I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 348 Sudden declaration of war

Mbeki's excitement could be felt on the phone, Shi Xuan said lightly, Calm down, what happened?

Nanyang Kingdom has declared war on us!

Shi Xuan was stunned, this was a bit unexpected, although Shi Xuan took the opportunity to oust the former president from power in the last coup d'etat, which made the relationship between Kiris and Nanyang Kingdom very poor. Nanyang Kingdom also announced a war against Kiris. Trade sanctions, but not to the point of declaring war.

By launching a war against Kiris, Nanyang Kingdom will not gain any practical benefits. Instead, it will cause itself to fall into the whirlpool of public opinion because of bullying the small. There is no reason for Nanyang Kingdom to do such a thankless thing.

Could it be that Nanyang Kingdom discovered that their warships were annihilated by me?

For Mbeki, a native of Kiris, the impression of Nanyang Kingdom is extremely strong in his heart, and he will inevitably be overwhelmed when he hears the news of the declaration of war.

And Shi Xuan knew in his heart that the military power he currently had had no fear of a second-rate country like Nanyang Kingdom, so he was just a little surprised and asked calmly, What's going on? Tell me more about it.

Boss, you can watch the TV program in Nanyang Kingdom. We can also receive the signal here. Their TV station is constantly broadcasting this news.

Shi Xuan nodded, Okay, I'll take a look first. You call Long Yufei and the others to the Presidential Palace to discuss, and I'll go over in a moment.

It is really easy for Penglai to switch the large screen of the base into a TV program.

On the screen, a Nanyang country man in a military uniform, with a brown complexion and a short beard stood on the podium, talking to the reporters of the major media below.

A gang of thugs staged a despicable coup d'etat in our neighbouring country, ousted the elected president and imposed a brutal dictatorship!

The dictators of Kiris also let their troops invade the sacred territory of Nanyang,

We also attacked our fishing boats. In the past month, more than 100 fishing boats operating in the South China Sea have been attacked!

Shi Xuan smiled coldly, it was really a thief calling to catch a thief.

The actual situation is quite the opposite. The fishing boats of the Nanyang Kingdom have always regarded the territorial waters of the Kiris Kingdom as their own territory and fished at will. In the past, the country of Kiris was extremely weak, and had no ability to drive these fishing boats that crossed the border.

But after Shi Xuan came to power, how could he tolerate this? Long Yufei led the armed forces to expel these fishing boats from the Nanyang Kingdom that had crossed the border.

During this process, the team led by Long Yufei was still relatively restrained, and did not really hurt human lives, but injured many fishing boats from Nanyang Kingdom.

If Nanyang Kingdom started a war just for this reason, Shi Xuan felt that the possibility was still very low.

The spokesman of the Nanyang Kingdom was still blaming Kiris, and then changed the topic and shouted sharply: Our armed forces are well prepared, and relying on the firm determination of our people, we will definitely be able to give these brutal dictatorships. The fatal blow of the attackers...I declare to everyone that a state of war has been reached between the rebels of the Nanyang Kingdom and the Kiris Kingdom.

After the speaker finished his excited speech, the flashing lights kept flashing, and all the reporters in the audience looked like they were beaten up, scrambling to ask questions.

Is the Nanyang Kingdom already sending troops? This is a reporter from the Lianhe Wanbao. As the dominant media in the Nanyang region, the main concern is whether the war has started.

Our warriors are ready and may have set off.

The spokesperson gave a very vague answer, but it also revealed the determination of Nanyang Kingdom to fight this battle.

A thin and gentle young man stood up, I'm a reporter from China's Xinhua News. As far as I know, Kiris does not have an army, and the largest armed force is only a police force of several thousand people, and there are no heavy weapons. Excuse me. Does Nanyang Kingdom consider properly resolving disputes between the two sides through diplomatic channels in accordance with the UN agreement?

The spokesman of Nanyang Kingdom looked hesitant, which was clearly blaming Nanyang Kingdom for bullying the weak, We will not negotiate with dictators, unless they let the democratically elected president come back to power and compensate our fishermen, then it is possible to sit at the negotiating table. superior.

Then the Huaxia reporter wanted to continue to ask questions, but the local Nanyang Daily reporter from Nanyangguo quickly stood up and said, Excuse me, how much damage did the fishermen in Nanyangguo suffer? Are there any casualties?

The initial estimate is that the loss is as high as tens of millions of Citizen dollars. 43 people were injured, 2 of them died! We must hand over the murderer from Kiris, and conduct a just trial in accordance with the laws of Nanyang!

At this moment, a short and stout middle-aged bald man stood up, I am a reporter from the island country Asahi Shimbun, and I just learned from my colleagues in China that, as a close ally of Nanyang Kingdom, the island country has just held a press conference. , declares support for any military action by Nanyang Kingdom against the CCP, and is willing to send troops to participate directly. For a long time, there have been close joint military exercises between Nanyang Kingdom and island countries, so will Nanyang Kingdom invite the island countries for this military operation? The warship entered the Kiris country together?

Because the island gangs have caused extremely serious disasters to the world in history, in the international arena, they have always maintained great restrictions and vigilance on the actions of the island country's military abroad, and even its domestic laws have strictly restricted the military's foreign operations. action.

Therefore, the military and radicals of the island country have always sought the military to go abroad and never give up any opportunity to go abroad to show the island's sense of presence in the world.

The spokesperson of Nanyang Kingdom smiled slightly, We are very grateful for the friendliness and support of the island country, but we are fully capable of handling this incident on our own, and I believe we do not need the help of our allies.

Another blond young woman stood up and said, I'm a reporter from Citigroup CNN. It is said that the newly elected president of Kiris is backed by forces from other countries. What do you think about Nanyang Kingdom? Is this declaration of war related to Is this about it?

The spokesperson of Nanyang Kingdom paused for a moment before saying: We have noticed that there are forces in other regions that have affected the situation in Kiris, especially in recent years, companies with a large number of foreigners have appeared in Kiris, which is detrimental to regional stability...

The pudgy island reporter was very excited when he heard the words, and interrupted loudly: Is this foreign power the Huaxia Kingdom?

The Nanyang Kingdom spokesperson frowned and said in a diplomatic order: No comment!

Although everyone could hear what he said was the Huaxia Kingdom, if he said it out of his mouth, it might cause a diplomatic turmoil.

The reporters continued to ask questions. Shi Xuan didn't have the heart to read these anymore, and said to Penglai, Immediately increase the monitoring of Kiris and Nanyang, and focus on the movement of the army.

The surrounding area of ​​Kiris has been under surveillance, and there is no foreign armed fleet approaching for the time being. Now we have begun to increase the monitoring efforts in the Nanyang Kingdom, and implement the most stringent monitoring of the Nanyang ** team.

Okay, report it to me as soon as you find anything!

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