I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 355 Missile Falls

The Harpoon anti-ship missile roared into the sky, and soon reached a ballistic altitude of 800 meters, and then fell down according to the inertial force and entered the terminal ballistic.

The missile flies downward, and when the flight altitude reaches about 3 meters from the sea surface, it has changed to sailing close to the sea surface.

According to the original design, this low-altitude flight is to avoid the radar scanning of the enemy ship, but the current target is a small Kiris merchant ship with no one. Naturally, there is no radar scanning. Even if it is not avoided, there is no problem. The flight program for the attack has already been set and will not be changed.

At this time, the active radar on the front of the missile was also turned on, and it was very easy to scan and lock the target of the attack: the small merchant ship in front of it parked on the sea.

If the target of the missile is a relatively advanced warship and is now locked by the active radar, a strong warning sound will definitely be issued, and the escort system will be activated at the first time.

But now, of course, this small merchant ship will not have such equipment, just as a target quietly waiting for the missile to approach.

The Flying Fish missile has reached the highest speed of Mach 0.9, and it is about to attack the middle of the Kiris small merchant ship.

The beautiful reporter from Nanyang Kingdom opened her mouth nervously and stared at the missiles flying at high speed in the distance. For ordinary people, it is very rare for ordinary people to actually watch the actual attack of the missiles once in their life.

Sumatra smiled slightly. As the captain of the Sigma, he has tested the Harpoon anti-ship missile several times, and is no stranger to the attack scene of this missile. In his mind, the Kiris merchant ship was blown to pieces by missiles, accompanied by the scene of the sea blasting into the sky.

He has even thought about how to write his speech in front of the camera for a while, and take advantage of this rare opportunity to greatly increase his reputation.

This time, the declaration of war by the Nanyang Kingdom caused a lot of uproar. On-site interviews with advanced warships in active service, and even live missile test launches, such programs have already attracted many audiences.

In front of the TV are not only the majority of the people of the two countries concerned, Nanyang Kingdom and Kiris Kingdom,

Even Citi, China, and other countries that have little to do with this, many people have seen live broadcasts through the Internet.

Under the spotlight, the Harpoon missile approached the Kiris merchant ship and was about to hit and explode.

Suddenly, the missile's tail flame disappeared, and when the power was lost, a head was inserted into the sea water in the air resistance, leaving only the waves caused by the missile on the sea surface when it entered the water, and disappeared silently.

On the frigate Sigma, the Nanyang soldiers were silent. It was too unexpected. They couldn't accept the fact that the missile was malfunctioning for a while.

To be honest, it's not very strange to launch a missile in practice, but it's just too weird that a missile has never failed when it is about to become a target.

The photographer also slid his hands in surprise, and just turned the camera that was originally aimed at the missile to the side of Captain Sumatra, and took pictures of the whole process of turning his face from a smile to a surprise. It is best to freeze it in his incredible On the screen where he opened his mouth, the audience in front of the TV saw this embarrassing expression.

After a while, the beauty reporter reacted a little and asked hesitantly, What happened just now?

Sumatra coughed a few times to cover up the embarrassing atmosphere, I think this is a little accident happened to the missile, the probability of this happening is probably one in tens of millions, we will negotiate with the missile seller to let They compensate us for our losses!

Oh, we can all understand that any product will have the possibility of defects. Just like shopping in a regular supermarket, although the probability is very low, it is also possible to buy fake and inferior products. The beauty reporter also cooperated to resolve this embarrassing situation, and then Asked: Then we are going to the next interview session...

Since the temporary increase in the missile test has leaked, the beauty reporter wants to resume the program interview according to the original plan.

Sumatra's face turned blue and then white. This time, there was a leak in the temporarily added missile test. Not only did he not successfully increase his prestige, but on the contrary, it caused a lot of blows. It is estimated that his competitors are now laughing and watching his own jokes. It was absolutely unacceptable to him.

In any case, it can't be left like this, and Sumatra exclaimed: No, we still have missiles to launch, and this time it will be successful!

With the failure just now, although launching a missile again may not necessarily increase prestige, it can offset and reduce some adverse effects to some extent. After all, occasional accidents can also be said to be slightly bad luck. It is better than doing nothing. It would be better to say the missile failed to launch.

At the strong request of Sumatra, the TV crew also agreed to live broadcast the missile launch again.

The second Harpoon anti-ship missile was quickly installed on the launch pad by the soldiers of the Sigma battleship. In order to ensure success, Sumatra also personally took someone to check it to make sure that everything was normal.

The missile flies into the air, and according to the program, it will transfer to the terminal orbit after lifting to the highest position, and finally hit the target ship close to the sea level, and then explode and sink it.

Sumatra held his breath, stared nervously at the missile in the air, and prayed in his heart, Don't let any leaks happen again!

Originally, as a senior captain, he was not unfamiliar with launching missiles, and he would not be nervous, but if the missile launch failed again, it would definitely deal a heavy blow to his prestige, and it would determine his fate. Whether the career is up or down, he can't help but ignore it.

Thousands of miles away from the Crescent Island Base, Shi Xuan watched the live TV program, smiled lightly, and snapped his fingers at Penglai.

Penglai nodded and ordered to immediately reach the rail gun above the earth's orbit.

An extremely small beam of super-energy emanated from the railgun and hit the Harpoon missile unmistakably just off the missile launcher. The beam is so small that no one notices it, even less so on live TV.

For Penglai, it was easy to find information on the Harpoon missile, the most widely used anti-ship missile among Citigroup allies, and its internal structure was completely clear, so it could be destroyed with super-energy beams with great precision. .

The key point of the missile's internal propulsion system was instantly penetrated by the super-energy beam, the tail flame was extinguished again, and the powerless missile fell down under the action of gravity.

The 4.7-meter, 570-kilogram Harpoon missile fell over the battleship and fell heavily into the sea next to the Sigma, splashing ten meters high waves, and the unpredictable water splashed on the Sumatra and the beauties on the ship. reporters and others.

The embarrassed images of the two of them were instantly broadcast live on TV and displayed in front of the vast audience...

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