I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 232 Island of Viper

? Dingja and Puran actively suggested that the Ding family make a large-scale investment plan on Kiris Island, because of their own personal considerations.

As the person in charge of economic development, Ding Jia's personal career focus is of course on Kiris Island.

Pulan, on the other hand, is a native born and raised. The entire family tribe is from the country of Kiris. In recent years, with the support of the Ding family, his family has become even more prosperous. The investment of the country is also of great benefit.

Therefore, the visit of the Nanyang Kingdom business delegation to Kiris this time is indeed a threat, and the two of them even took the opportunity to advise Ding Jianbai to increase investment.

Unexpectedly, Ding Jianbai in their eyes not only agreed immediately, but also added a lot of projects, all of which were a bit unexpected.

They never dreamed that the real Ding family had long since returned to Huangquan, and the one who really made the decision was a Shi Xuan, who had a similar mind to them, and who spent the Ding family's money would not feel distressed at all.

The two negotiated some details with Shi Xuan, and both left with satisfaction.

Shi Xuan looked at the backs of the two leaving, and let out a small breath. Ding Yong, Ding Jia and Pulan are the three most important people in charge of the Ding family on Kiris Island. .

Today is the day when the fourth Chen Ge came by plane. Looking at the time, it was still too early for him to arrive in Nanyang Kingdom, so he asked Ye Kun next to him, Did you help me find a suitable island to live in?

It can be considered to solve a problem to settle down for Guan Mo'er's father and daughter as soon as possible.

Ye Kun shook his head, I have checked all the islands near Kiris Island, and none of them are very suitable, because most of them are very backward, and some even have insufficient water and electricity supply.

Shi Xuan thought for a while, Where is the information? Let's go and see and choose one together.

I've copied all the data, look at it, boss. Ye Kun took out an ipad and opened a map.

Look, boss, the largest island is Kiris Island, and there are many small islands nearby...

Next, Ye Kun introduced Shi Xuan about the surrounding islands.

Shi Xuan looked at it, pointed to a small island next to Kiris Island and said, How about this? The location seems to be quite suitable, and the size is just right.

Ye Kun thought about it,

This island, the situation is a bit special.

Oh? Let's hear it.

This was originally a small island controlled by a small indigenous tribe called Kuwait. Later, the current President Banuela took a fancy to this place and wanted to occupy it as his residence. However, the Kuwaiti people have been reluctant to Accepting Banuela's low-cost land purchase request, the two sides have been at a standoff for a long time.

Oh? What's the situation on this island now? Are these natives still in control?

Ye Kun shook his head, Later, a lot of poisonous snakes appeared on the island inexplicably, killing and biting many Kuwaiti people. These Kuwaiti people were originally relatively backward closed tribes and had no way to deal with it. Later, they had to give up. They live on other islands in Kiris, and now most of the Kuwaiti people are engaged in relatively hard work, and they are considered to be the bottom people of Kiris.”

Shi Xuan was very surprised, Can a tribe be forced to give up their place of residence? How terrifying are these poisonous snakes?

These poisonous snakes are not only highly poisonous, but they are not too common! The ground and branches there are almost all poisonous snakes, and people get goosebumps when they see them from a distance. Ye Kun shook his head with a wry smile.

Since the Kuwaiti people have been living on the island, there is no reason why there are so many poisonous snakes all of a sudden?

Everyone secretly estimated that Banuela deliberately put the poisonous snakes on the island to drive away the Kuwaiti people. He probably didn't think that this island would be very suitable for poisonous snakes to live in, and these poisonous snakes quickly became infected. It was bred in such a way that it soon filled the whole island, not to mention the small animals on the island are extinct, and even the flying birds will be killed, it’s all a world of poisonous snakes!”

Shi Xuan thought for a while, then smiled: Then the ownership of this island is still in the hands of the Kuwai people?

It is estimated that yes, who would be interested in such a poisonous snake island, probably still in the hands of Patriarch Kewei.

Okay, you can find the Kuwait people now and buy this island in my personal name!

Ah? Boss, why did you buy such an island? It's useless at all?

Shi Xuan looked at Ye Kun and said with a smile: These are all wild poisonous snakes. They are caught and sold to Huacheng, but it is a lot of money. As a Huacheng person, you don't know it, right?

Hehe, the boss is joking. Although Huacheng people can make poisonous snakes into delicacies, let alone the trouble of entry, at least someone must dare to catch on this island. I have seen the situation on that island from afar, and I dare to Asserting that the most daring snake catcher isn't brave enough to take a step on the island!

Shi Xuan shook his hand and said, Don't worry, I naturally have a way to deal with these poisonous snakes. You can go to the Kuwait and buy the island for me!

Ye Kun knew that Shi Xuan's ability was strong, and there were many means that ordinary people did not have. Maybe there was a way.

That's good! Boss, I will listen to you, and now I will go to the Kuwaiti people to buy the island! I believe it can be done with little money!

Shi Xuan nodded, How long?

It didn't take long for me to know that the Kuwaiti patriarch bought a small house on the edge of Kiris Island to live in. Whenever their Kuwaiti festivals, they would gather some clansmen for activities.

Okay, then you can go buy it. In the afternoon, you will accompany me to pick up someone from Nanyang Kingdom.

Don't worry, boss, I remember, it won't be delayed.

Ye Kun left, and Shi Xuan flew back to Crescent Island.

Crescent Island has changed a lot, and the ground is covered with a kind of beautiful grass. This is the virulent mushroom felt that has covered the entire island. If hostile creatures enter its coverage area, they can emit a large amount of psychedelic toxins. Or lethal toxins that kill off invading creatures.

Of course, this kind of Penglai creature produced by the genetic modulation room and hatchery has a very high level of intelligence, and can recognize that Shi Xuan on the island is its own master, and will not attack.

In fact, as long as Shi Xuan informs Penglai of the situation, these virulent mushroom blankets can identify the relationship between the enemy and the enemy.

If Shi Xuan wanted to bring Guan Mo'er to the island, he only needed to tell Penglai about Guan Mo'er's information, and the Toxic Fungus Felt would be able to identify Guan Mo'er as a friendly creature and would not attack. .

In addition to the Very Toxic Fungus Felt, Crescent Island is also guarded by many biochemical beasts. The Little King Kong hidden in the trees, the seagulls flying in the sky, and the electric eels roaming on the seashore constitute a three-dimensional guardianship system. (To be continued.)

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