I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 381 Colonial Base Construction

When Shi Xuan got the Penglai, it was much simpler than the current conditions. There was only a solitary intelligent core. Even the engineering robots were made by Shi Xuan according to the design drawings. made. ?

Next to the intelligent core is a fully equipped engineering robot, which is capable of almost all construction projects, saving a lot of precious time at the beginning of the colonial exhibition.

After the smart core landed, the warehouse door at the rear of the fighter also opened, and there were boxes full of materials in the warehouse.

Don't have to worry about Shi Xuan, the smart core will start automatically.

Under the command of the intelligent core, the engineering robot swiftly entered the fighter warehouse, and used the robotic arm to unpack the materials accurately and quickly, revealing many mechanical parts of different shapes inside.

Using these parts, the engineering robot quickly assembled another 10 engineering robots, and the construction speed was immediately accelerated many times.

The total number of engineering robots reached 11, centering on the landing point of the fighter plane, taking a radius of one kilometer as the scope of the colony base, and began to build in full swing.

According to the prescribed procedures, the first priority to build is the defense system. Before the defense system is built, the defense of the colony base is the weakest and most dangerous. If there are any powerful indigenous creatures on this planet, it is easy You can take the opportunity to come and do damage.

Many failed cases of alien colonization were wiped out by the natives of the planet before the defense system was built at the very beginning.

Shi Xuan's luck was not bad. After the engineering robot built 6 laser cannons, there were still no indigenous creatures on this planet, and it was considered that he had temporarily stabilized his feet on this planet.

These laser turrets can attack both ground and air targets. They have almost no cooling time and their power is not weak. If necessary, they can even attack together with energy, so that the power can be increased by dozens of times. It is very suitable for the current enemy. Unknown defense requirements.

When the engineering robots have initially built these laser turrets, the game system will pop up a pop-up window: Congratulations to the captain of the champion team, Xiao Shishi, who successfully opened the colonization system for the first time. The reward is 100,000 stars and 20,000 boxes of resources.

Unlike playing games on a mobile phone, this time I used the game warehouse. This pop-up message appeared directly in the air in front of Shi Xuan. Shi Xuan dialed it in the air with his hand, and the information was hidden.

This is an information announcement on a team channel, except Shi Xuan, other team members can also see it.

Alpha and the others immediately sent a congratulatory message, and they admired the captain's lead in the game again.

When a team occupies the entire galaxy in the game, the game can open the alien development system.

Through the space-time channel located in the center of the occupied galaxy, team members can remotely control a hard-federation colonization fighter to colonize new unopened planets. Except for paying the necessary taxes, the rest of the benefits are owned by the player. Through the real transformation function of the game, you can send your real body to the past.

After occupying the entire galaxy, in addition to starting the alien development system, players have another option, which is to continue to expand to areas outside the galaxy in the game.

Before a galaxy is completely occupied, the area outside the galaxy is dark, and the game does not allow players to appear. When the galaxy is completely occupied, the map around the galaxy will be opened, and players can drive their fighters to fight outside the galaxy. The gameplay is similar, but the map has expanded many times.

As for the champion team, since Alpha has completely occupied the Aries galaxy with the team members, he can rush out of the galaxy to occupy other planets and expand the team's territory.

The start of the alien development system, all members of the team can know,

However, almost no one in the championship team chose this option, but chose to continue to rush out of the galaxy to fight.

Shi Xuan smiled and suggested that they also come to colonize together, but everyone disagreed with the previous order, and they refused, and no one was willing to follow.

Shi Xuan is very strange. In his opinion, colonizing aliens is quite interesting, and there are practical benefits. Everyone should be very positive. Why does it seem that aliens like Alpha are not What an attraction.

After inquiring about Alpha, Shi Xuan knew the reason.

It turns out that with the development of science and technology, it has become very common for citizens of alien society to travel to various strange planets. It is as simple as people on earth going to the park to play. Alien colonization is just a hard and boring thing.

For example, when Shi Xuan started the alien development system this time, he had to pilot a fighter plane in the void of the universe for a few days before he really wanted to colonize a planet. The process was very boring. Even the colonization process was nothing new to alien citizens. .

So starting the alien development system, for Alpha and the others, is like using a holographic game warehouse to participate in an ordinary trip. Although there will be rewards in reality, it is not as fun as continuing to fight in the game.

The hard federation added this function to the game, just to increase the enthusiasm of citizens to colonize as much as possible. One or two of the 10 million alien citizens who play the game are willing to use this function. It is already very satisfied.

Most of the members of the team chose not to participate in the alien development system. Only Baita, who was in charge of the team's internal affairs, was interested. However, his affairs were the most messy and busy, and he had no time to come.

After Shi Xuan learned about the situation, he didn't force them. It just happened that no one bothered him, and he wouldn't reveal his lack of common sense about alien colonization.

After the colonization system is activated, the intelligent core will build itself according to the program, and Shi Xuan doesn't need to worry about it at all.

After the engineering robot built 6 laser turrets to form the basic defense system, it immediately built a controllable nuclear fusion energy tower to serve as the base energy source, and finally built a mineral refiner, which brought the fighter jets into the warehouse. material resources are completely exhausted.

After running out of resources, 11 engineering robots went to explore in all directions, exploring and digging for various useful minerals.

During this process, Shi Xuan was just a spectator and didn't know what to do. No wonder Alpha and the others did not choose to activate the alien development system. Compared with the fierce battle between fighters in the universe, the experience of colonization is really boring and boring.

Unconsciously, after spending several hours in this boredom, the engineering robot also found two useful metal mines and was preparing to mine.

Because there is no need to control, Shi Xuan simply quit the game and let the colonization system do the construction on its own. As long as he re-enters the game after a while, it is estimated that the colonization of this base will be more complete.

In the Crescent Island Base, Shi Xuan was monitoring the situation in the entire Nanyang region through Penglai, paying attention to the reactions of various parties, but Long Yufei called at this time. 8

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