I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 368 Start a total war

Through the satellite video signal from Citi, I saw that the Kiris special forces pressed a few times on the body, and the individual armor was automatically unloaded, and finally formed a square box, which was carried by the special forces. fastest update

The eyes of everyone in Nanyang Kingdom lit up. They didn't expect this individual armor to have such a magical function, but there were no ships on the screen.

Strange, why did they go to that sea area instead of escaping by boat?

Just as they were wondering, there was movement on the water surface at the seaside in a blink of an eye, and a ripple suddenly appeared on the water surface.

Whoops! submarine! Or a large submarine!

It was so unexpected that the eyes of everyone in Nanyang Kingdom burst out.

Like aircraft carriers, large submarines are also benchmarking equipment for measuring a country's strength.

A regional power like Nanyang Kingdom has no aircraft carrier, and only a few large destroyers can take off and land a helicopter, which is already the pride of the military.

As for submarines, Nanyang Kingdom spent huge sums of money to purchase two ordinary-powered Ulatol-class conventional submarines from North Bear Kingdom more than 20 years ago, but it is completely outdated now, because it has not continued to purchase new submarines, Nanyang Kingdom itself Can not be built, the Navy's submarine force has almost become a display.

Now that they suddenly see a large submarine dispatched from Kiris, how can they not be surprised?

Sukosino gritted his teeth and asked the naval commander, Is this a Huaxia submarine?

He really didn't believe that a small country with small projectiles could have naval equipment such as large submarines, and subconsciously thought that the submarines of other countries were helping Kiris.

The naval commander carefully identified it, shook his head and said, It doesn't look like the style of the Huaxia submarine, but it looks a bit like the North Bear Kingdom.

At that time, Shi Xuan built this submarine with reference to the North Wind God nuclear submarine of the North Bear Kingdom in terms of appearance. The actual internal design used a lot of alien technology, and its comfort and combat effectiveness far exceeded the original version, but In appearance, it looks a bit like the North Bear Kingdom.

Sukosino was even more puzzled. Could it be that Kiris is not China but the North Bear?

However, this kind of issue does not need to be considered by Nanyang Kingdom. It involves the old rival North Bear Kingdom. I believe that Citigroup will be more interested in understanding it. Nanyang Kingdom is not qualified to participate in this level of great power game.

At this time, Citigroup was also shocked. Based on their knowledge of the North Bear Country's submarine, they immediately judged that the submarine that suddenly appeared was very similar to the North Bear Country's equipment.

Admiral Field, who had just returned from the Aoba Niu residence to the military headquarters building, had to turn back again to report the situation to the president.

Not to mention how Citigroup attaches great importance to the response, Nanyang Kingdom is a bit messed up.

As more and more submarines surfaced on the surface, the commander of the Nanyang National Navy also judged that the shape of the submarine was very similar to the North Wind God-class strategic nuclear submarine of the North Bear Kingdom, but it was slightly smaller in size.

Watching the special forces of Kiris and the three rescued fishermen enter the submarine one after another, it is estimated that the submarine will leave soon. Sukosino hurriedly asked, Can our navy track and attack this submarine?

The naval commander shook his head solemnly, Because I don't know the other party's sneak data, I'm not sure whether our anti-submarine equipment can detect the other party. 'Like submarines, our navy will certainly not be able to track them.

The North Wind God-level strategic nuclear submarine is a top-level weapon developed by the North Bear Country with Citi as its imaginary enemy. It can carry and launch more than ten ballistic intercontinental missiles underwater. And in eliminating infrared features, magnetic features, wake features, etc.,

They have taken some unique stealth measures. These stealth technologies make it difficult for adversaries to track them down, whether in water or in space.

The opponent of the North Bear Country is a world hegemon like Citi Country, and even Citi Country is difficult to deal with a killer such as the God of the North Wind, let alone a third-rate country like Nanyang Kingdom.

Although the submarine of Kiris seems to be smaller than the genuine North Wind God, no one knows how much different its functions will be. All this greatly exceeded the expectations of the people in Nanyang Kingdom, and there was no way to do it for a while.

No matter how many, if it is really a 'North Wind God'-class submarine, only Citi will be able to deal with it. It's useless for us to worry about it, just do what we can do. Su Kexi Norton After a while, he said, How many of our strongest warships are there near that sea area?

The naval commander was very familiar with this and immediately said: The main force of our Eastern Fleet is nearby, including 2 destroyers, 8 frigates, and dozens of other ships such as large patrol ships and fast ships. There are also dozens of ships on the destroyers. Anti-submarine helicopters just come in handy.

Well, all the warships will be sent to that sea area to encircle and wipe out the enemy. In addition, let the Western Fleet also transfer the main force. If we can't catch this submarine this time, we will attack Kiris with all our strength! Sukosino fiercely clenched his fists.

He thought to himself that since he suffered a loss in a local small war, he would simply use the advantage of national strength to regain the lost face and interests through a full-scale war. One or two advanced submarines on the other side could not change the overall balance of power.

Realizing that this was an order from the President for a full-scale war, the naval commander immediately gave a military salute, Yes! The Navy will not disappoint you!

Next, Sukosino asked Lizard to take the lead in coordinating the army and air force with the navy to prepare for a full-scale war against Kiris.

At the beginning of the declaration of war, Sukosino didn't care much, and the weak country of Kiris was not in his eyes at all. He was also thinking more about politics, and he thought that he could add some hegemonic prestige to Nanyang Kingdom.

After all, the national strength of Kiris, a small country, is like the difference between a newborn baby and an adult strong man in front of the regional hegemon, Nanyang. Some docile countries feel the strength of Nanyang Kingdom.

But he never imagined that things would develop to such an uncontrollable level in a short period of time. Now he is already in a difficult position to ride a tiger. If the Kiris Kingdom is not completely overthrown, the Nanyang Kingdom led by Sukosino will be a joke in the world!

The specific war deployment and mobilization work was handed over to the Minister of Defense. Sukosino once again used a special channel to contact the President of Citi, preparing to start a full-scale war against Kiris. appropriate.

Moreover, when the full-scale war begins, if the Huaxia Kingdom in the north intervenes, Citi will also need to deal with it, so Sukosino must obtain the support of Aoba Niu. rw

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