I Have a Zombie Assistance System

Chapter 41 Mummy in a convenience store

Walking into the store, Wang Qiushui saw the black blood stain at a glance, and couldn't help but wonder, "Is this the black liquid from the zombies that has dried?"

He shook his head, "My guess is that it's human blood, and it's probably the shop owner's."

Wang Qiushui glanced at him, "What's your basis?"

He cleared his throat, "First of all, this is not very black, but a black-red color, which usually only appears after the blood has dried. Secondly, this drag mark is so long, it is obviously caused by someone dragging it. Finally, We've been here for so long, but we haven't smelled the rancid smell of black liquid, and we haven't seen any zombie corpses here or outside, so it can only be human."

Wang Qiushui walked forward along the traces, "You didn't see it, maybe because you didn't look for it. As long as you follow the traces, you can find it."

He quickly followed, "Be careful. If these traces are really human, there are probably zombies inside."

Wang Qiushui looked back at him, "Didn't you scan it?"

He was stunned for a moment, "Yeah, I forgot about this."

Wang Qiushui smiled, and then walked forward, but she held the earth hammer firmly in her hand to avoid any accidents.

The drag marks continued forward and finally came to a corner. One shelf was half-tilted, supported by the corner of the wall, so it didn't fall completely. Under the shelf, there are a lot of snacks, piled up into a hill, and scattered everywhere.

Since there were no lights in the convenience store and it was in a corner, it was dark and it was not very clear.

Wang Qiushui thought for a while, then stretched out the Earth Hammer and pushed aside the pile of snacks. She saw half of pants and a pair of shoes exposed under the snacks. She immediately thought of human legs and scared her to step back.

He grabbed Wang Qiushui and said, "Don't be afraid. It's just a dead body at most, not a zombie. You go aside first, and I'll go and see the situation."

Wang Qiushui immediately calmed down and handed over the Earth Hammer, "Here's this for you. If he does anything strange, then hammer him."

He took the Earth Hammer, nodded, then stepped forward, first moving the shelf up.

Suddenly the situation below became clearer. Through the gaps in the pile of snacks, one could indeed see a person lying below.

He used the earth hammer to carefully push aside the snacks underneath, and his whole body was immediately exposed. No, it should be said that it is a corpse. After all, it has been so many days. If it is not dead yet, it will either become a zombie or a medical miracle. It should be sent for autopsy.

The corpse was lying on its back on the ground, but it had become a mummified body. It could only be seen that it was a middle-aged man, who must be the convenient owner of this store.

He used a hammer to turn over the boss's body again, and suddenly saw a big hole in the back of the boss's head. This can also explain why there is so much blood on the ground.

Wang Qiushui shouted from a distance, "Have you seen what's going on?"

He nodded and walked over with the Earth Hammer, "It's a human corpse, but it has been turned into a mummy, so there is no corpse smell here."

Wang Qiushui asked curiously, "Do you know the cause of death? Why did he die here? There are so many blood stains on the ground. Could he have been killed by zombies?"

He sighed, "If he was killed by a zombie, there would be no need to drag him there to hide, and there would be no body left behind. There was a big hole in the back of his head. He should have been beaten to death with a heavy object, and then He was bleeding heavily, and the dragging process naturally left traces.”

Wang Qiushui looked at him in horror, and then said, "Then this is murder. You need to call the police."

He looked at Wang Qiushui speechlessly, "Wake up, it's the end of the world, there are no police anywhere, and the phone signal is gone, how can we call the police? Let alone murder, no matter how many people are killed now, they will not be punished by law. Yes, because there is no order now."

Wang Qiushui reacted after hearing this, "I forgot for a while. After all, it was said on TV that if something happened, the police should be contacted. By the way, how much hatred did you say that person had against the boss, and he actually acted so cruelly? And it's still At this time, the boss should have died when the apocalypse occurred, otherwise he would have been discovered long ago. It would be even more impossible after the apocalypse when zombies are everywhere."

He nodded, "You are actually smarter. Do you remember what I told you yesterday? When people are hungry, they can do anything."

Wang Qiushui looked at him in horror, "You mean?"

He sighed, "Combined with the time you just mentioned, that's the only possibility."

Wang Qiushui didn't quite believe it, "But I wasn't hungry yet."

He thought for a while, "Maybe the process of becoming a zombie is fast or slow, so someone knew about the appearance of zombies in advance and knew that the end was coming, so they thought of coming to this convenience store to grab some things to go back to stock up. As a result, the convenience store owner was attacked In the end, he simply killed the convenience store owner. This can clearly explain why the things inside are scattered everywhere in a mess. "

Wang Qiushui was so frightened that she couldn't close her mouth. After a while, she asked again, "Tell me, is that person alive, dead, or turned into a zombie?"

He shook his head, "I don't know either, but at least there are no corpses here or outside, and there are no zombies here. So, it is very possible that he is still alive, or turned into a zombie. Of course, if he died That would be the best. After all, if the first two are possible, I don’t want to meet him."

Wang Qiushui asked in confusion, "Why? Shouldn't we kill him to avenge the convenience store owner?"

He smiled and said, "We are not related to the convenience store owner. Is this necessary? Besides, there will be many such things in the future, and human life is not valuable in troubled times."

Wang Qiushui thought for a while, "Then don't kill him, just maim him. As for the reason, we came to move things in the convenience store, and these are the rewards the boss gave us, so we should help him get revenge."

He was stunned for a moment, "That's up to you, but I don't know who the other party is in the huge sea of ​​people, and I don't have time to look for it."

Wang Qiushui responded, "Maybe one day we will meet him? By the way, what did you mean when you said you didn't want to meet him just now?"

He sighed, "If he is still alive, then he is an ordinary person, which is easier to deal with. If he becomes a zombie, he must be a level 1 zombie or higher, and it will be difficult to deal with. After all, , a guy who is so decisive and dares to kill others is definitely not a good person."

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