindrop is surprisingly cold and falls on your body and freezes.

十几 A dozen parents who were looking for a signal ran back again. Adults can still bear the rain, but children ca n’t, especially when they are scared and injured. UU reads www.uukanshu. com is not rainy.

“Listen, go back to the bus, let’s straighten the bus first, quickly!” The middle-aged man suddenly gave orders, and his words naturally carried the momentum of the leader, and everyone subconsciously obeyed his orders. .

Wang Lan found a dead tree not far from the ground. Twenty people joined forces to straighten the bus.

He and his team hid in the bus again, and the raindrops outside the window answered, and gradually, ice beads appeared on the window. June days, it hailed.

“Mom … I want to go home …”

“Woohoo … I will never participate in the summer camp …”

One drove one, and the whole car cried for a while. And Wang Lan frowned, faintly disturbed, strange fog, strange falls in the canyon, and now hailed strangely.

“It’s not a way to wait. Otherwise, who contributes a mobile phone, and I make a simple signal transmission device? There should be no signal switch here, so our mobile phone has no signal.” A Zhongnan man with glasses said lowly. .

“It’s useless!” The middle-aged man’s voice was first ordered to muffle, “My mobile phone comes with Sky Blue Star’s top signal transmission device, which is connected to satellite communications. It is a military product, and everything is normal. But now, No signal. “

The middle-aged man came to the driver’s seat and removed the driver’s body. “Let me see if the car can drive.”

Skilled start, gear shift, check, after a while, he turned off the bus.

“The car can start, but the brakes are broken. It should be that the brake pads are broken and cannot be repaired without parts.”

“What then?”

“The most optimistic is to wait for people outside to find that we are missing to search and rescue.”

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