I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 378 Island Country Spy

In the next few days, the situation in the Southeast Asian region was tense, but a balance was always maintained.

The Nanyang Kingdom was thinking of attacking Kiris, but Citigroup never made a final statement. Deterred by Kiris’s inexplicable ability to annihilate the main force of the Eastern Fleet, the President of Nanyang was ultimately undecided to send troops to invade again.

Citi Nation did not share the information about the giant electric eel with the Nanyang Kingdom, its ally. Citi Nation can hide the information about Kiris Nation's abnormal technology, and it does not want more forces to know.

At this time, Citi's purpose is to find a way to obtain these technologies, but it is reluctant to act rashly for the time being due to the lack of relevant intelligence.

In the eyes of Aoba Niu and the others, the Citizen army can occupy Kiris at any time. It is as simple as crushing an ant. It is just to defeat this small country, but without the relevant technologies, it is worthless. .

At the very least, it is necessary to find out where the data of these advanced technologies of the country of Clearis are stored? Which scientists are responsible for researching technology? The more complete the information, the greater the possibility of grabbing the technology and the more benefit.

In the last world war, Citi, which was not the absolute hegemony of the world at that time, obtained a large amount of scientific and technological information and a large number of high-level scientists from the defeated Europa hegemony at that time.

After only a short period of time, Citi Country digested these technologies and became the two absolute strongest countries in the world with the North Bear Country, which also obtained some of the technologies of the Europa hegemony. years of confrontation.

In the end, in the fierce competition, the North Bear Country collapsed first due to internal reasons, and Citi Country became the unique and strongest country in the world until now.

The mysterious technology displayed by Kiris in the battle has made Citi's senior executives see the opportunity to make the country's technology leap.

Whether it is the powerful biological weaponization technology displayed by the giant electric eel, or the advanced energy miniaturization system hidden in the exoskeleton armor of special forces, Citico is salivating.

However, a small country like Kiris, because it has no value in either political or economic terms, is almost a blank in Citi's intelligence.

If you want to get these technologies, you must find out the scientists who master these technologies and where they work and store their data. As long as you have this information, whether it is by force or negotiation, there is a way to get it.

And the secret envoy Mike is placed on high hopes, no matter what method he takes, he must get this information.

In front of the presidential palace of Kiris, there are several large Gothic houses, which were built by the adventurers of Europa who came to Kiris in the era of great voyages, and have a very long history.

Later, after being renovated by various governments of Kiris, it is regarded as the most high-end part of the building in China, and it has been used as a building for entertaining foreign VIPs.

According to Shi Xuan's instructions, Mbeki treated Citi and Kiris as equal, and sent a person in charge of the Foreign Affairs Office to negotiate, but in terms of material reception, he tried his best to do the best. In order to show the warm and hospitable side of Kiris, Mike and his party were arranged to live in one of the high-end houses.

It was now ten o'clock in the evening, and Mike was slumped on the sofa in the room, and Mike frowned tiredly thinking.

In the past few days, Kiris's negotiating opponent, Wagson, seems to be talking about everything with him, but he has not talked about anything. When it comes to the technology that Mike is interested in, the other party seems to know nothing. Can't find any clues.

However, from the very beginning, he did not expect to obtain the information he needed from the negotiators of the other side, and the world's real acquisition of valuable information did not depend on negotiation.

So, this time to negotiate,

The key figure at Citi is not Mike as the team leader.

At this time, there were two knocks on the door.


Ambassador, I'm Milna.

come on in.

A tall, blond woman walked in, a typical Citi country beauty.

Mike saw her and hurriedly asked, How is your progress on that side?

Milna sat down and shook her head, We have traveled all over Kiris Island in the past few days and found nothing like a scientific research base, and the highest institution on the island is only a high school, and we couldn't find any place at all. A professor-level scholar!

Milna came to Kiris as Mike's secretary, but in fact she was a special meritorious agent of the CIA of Citi. She was nicknamed Citi Tianjiao in the intelligence community.

Of course, only a few people know her true identity, even Mike, only thinks she is an ordinary senior agent.

Nominally, the special envoy of the president this time is Mike, but in fact she is the invisible leader of the entire team, and she also brought several other special agents to Kiris Country as Mike's entourage.

Hearing Milna's statement, Mike shook his head, Impossible, you have read the information on those giant electric eels and exoskeleton armor, there must be high-level scientists and laboratories in Kiris, they must be somewhere. Secret places are hidden.

Once you find these secret places, things are much easier.

Of course, even if there are other organizations that secretly support the technology of Kiris, there should be some clues. Milna opened the laptop in her hand and brought up a screen that displayed the map of Kiris.

Milna pointed to several bright spots on the map: I have put down micro-detection radars in many places on the island, and they alone cannot function, but in cooperation with the reconnaissance satellites in the sky, they can put fifty radars off the island. The holes in the range of meters will be protruded, and no underground secret laboratory will be missed.

Citi has already mobilized a state-of-the-art military reconnaissance satellite to monitor the Kiris region at all times.

After all, Mike is not from the Central Intelligence Agency, so he doesn't know all of these advanced technologies to detect intelligence. At least he has never seen the system in Milna's computer that can detect holes in the 50-meter range underground.

He probed over curiously, What did you find?

Look here. Milna pointed to a coast in the north of Kiris Country not far from the Presidential Palace on the map. There is a huge hole in the ground, which is likely to be a secret laboratory or something.

Mike took a closer look. The map showed a red area, indicating that there was a hole in the ground. He thought about it for a while and said, It just so happens that there is a tourist attraction not far from there. Is there any gain?

No, you can't be so direct and obvious. You negotiate with Kiris officials as usual, and I can sneak over there. Milna paused and said: The Chinese people on this island and the Huaxia company seem to be There are many, I think you can start from this aspect and find a way to go to the large Huaxia companies on those islands, and maybe you will gain something.

You mean to check to see if the one who supports Kiris will be Huaxia?

It is very likely that if the mysterious organization is really Huaxia, maybe these companies are the channels for them to contact. It is always good to go and see.

Mike thought about it for a while, and agreed with Milna's opinion, nodded heavily, Okay! Everyone will split up tomorrow!

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