I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 420 Crisis Response

In the shortest words, Bruce informed Aoba Niu of the discovery that Pluto hit the earth.

The President of Citigroup has a solemn expression on his face. This is not only a matter of Citigroup, but also the life and death of the entire human beings on the earth.

You must know that the cause of the demise of the once-overlord dinosaur family was caused by an asteroid with a diameter of about ten kilometers hitting the earth, and this time the Pluto flying to the earth is larger than the asteroid, which is roughly estimated to be the moon. Its lethality is conceivably many times greater than that of the asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs hundreds of millions of years ago.

It is conceivable that under such an impact, it is impossible for human beings to survive on the earth, and even the earth will be deviated from its orbit, and it is possible that it will not be suitable for biological survival from now on.

Now, there are nine days left until Pluto hits Earth.

Ao Ba Niu was silent for only a while, and then said to the chief of staff: I want to hold an emergency meeting immediately, and immediately notify the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the secretary of defense, and the secretary of state, and they will come over immediately!

I just checked the itinerary. The Minister of Defense is going to inspect the military in the oil country area today. It is estimated that he is already on the plane.

Then let him find a way to fly back immediately!

Aoba Niu thought for a while, and then asked, Are the experts from the NASA still meeting to discuss?

The chief of staff nodded, I just contacted Charlie, and they are indeed still organizing expert discussions, hoping to find a solution to the crisis.

It is also difficult for astronomy experts to find a solution to the problem. You should immediately notify the Ministry of Defense, and bring the best weapons experts to me, so that they can discuss the solution with the experts of the NASA.

Okay, I'll let you know now.

Well, wait for the chairman of the joint meeting and they will connect the situation discussed by the experts to our emergency meeting. I will come up with the plan at the meeting.

The time is urgent, and it is no longer possible to follow a fixed process as usual. Aoba Niu must come up with a response method as quickly as possible and put it into action.

The chief of staff nodded, Understood, I'll arrange it now. How about the meeting place in the combat conference room? It's convenient to connect to the space agency's discussion room.

Okay, faster!

Now is an emergency period, and the efficiency of Citi people is still very fast.

Only ten minutes later, the operational conference room was ready. Except that the Secretary of Defense had left the country and it would take some time to return. The Chairman of the Joint Conference and the Secretary of State, important senior officials from Citigroup, also arrived at the White House half an hour later.

The White House war room is not large, a small rectangular conference table is full of important figures from Citi.

At the heart of power, Citi President Aoba Niu sits in the chair with a wide-screen monitor directly in front of him showing exactly the NASA conference room connected via a videoconferencing system.

The NASA conference room has already gathered the top astrophysicists in the whole country. The head of the NASA has already introduced them to the crisis situation of Pluto.

In the face of the crisis, most of the experts are apprehensive or even desperate. As professionals, they know more clearly than ordinary people what it means for Pluto to hit the earth, and they also understand how difficult it is to resolve this crisis.

It is natural to have fear in the face of a crisis, but at the same time, these experts have also shown their professionalism.

This seminar, for everyone, is no longer about striving for academic achievements, but for their own right to live. There is no need to mobilize at all. These experts are doing their best.

When Aoba Niu saw this scene, he did not disturb them by speaking through the video system for the time being. Instead, he asked the chief of staff, What about the military's weapons experts?

They will be assembled in the Hexagon conference room, and the video feed over there will be linked later.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the video system to pick up the footage from another conference room, all of whom were military weapons experts.

The White House War Room and the two conference rooms are connected to the Internet. Aoba Niu can pay attention to the situation in the two conference rooms at the same time. The highly sensitive microphone placed in front of him can transmit his words to the ears of experts in the conference room. The video system was also able to live stream his footage from the White House war room, ensuring he could speak to the experts in both conference rooms at all times.

Aoba Niu took the microphone close and said solemnly: Everyone, I believe everyone knows that the greatest crisis in human history is coming!

Regardless of race, religion, gender, age, as long as you come up with a way to save mankind, you will be the savior of mankind! As the President of Citi, I will award you the highest honor and material rewards.

Needless to say, if Pluto is allowed to collide, the living conditions of all creatures on earth will be destroyed, and we humans will be no different from cats, dogs, birds, fish, insects, and even cockroaches that can't be killed. will face an unsolved desperation...

Now, there is not much time left for us. It has been less than nine days for Pluto to hit the earth! Hurry up and use your brains and come up with a solution for me! All the weapons and resources of Citigroup can be deployed, as long as this damned Pluto is far from Earth!

Today, we must come up with a solution! You are the top of Citi, and I believe you are also the top experts in the world. Now is the time to play your role!

After asking the experts, Aoba Niu sighed and said to the chief of staff: All information about Pluto is listed in the highest level of confidentiality! You can't let the public know at this time, otherwise the country will definitely be in chaos. , it is likely to affect our allocation of resources to solve the problem.

The chief of staff nodded, even if the president didn't say it, he knew it needed to be kept secret.

At this time, Secretary of State Sheila just came and walked into the war room, Ao Ba Niu waved his hand and said, Secretary of State, do you know the situation?

Sheila nodded. On the way over, her secretary had already received intelligence information from the White House and reported it to her.

This crisis is of a global nature. Immediately help me contact and coordinate the highest leaders of China, Europa and North Bear. I think we need to have a coordination meeting immediately.

Citigroup's foreign affairs have always been the responsibility of the Secretary of State, and there have always been special communication channels between the top leaders of several major countries, which Sheila is very familiar with. Don't worry, I will contact you immediately, and if there are no other accidents, we will be able to talk via video in about an hour.

Let me know when you're ready. Aoba Niu nodded, closing his eyes and resting, thinking about how to negotiate with several other major powers. He knew he couldn't rest comfortably until the Pluto crisis was resolved.

Just as Citigroup executives were intensively dealing with the Pluto crisis, Shi Xuan was in the game, nervously watching the little star beast that seemed to have a big change in front of him...

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