I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 203 Aries God of War

? The leader of the rebel army, Moses Lingye, looked around. Most of the capable men who helped him to overthrow the Moses government were there, and they were looking at him in panic at the moment.

Do you have any advice for defeating these nasty invaders?

The generals of Moses looked at each other a few times, but there was no good way to do it. The Moses rebels now have not many troops at hand, and the space fleet was completely defeated and almost wiped out. For these invaders, it is really nothing special. s method.

Some anti-aircraft weapons on the ground may cause some trouble for the invaders, but when it comes to defeating the invaders, it is impossible.

A relatively older general of Moses took a step and said cautiously to Moses Lingye, Boss, the only thing that can defeat these invaders at present is that thing.

Moses Lingye's face turned pale, and he said solemnly, You mean the Aries God of War?

General Moses nodded, The two newly obtained Aries fighter accessories have been brought to the space dock, and we have now collected nine accessories, which will definitely increase the construction speed of the Aries God of War! If we reduce some power, I believe it will be built in time.”

Moses Lingye is still a little hesitant. This is the trump card of Moses' rebel army, and it is also the key to deal with the government of Moses' home planet in the future. If the power is reduced, I am afraid that the original hope will not be achieved.

The general Moses also understood what Moses was thinking, and said, The leader must make a decisive decision! If you can't pass this test, how can you talk about the future?

Moses made Ye grit his teeth. General Moses was right. If the intruders could not be annihilated, the rebels of Moses would all be swept away. What is the use in the future?

He made up his mind and roared at the bodyguard next to him, Go, bring that old thing here!

Yes! The bodyguards said what he said to him immediately.

Soon, an old Moses wearing a robe was brought to Moses Lingye.

The old man Moses asked carefully, What's the matter with the leader calling me here?

Moses Lingye glanced at him. The former chief scientist of the Moses government army, Moses Dandu, was the top technical officer in charge of researching Aries fighter accessories.

At the beginning, the Moses family colonized the Aries galaxy, and they originally pursued the diplomatic concept of peaceful coexistence with the aborigines of the planets in this galaxy.

For a long time, the existence of a special treasure such as Aries fighter accessories has not been found.

Later, in a geological exploration of the fourth planet, some Moses people accidentally discovered and excavated the Aries Fighter Parts No. 4. At that time, when the Moses government got it, it was very happy, and immediately organized a scientific research team. The chief scientist Moses Dandu led a team of scientists to conduct a lot of research on this treasure.

Later, a group of forces that wanted to be independent from the mother planet appeared in the Moses family, which was the predecessor of the Moses rebels. They actively collected other accessories for Aries fighters on other planets in the Aries galaxy.

After a long time of hard work, a lot of Aries fighter accessories were really collected by these Moses rebels.

With more and more accessories, Moses' research on Dandu has become more and more profound. Slowly, he has understood the functions and structures of these accessories, and he has become more aware that when these accessories are successfully formed Aries God of War, its power is even comparable to the super battleship of the government of Moses' home planet.

Seeing that they are about to have an Aries God of War that can be compared to a super battleship, the Moses people are very excited, and they have increased their efforts to find the rest of the fighter accessories.

However, these remaining Aries fighter accessories are hidden in unknown corners. The Moses government and the people have organized many investigations, but nothing has been found.

Later, Moses Dandu, who had been immersed in scientific and technological research for a long time, suddenly had a flash of inspiration and came up with a way to replace the missing parts with other current equipment to form a mutated version of the Aries God of War with reduced power.

Because of the in-depth research, Moses Dandu is very clear about the role of these accessories in the battleship, and it can be guessed what functions the missing accessories can provide.

After demonstration, he determined that he could build a weakened version of Aries God of War by using the current equipment and replacing some of the missing accessories with similar functions.

Although the power is weakened, it is still much stronger than most space battleships. If it is built, it can be used as the strongest means for the Moses people of the Aries galaxy. It should be no problem to completely conquer the entire Aries galaxy.

However, after the Moses rebels knew about the research results of Moses Dandu, they couldn't bear it any longer, and immediately launched an armed coup. In addition to assassinating Governor Moses, they also captured the entire scientific research island and obtained new technology, and controlled the scientists working on the island, led by Moses Dandu.

At present, the leader of the rebel army, Moses Lingye, glanced at the chief scientist in front of him, Have you seen the two newly found accessories?

Moses Dan nodded, I've seen it all. The space dock sent me real-time images and parameters.

So, can the construction of Aries God of War be accelerated? How long will it be possible for Aries God of War to actually fight? Because of the new accessories obtained, the construction of replacement parts can be reduced, and of course a lot of time can be saved.

Moses Dan was surprised, This still needs careful study, I'm afraid it won't be realized so quickly.

Thinking that the intruder Shi Xuan's warship might be on its way to the headquarters, Moses was very upset and shouted loudly, How long will it take?

Moses felt his anger and said hesitantly, It will take about three hours!

Moses Lingye turned his head and glanced at another Moses general, When is the invader's fleet expected to arrive at the headquarters?

Then General Moses picked up the information in his hand and made a rough calculation, From the location where they landed, according to the distance value, they will arrive in about an hour. Considering that we are blocked by anti-aircraft missiles and fighter planes on the planet, it will be delayed for an hour. Not big. So the overall estimate is that the invader fleet will arrive at the headquarters in about two hours!

After listening to the report of his subordinates, Moses Lingye stretched out a finger and said to Moses Dan: One hour! I must see the Aries God of War appear over the headquarters island in an hour!

Moses Dandu's face turned pale, How is this possible?

I don't care what you do! Aries God of War will appear in front of me in an hour! Moses Lingye paused and added: Don't say I'm unreasonable, you can appropriately reduce some of the functions of Aries God of War, As long as the strength is guaranteed to crush these invader fleets!

Moses Dan nodded, I'll try my best!

Moses Lingye said coldly: It's not about trying! It has to be done! Otherwise, you will come to see me!

Mo Xidan was shocked, but he didn't dare to waste time arguing, and immediately contacted several disciples in the space dock. Even if most of the functions were cut, the Aries God of War would still be built! To be continued.

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