I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 158 Super Battleship Legend

Shi Xuan was led by his wingman Moses Dodge and followed the group of Moses battleships that were cleaning up the battlefield. After jumping through the space of the Gate of Starry Sky, he finally came to the Moses Galaxy.

When I came out of the gate of the starry sky, I saw an incomparably huge Moshe space fortress, a huge antimatter cannon in the middle, and three slightly smaller shock particle cannons around it, all aimed at the gate of the starry sky.

If there is an enemy plane coming out of the gate of the starry sky, presumably this Moshe space fortress will give him a few antimatter cannons and shock particle cannons. The door came out and attacked the Moses tribe.

There is space above the Battlestar for the Moses battleships to land, but these Moses battleships did not stop, but kept advancing into the depths of the galaxy.

It is naturally better to have a deeper understanding of the Moses Galaxy. Shi Xuan and Moses Dodge kept silent and followed the Moses battleship closely.

Perhaps it was because Shi Xuan was with this team of Moses battleships. Along the way, he saw a lot of Moshe space forts, combat space stations and other defense facilities, and Shi Xuan was not in trouble.

Shi Xuan is very curious about the mutant star core, but unfortunately it is now hidden by the Moshes.

Soon, this team of Moses warships arrived at a huge space port, and they approached one after another. There were already Moses people at the port who used robotic arms to unload their spoils on the battlefield.

After unloading the spoils, the Moses battleship that first discovered Shixuan flew to the side of Shixuan's wingman Moses Dodge, Hey, Dodge, you haven't been back to the Moses Galaxy for a long time, haven't you? There's a nice restaurant in this spaceport, let's have a rub. pause?

The system pops up an option box again: Would you like to go to the space port with Mosikaka?

Shi Xuan was thinking about getting some news from this NPC, and of course he chose the yes option.

According to Shi Xuan's choice, Moses Dodge immediately said: Great, I have been wandering abroad for many years, and I haven't eaten at the Moses restaurant for a long time. However, my friend is going to enter the space port, and I can take care of it. Man, I still need a Mosaic guarantee, can you help me?

According to the regulations of the Moses Home Star Government, if foreign races want to enter the space facilities or planets controlled by the Moses, they must have the guardian and provide guarantees from the Moses. Moses Dodge is very clear about this, and wants to take the opportunity to solve the foreigner Shi Xuan. identity issue.

That Moshe Kaka nodded nonchalantly. In his opinion, a small foreigner would not have any trouble at all in the Moshe Clan's territory, and it would be no problem to be a guarantor.

With Moshe Kaka's guarantee, the spaceport guards let them in. The three parked the fighter plane on the vast apron and walked out of the fighter plane into the living area of ​​the port.

Since taking Moses Dodge as his wingman, Shi Xuan has never seen the true face of this Moses, and doesn't know what kind of creature is inside the fighter.

Shi Xuan stepped out of the fighter plane and set foot in the space port. He also saw Moses Dodge and Moses Kaka getting out of their respective battleships, and finally knew what the Moses tribe looked like.

I saw Moses Dodge and they were somewhat similar to humans, but they were all red, with four arms and two legs, and they looked very thin as a whole.

The three of them went to the port restaurant for dinner, and the two Moses tribes, Dodge and Kaka, were very excited.

Shi Xuan is very interested in the mutant star core, and has explored related topics many times in the conversation.

I hope to be able to set some useful information in this NPC mouth.

Mosikaka really doesn't seem to understand the newly discovered mutant star core. However, another mutant star core of the Moses tribe, Antimatter Maker, is a well-known family treasure of the Moshe tribe, and it is used to build a super battleship Anti-Material God of War is also an artifact of the Moses tribe.

As for the artifact of the town, Moshe Kaka proudly explained it.

More than 3,000 years ago, a merchant ship of the Moses tribe suffered a severe stellar storm during its voyage of cosmic trade. During the storm, its navigation and communication equipment failed and was lost in an unfamiliar galaxy.

After wandering in a strange galaxy for several months, the merchant ship accidentally encountered a mutant star core Antimatter Maker.

At that time, the merchant ships saw the energy bursts of material annihilation from time to time around the star core, and did not realize what they encountered. They also sent small probes to test the situation.

Of course, when this small ship encountered antimatter, there was no return, and it also triggered a huge annihilation of matter. The energy of the explosion destroyed the power cabin of the merchant ship in the distance.

Fortunately, the stellar storm stopped shortly after, and the merchant ships contacted the government of Moses' home planet.

Soon after, the fleet sent to help by the Moses government discovered that this was a mutated star core. The Moses army immediately blocked the star field. Scientists were gathered to study this star that can continuously transform antimatter around nuclear.

In the following decades, the technology related to the Moses tribe advanced by leaps and bounds, and soon they thoroughly researched various data on antimatter and entered a new stage of development.

At this time, a foreign tribe, the Gonno tribe, invaded the Moses galaxy, and the space battle star transformed by one of the small planets was so powerful that the Moses tribe could not resist.

The Gongnuo people started the way with the space battle star, and they were invincible all the way, and they were about to kill the core of the Moses tribe's territory, where the home planet of Moses was.

Under the threat of the subjugation of the country and the extinct species, the genius scientist Moshe Natel of the Moses tribe had a flash of inspiration and came up with the idea of ​​using the mutant star core to build a super warship, and personally presided over the design of the super warship Anti-Material God of War.

When the battle star of the Gunno tribe was close to the parent star, the Anti-Material God of War was born, using a super-powerful anti-matter cannon to launch an annihilation storm attack with a massive amount of anti-matter, annihilating the battle star of the Gunno tribe into nothingness , defeated the invading army of the Gunno tribe in one fell swoop.

Later, under the leadership of the super battleship Anti-Material War God, the Moses people counterattacked the galaxy where the Gunno tribe was located, swept away all the enemies in front of them, and wiped out the Gunno tribe.

In the battle, Anti-Material God of War showed super attack ability, using massive anti-matter to launch annihilation storm attack, simple and rude, but very effective, all the defenses of the Gunno tribe were like pieces of paper in front of him be easily destroyed.

The Moses tribe occupied the galaxy where the originally powerful Gunno tribe was located and renamed it the Moses Galaxy.

Since then, the Moses family has become famous and has embarked on a brilliant development path in all aspects.

Today, the legendary super battleship Anti-Material War God is guarding the core of the Moses galaxy, shocking other races around, and no one dares to provoke it.

Shi Xuan listened and was full of curiosity and yearning for mutant star cores and super battleships. It would be great if he could have one. His strength is definitely enough to push the entire Aries galaxy in the galaxy mode, and he will not be mediocre. A planet's Moses rebels stand in the way! (To be continued.)

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