I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 399 Technology Authorization Model

Shi Xuan sensed the situation of the little star beast again, and it is estimated that there will be no change in a short period of time, so he handed over the colonization of the New Home planet to the intelligent core management, and immediately quit the game.

It was also time to find a way to relieve the current state of war in Kiris. Shi Xuan called Acting President Kiris: Mbeki, I want to meet with the envoys of those major countries. You can arrange it.

Boss, are we finally going to have a formal talk with them? Mbeki said with a bit of surprise. During this period of time, he had to deal with the envoys of these big countries. He was instructing behind the scenes. Hope too.

He thought for a while and then asked: Boss, in what capacity do you want to talk to them? Do you want to reveal your true identity and let them know that you are the ruler of Kiris?

Shi Xuan smiled and shook his head: No,

Just let them know I'm your plenipotentiary before it's public.

Understood, I'll make arrangements now!

After about an hour or so, the first meeting was ready.

In the reception room of the Presidential Palace of Kiris, the two parties were sitting opposite each other, and they exchanged words with each other across the small negotiating table.

On the right-hand side of the entrance are the Citigroup envoy and his team. The blond-haired Citigroup envoy Mike calmly stared at the chief representative of the Kiris country opposite, a young man with a Chinese face.

Consultant Shi Xuan, can you represent your President Mbeki?

The opposite negotiating opponent is so young that it is difficult for Mike to believe the other party's weight in Kiris. And he was told that Shi Xuan's title was the chief special adviser of Kiris, and this strange position also made him very curious.

Shi Xuan, who was opposite him, smiled lightly, Of course, I think our staff has informed you through formal channels that President Mbeki has fully authorized me, and our government will recognize all matters negotiated.

Mike squinted his eyes. Of course he received a formal notice, otherwise he wouldn't meet the other party here, but it was a bit difficult to accept for a while, but as long as the other party's speech was useful, it didn't matter what position he was in Kiris. .

Okay, Consultant Shi. Your country has finally started substantive negotiations between the two countries today, and we are also very pleased that Kiris is the right way to go with the mainstream of the world after all. As long as you are willing to uphold democracy and justice, I think The international community will help you.

Mike was a little old-fashioned, and took out his previous negotiation with the small country of Heizhou.

Shi Xuan couldn't help laughing, Haha, I think our country can live well without the help of the international community, on the contrary, if we don't cooperate, I'm afraid Citigroup will be very uncomfortable, especially when we are with Huaxia and Beixiong. when they touch.

Mike said coldly: You do have a little technical advantage, but this is not enough to give you the power to challenge the international social order. I think you should be very clear. Citigroup is not a Nanyang country. To solve problems, We only need to use one percent of our military force and that's enough...

If this is really the case, I am afraid that you, distinguished ambassador, will not be sitting at this negotiating table today,

Rather, a certain Citi general was calling the shots in Kiris. Shi Xuan smiled disdainfully, and added, Furthermore, even if Citi Nation does conquer Kiris Nation by force, I guarantee that you will not get the technology you want.

In fact, until now, other countries have not yet found out the technical information of Kiris. Citi's top spy, Milna, learned of some super battery news, which Shi Xuan deliberately let her know and blamed on the island country.

Citigroup has also placed the main force of intelligence spying on super batteries.

To this end, two other high-level spies were specially dispatched to the country of Kiris to assist Mirna, but there was no further substantial progress.

Therefore, Citigroup is still looking forward to obtaining Kiris's technology through negotiation, which is also Mike's main task at present.

After being robbed by Shi Xuan, Mike frowned and was about to fight back. However, Shi Xuan continued: Okay, Ming people don't talk secretly, we don't need to waste time talking about those false things, I'll just straight to the point. If you want super battery technology, it's not impossible... …”

Shi Xuan didn't say it, Mike knew that the other party was going to ask for conditions, and it was his main task, and Mike was unambiguous, Okay, let's just say it directly, what conditions do you want to ask for?

Don't worry, let's talk about the bargaining chips we can provide. We can license the super battery technology to Citi for use.

Authorization method? Mike was a little puzzled, which was different from what he expected.

Yes! We can provide technical support for products based on super battery technology. For exoskeleton system armor, we can provide technology to allow Citi to build its key core power module production line.

How is that different from when you hand over direct technology to us?

Of course it is different. We will send technicians to participate in the construction of the production line of the product to ensure that it can be completed and put into production normally. If there is a need for maintenance in the future, we will also provide on-site service of technicians. But those key technologies and parameters, our technicians will not disclose. for you.

So what conditions do you want to get with this authorization model?

To collect patent fees, whether it is military or civilian products, we need 300 Citicoins for each set of products produced with super battery technology.

Mike sneered in his heart. He understood Shi Xuan's meaning a little bit. He wanted to use the super battery technology to gain a lot of benefits for a long time, instead of getting a one-off compensation from Citi.

Although 300 Citicoins does not sound like a lot, whether it is military or civilian, there will be many people who need to use super battery technology, and charging 300 Citicoins for each set of products is a great wealth. Moreover, with Citi's very mature business application model, once an agreement is signed with Kiris, it can only strictly abide by the business rules, and pay royalties according to the real situation. important cornerstone.

However, after seeing it in Mike, this is just the fantasy of the young man on the other side. In this case, it is impossible for scientists from Citi to crack a technology that has built a production line in China. In the name of using super battery technology is not difficult at all.

snort! Just let the smart guys from Kiris Country steal the chicken without losing their money. If the technology is completely bought out at one time, Citi Country may have to pay more.

Mike then laughed loudly: Okay, this is also in line with the principle of fair trade in the international community. I think our president will agree.

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