I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 461: Entering the World

The biochemical soldiers of the Star Empire are powerful, and each soldier has the strength comparable to the main tank of the Citi Army. Coupled with the invasion of alien spaceships, the morale of the Citi Army has dropped to the bottom in an instant.

In the face of the Star Empire's attack, the Citi Army collapsed with one blow, some retreated and fled, some knelt down and surrendered, and the few remaining were easily killed by the biochemical soldiers.

Seeing this, Shi Xuan instructed the six brothers Bingo to continue to control the battleship to deter the sky above Citi, and quit the game to command the Star Empire army.

The army of biochemical soldiers was like a broken bamboo, and it soon swept across Citi Nation from west to east. The Citi Army led by Pu Chuan wanted to try to use nuclear weapons, but they were known in advance by the orbital satellite gun and destroyed.

In the desperation of the Citizens, Shi Xuan made a televised speech, promising that if the leaders of Citigroup surrendered, they would be given a position comparable to that of the current one. Also confiscated. The same is true for civilians. If Citi civilians surrender, they will be treated with national treatment. If they are determined not to surrender, they will be shot and all property will be confiscated.

For a time, the will of the Citizens to resist basically disappeared, and the Star Empire army quickly occupied most of the Citigroup. President Pu Chuan, who was hiding in the secret command post of the underground nuclear war, saw that the situation was over, and took his subordinates to announce the surrender to Shi Xuan, which means that once The most powerful nation in the world, Citi, is history.

Because when Puchuan surrendered, there were only a few states left in Citiland that were not occupied by the Star Empire. After accepting the surrender, Shi Xuan appointed Puchuan as the chief consul of those states on the spot, and he was the main person in charge of civil economy. .

This can be regarded as fulfilling the promise, and it also promotes the policies of the Star Empire to other countries in the world.

After occupying Citi, Shi Xuan's troops headed north, targeting the Maple Leaf Country, which is about the same size as Citi.

Although the Maple Leaf Country is not small in size, its military strength is far worse than that of the Citi Country. In the face of the biochemical soldiers of the Star Domain Empire and the huge alien warships in the sky that destroy Citi Country, there is no resistance from all over the country. President Maple Leaf The first to lead the crowd to surrender.

Shi Xuan annexed the Maple Leaf Country without a single soldier, and also appointed the Maple Leaf President as the former regional governor of the Maple Leaf Country.

After annexing the Maple Leaf Country, the Star Empire went all the way to the south.

There are many countries in the southern part of Citigroup, and the military strength is even more unbearable, but the will to resist is stronger than that of the Maple Leaf Country, and these countries have many internal forces, but they are not like the Maple Leaf Country. The president led the crowd to surrender.

Shi Xuan knew that these countries were rampant with drugs and gangsters, so he simply used biochemical soldiers to push past them and completely killed all the enemies who were armed with weapons. No matter what happened now, anyway, these areas will be built from scratch in the future, and no more will be allowed. The emergence of gangsters.

It only took five days for Shi Xuan to occupy South America in the southern part of Citiland. At this point, the Nanyang region, North America, and South America all belong to the territory of the Star Empire.

In the face of the monstrous flames of the Star Empire army, everyone in the world is in danger. Shi Xuan once again delivered a televised speech, announcing that the Star Empire will enter the world, urging all countries to surrender as soon as possible to avoid disaster.

Most of the rulers of other countries are naturally reluctant, but they are helpless in the face of the powerful military power of the Star Empire.

The leaders of Huaxia, Beixiong, and Europa wanted to unite to resist the Star Empire, and they met in secret many times.

Shi Xuan is very confident, the power balance between the two sides is too disparate, and he is not afraid of their alliance at all, and regardless of how they discuss the alliance, he dispatched the soldiers of the Star Empire to land on the land of the Black Continent.

Heizhou Continent can be said to be the most backward region on earth. The biochemical soldiers did not encounter any decent resistance at all. They pushed it all the way, and it took a few days to occupy it.

Now the Star Domain Empire has a large booth, but there is no shortage of biochemical soldiers, because Shi Xuan asked Penglai to produce biochemical soldiers with all their strength when they started the war against Citi, and now the total number of soldiers has reached more than five million.

And the biochemical soldiers are super powerful, it can be said that one is worth a hundred, and more than five million soldiers are enough.

After occupying the Heizhou Continent, the army of the Star Domain Empire marched non-stop to the oil country area where the Green Religion was located.

Because of their religious beliefs, the resistance of the human beings in these areas is actually very strong.

After destroying the modern weapons in the oil country region, the biochemical soldiers faced the attack of a large number of self-detonating human bombs.

Because biochemical soldiers have never fired weapons at children, these religiously brainwashed countries have actually sent a large number of children's human bombs to attack, causing certain casualties to biochemical soldiers.

These casualties were not a big loss to Shi Xuan. Penglai only needed a few hours to regenerate the part of the biochemical soldiers who suffered casualties. However, he was very angry that those rubbish countries sent children to participate in the war.

The alien warships were dispatched directly, and the super light cannons shot all the important religious buildings, including the so-called holy places and important temples, one by one. Ash.

In addition to religious buildings, all places with dense military personnel, alien warships are also attacked by super light cannons. After one round of attack, 90% of the resistance in this area is directly lost, and the biochemical soldiers occupied it without any effort.

Occupying this famous powder keg area, the Star Empire army is divided into three routes, one way to the northwest, directly to Europa, the other way to the north, targeting the North Bear Kingdom, and the other way to the east, the sword is aimed at the Caste Kingdom.

After all, the executives of Europa and the North Bear Country were not reconciled. The two sides joined together and sent a total of about 2.5 million troops, more than 3,000 fighter jets, and 25,000 tanks to fight head-on with the biochemical soldiers of the Star Empire.

At the same time, although Huaxia was hesitant to send troops, the decisive battle site was too far away, and in the end, no troops were sent to join the battle.

One of the biggest battles since the start of the war broke out. The two sides launched a head-to-head attack on Maimandi, and the Biochemical Soldier Corps also suffered serious casualties for the first time. But what was even worse was the combined forces of Europa and the North Bear. The backbone of fighter jets and tanks were quickly consumed, and the huge casualty rate soon made the soldiers shudder.

Shi Xuan stepped up political propaganda, and the coalition soldiers learned that the Star Region Empire still gave normal national treatment to ordinary soldiers and citizens who did not resist in the occupied country, while those who persisted in resistance were executed and confiscated. property.

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. In the face of the strong pressure of the biochemical soldier army, the coalition soldiers who know the policy of the Star Empire began to flee, and more and more.

The Biochemical Soldier Corps took the opportunity to attack, and Europa and the North Bear allied forces were defeated in one fell swoop.

It took another three days for the Star Empire to occupy Europa and the North Bear Country. At this time, another army of biochemical soldiers heading east had already defeated the Caste Country, occupied the South Asia region, and joined the Southeast Asia region.

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