I Have a Zombie Assistance System

Chapter 65 Half of the Corpse

After Wang Qiushui finished resting, he set off again. Since it hadn't been attacked before, the Dark Dress didn't need to be repaired, so that embarrassing thing wouldn't happen again.

After entering the factory smoothly, Wang Qiushui prepared to go upstairs.

However, as soon as she took a step, she remembered that she had just come down the stairs on the right, and the zombie in red followed her down from there, and finally disappeared there. If the red zombies were still there to ambush her, wouldn't it be a big loss?

So, she changed direction and walked towards the stairs on the left. As for the scan, she felt that it would be too much of a disadvantage to scan just for that one zombie. Moreover, even if the red-clothed zombies attack her secretly, they may not be able to do anything to her.

She walked quickly along the stairs upstairs. Time was life, so she had to hurry up. All the way up to the third floor, there was no sneak attack.

She walked through a long corridor and returned to the office on the third floor through another door. Sure enough, I saw the zombie in red sitting in his original position, and the boss's office door was closed, but it was not clear whether there was anyone inside.

The zombie in red also saw her and immediately jumped on the table, ready to fly over at any time.

She snorted coldly, and then walked towards the red zombie step by step with her long legs.

As the distance between the two parties gets closer, the boss's office becomes clearer and clearer in her eyes. The boss's office has a sliding door made of large pieces of transparent glass, so you can see both inside and outside.

At this time, Wang Qiushui saw that there were several heavy desks supporting the glass door. Therefore, it is very likely that the only living person is inside.

However, I don’t know if the red zombies are guarding or have other intentions. Because, judging from the ability of the red zombie to hit the wall and break it into pieces, it is extremely easy to break such a piece of glass.

It happened that the living person was able to survive for so long in a factory full of zombies without any damage, and there were no traces of impact on the glass. Apart from the lack of supplies inside, it is quite safe.

At this time, Wang Qiu Shui's childishness shrank.

Because, she saw a black mark outside the glass door. Inside the glass door, you can see a corpse with only the upper body. The fracture of the corpse has an irregular shape, and its hands are stretched forward in a struggling manner. The clothes on the corpse looked very similar to those worn by the boss's wife in the past. However, the body was lying on the ground and its face could not be seen, so it was not certain.

And judging from the state of the body and the blood stains on the outside. It was obvious that a person suspected of being the boss's wife had no time to escape, so she was trapped by the glass door. In the end, her lower body was eaten alive by the zombies, leaving so much blood stains.

Of course, it is also possible that the person inside was eager to close the door, so the person was trapped and watched helplessly as the person was eaten alive by zombies. Eventually, the people inside were trapped as well.

Wang Qiushui glanced at the red-clothed zombie again. This red-clothed zombie seemed to be the boss's sister, so she could get such a good job as purchasing in a small factory.

So, the red-clothed zombies are not here to protect the people inside, but to trap the people inside to death and avenge the boss's wife?

Although Wang Qiushui was not sure that this guess was correct, she felt that it was very likely. If that's the case, it's time to try the method you just thought of.

She continued to walk forward, and at the same time, intentionally or unintentionally, she swung the earth hammer and hit something next to her, making a noise. If the red zombie didn't step forward to stop her, she would hit the glass door with a hammer later, and she would want to see who was inside.

Sure enough, seeing her approaching, the red-clothed zombie couldn't help it and jumped over. However, it may be because of the previous mistakes or the fear that Wang Qiushui will succeed if he is too far away. This time, the red-clothed zombie did not fly directly over like before, but landed directly in front of Wang Qiushui.

Wang Qiushui swung the hammer of the earth directly, regardless of whether it could be hit or not, hit it first.

The red-clothed zombie didn't even look at it, and directly raised his hand to block it in front of him.

The two collided with a "dang" sound, and they each took a step back.

After Wang Qiushui stood still, he rushed forward again, raising the hammer of the earth high, preparing for a sledgehammer version of Libi Huashan. Since the red zombie was too short, it saved her a lot of effort. She didn't have to jump up, she could just hit it.

Naturally, the red-clothed zombie would not be stupid enough to stand there and get beaten, and would try to get away as soon as his legs moved. However, she glanced to the side and actually didn't hide. She raised her hands high above her head, preparing to take this attack forcefully.

There was another "dang" sound, and the sound was louder.

However, this powerful and heavy blow was actually received by the red zombie.

At the same time, there was a slight rustling sound in the office, and it seemed that there was indeed someone inside. Maybe the people inside were waiting for them to hurt both of them so they could escape.

Wang Qiushui kept exerting pressure with both hands. As long as she could push the red zombie to the ground for a second, she could directly launch a series of subsequent attacks, making it impossible for the red zombie to get up again.

The red-clothed zombie raised his hands high and pushed his feet on the ground, holding on for dear life.

The two were at a stalemate.

Wang Qiushui also didn't expect that the red-clothed zombie was so strong that it could rival her. However, this was the most critical moment, and she naturally would not give up. She gritted her teeth and even used all her strength to feed herself.

The next second, the foot of the red zombie slipped and made a "squeak" sound. Then, the whole thing was directly pressed by Wang Qiushui's strong force, sliding out and hitting the wall.

Wang Qiushui secretly sighed, what a pity. If the tiles hadn't been too slippery, she might have been able to push the red-clothed zombie to the ground just now. How could she have let him escape?

However, this was a good opportunity to pursue the victory, and she rushed forward with the hammer of the earth.

The red zombie kept his head lowered after hitting the wall. Hearing Wang Qiushui's footsteps, she suddenly raised her head, and a red light flashed in her scarlet eyes.

The next second, the red zombie jumped up on the spot, and then kicked its legs on the wall like a frog kicking, causing cracks in the wall.

With this kick, the red-clothed zombie flew towards Wang Qiu Shui, and her long nails also stretched out, with a black metallic sheen glowing in front of the nails.

Wang Qiushui originally wanted to imitate the way he did just now and lie down flat on the spot to avoid the blow. But she soon discovered that the red zombie was so fast that she couldn't avoid it even if she lay down flat.

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