I Have Alien Games on my Phone

Chapter 115 Debunking the Scam

Shi Xuan was still in a good mood when he got the control system of the sea fortress.

Don't know how Dad's work is going?

Shi Xuan put Penglai into the game space, got out of the car and walked towards the village committee. At a glance, I saw two cars parked in front of the village committee, one was an off-road vehicle of the island brand and the other was a Passat.

It is estimated that the off-road vehicle is the CEO of the so-called high-tech biological company. People in the general system do not like off-road vehicles very much. It gives people a wild feeling and is not stable enough. That Passat will be the leader's car.

At this moment, a group of people came out of the humble office of the village committee. The two people in the middle seemed to be accompanied by everyone's moon offering. It seemed that they were the leaders of the bureau and the boss of the high-tech biological company.

One of them was fat, wearing jeans and a T-shirt, with a gold necklace with thick fingers hanging around his neck. It was estimated that he was the boss.

The person next to him is relatively thin, dressed in trousers and a white shirt, and combed the hair of his suit, he should be the leader of the bureau.

The leader of the bureau said as they walked, Our poverty alleviation this time is to support everyone to become rich through hard work. The introduction of Lehua Bio's projects is the best way to help everyone become rich. This is also an industrial poverty alleviation...

They were going to the site to check the origin of the project, and Shi Xuan didn't say anything and walked along with the team.

When I came to a relatively flat gravel field, some crops were sparsely planted on it. They were all very thin and thin, and at first glance, there would be no good harvest.

The village chief laughed with him, and introduced to Boss Fei that this was the best plot in the village.

The fat boss didn't expect to be barren like this, so he said bravely: Okay! Let's take this land. As soon as we sign the contract, we will send the seedlings over. Your village is responsible for organizing labor for planting.

The village chief patted his chest and promised.

Shi Qingquan asked from the side: Mr. Yang! The sweet potato varieties provided by your company can really grow well on this gravel ground?

You must know that the foundation of this poverty alleviation project is based on the fact that the sweet potato seedlings provided by Lehua Biological Company can be successfully produced in barren areas.

Boss Fei's face was a little unswerving, Of course, our company's technology has been certified by the province, and there are special research results in the provincial agricultural college!

The bureau leader next to him also stared at Shi Qingquan. Why is this old guy so unprofessional, no wonder he is still just a junior staff member when he is about to retire.

Shi Xuan frowned at the back of the crowd. Although he was not very familiar with farm work, he was also very skeptical that this gravel field could grow sweet potatoes with normal yields?

Feifei, do you know what kind of crops can achieve high yields in such gravel fields?

There are many eligible plants in the universe, what type do you want to know?

I mean on Earth.

That's not it. With the current level of genetic technology on the earth, it is impossible to cultivate this kind of crops.

Is what the fat man said just now false?

I'm sure it's fake, there is absolutely no such crop on the planet right now.

Shi Xuan nodded, if what this fat man Yang said was false, then this poverty alleviation project would definitely be fruitless in the end. Of course he harmed the villagers, but he himself did not profit? The nature of capitalists seeking profit is simply impossible. There must be something that I haven't figured out yet.

Feifei, help me check the information of this Lehua company, and check everything that can be found.

No problem, it's easy.

For alien intelligence, the Internet on Earth is like a back garden of one's own home, which can be freely entered and exited at will.

The group walked around again, basically set the project down, and returned to the village committee, ready to sign the contract immediately.

Soon the staff took out the prepared contract,

In triplicate, the aid unit, Lehua Company and Niugang Village Committee each hold one copy, and the signing is also signed by three parties.

Of course, Niugang Village was represented by the village chief. Mr. Yang of Lehua Company did not sign it, but sent a young man who was said to be the general manager to sign. As for the assistance unit, it was logically signed by the leader of the bureau, but he said to Shi Qingquan: Shi Qingquan, as the deputy head of the poverty alleviation working group, it is most appropriate for you to sign on behalf of our unit.

Shi Qingquan was startled, Dai Ju, you are the team leader, how dare I overstep.

My poverty alleviation team leader is just a name. The main job is to push you, Lao Shi. This is the trust of the organization in you, so you can sign it with confidence.

In the system, the leader's words are unquestionable, and Shi Qingquan is not easy to shirk, so he has to take over the signature pen and prepare to sign his name on it.

Shi Xuan sneered, Feifei had already figured out the situation just now, and he also knew the details of the so-called Lehua Company. Seeing that the so-called bureau leader passed the responsibility of signing the contract to his father, he couldn't bear it any longer and took a step forward. Hold father's hand.

Wait a minute!

Seeing that a young man suddenly came out to interrupt the signing, everyone was stunned for a while.

Especially Dai Ju, who said dissatisfiedly: Who are you? Poverty alleviation is a decision made by the highest level of the country. Are you trying to destroy it?

For senior officials like them, they can get it at will, and it is very slippery.

Shi Qingquan was also surprised by his son's actions, he hesitated: Xuan'er, what's going on?

Dad, sit down first. Shi Xuan said to his father, then turned to everyone and said loudly, This Lehua Company is a liar company! Don't be fooled!

When the fat President Yang heard this, he pointed at Shi Xuan excitedly and said, Stinky boy! What are you, dare to slander Lao Tzu?

Dai Bureau frowned, also angry, and scolded Shi Qingquan: Lao Shi, this is your son? What did you bring him to do during working hours, and actually sabotage the bureau's poverty alleviation work, can you afford this responsibility?

Shi Qingquan was also confused, unable to figure out what happened to his son.

Lehua Company, the registered legal person is Zhong Jianda, but the actual controller is you. Shi Xuan smiled coldly and pointed at the fat boss: Yang Biao, he used to control another so-called high-tech company, Muyang Technology, because Contract fraud, defrauding scientific and technological innovation support funds, and defrauding poverty alleviation funds, the business license was revoked, and the legal person of Muyang Technology also acted as a scapegoat and was sentenced to 5 and a half years in prison.

The fat President Yang's face turned pale. He thought he had covered up his past experience very secretly, but he didn't expect to be revealed by a strange young man. He pointed at Shi Xuan and wanted to refute, but You, you, you... I said a few words of you, but I couldn't think of any words.

Shi Xuan ignored him, What are you! You are here to repeat your old tricks, defrauding the country's technological innovation funds and poverty alleviation funds, and applying for a subsidy of millions from the province with such a contract!

The high level of the state attaches great importance to scientific and technological innovation and poverty alleviation work. This is because Yang Biao has spotted the loopholes in this area and defrauded the relevant subsidies from the state.

Everyone present took a breath of air, and suddenly realized in their hearts, what can produce high-yield sweet potatoes on the gravel ground is purely a deceitful thing, and they all looked at him with anger and contempt.

Seeing that he was about to provoke public anger, Yang Biao hurriedly walked out of the village committee, complaining as he walked: It's really inexplicable! Don't regret what you believe this kid! I quit this project!

In a blink of an eye, he got into a Toyota off-road vehicle and ran away in a hurry.

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