I Have a Zombie Assistance System

Chapter 31 Empty the Warehouse

Wang Qiushui turned around and looked at him, "What's wrong?"

He sighed, "It's nothing." Because he knew it was too late.

Sure enough, Wang Qiushui started retching again the next second.

This is what he forgot to say.

Seeing him approaching, Wang Qiushui retched and asked, "Ugh, why is this kitchen smellier than outside?"

She thought the smell outside was disgusting enough, but she didn't expect that the smell here was even worse than outside.

He smiled and said, "Of course, there is only the smell of corpses outside, but the smell of corpses and the smell of rotten food are combined in the kitchen. Can it not stink? And you left so fast, I didn't even have time to tell you."

Wang Qiushui glanced at him angrily, "Why do I think you did it on purpose?"

He quickly said, "Absolutely not. Also, it's a little wet inside, so it's easy to fall, and the stuff inside smells even more disgusting than this. How about you wait outside the kitchen while I go in and move the things out."

Wang Qiushui retched several times in a row, then looked up at him again, "No, we are all here, I can never give up. Moreover, only by doing it yourself can you experience the thrill of treasure hunting."

He was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Okay, but I suggest you be mentally prepared. In addition, you can try to hold your breath when you go in." After that, he took the lead and walked into the kitchen.

Wang Qiushui followed closely behind. Although she was mentally prepared, she still couldn't help but gasp when she saw the situation in the kitchen. As a result, all the stinky smell in the kitchen was sucked into his lungs, and he immediately started to retching again.

He looked back and found that Wang Qiushui was vomiting to the point of tears. He quickly took her out of the kitchen, and then said, "There shouldn't be many things in the kitchen. See if there is a warehouse or something like that here. What do they do?" The food, rice and noodles should be in the warehouse."

This is what he just thought about. In such a big restaurant, there must be a place dedicated to storing those things, instead of putting them all in the kitchen. After all, the kitchen is only that big, and the chef has to work in it, so it naturally requires a relatively large space.

When Wang Qiushui heard this, he nodded and no longer insisted on entering the kitchen.

He walked into the kitchen again, and after a search, he found nothing. There were only some opened oil, salt and other seasonings, as well as some flour and noodles, but they were all opened. Given that the environment in the kitchen was so bad, he was really not sure whether these things were contaminated, so he didn't take them.

In addition, I did find a few tanks of clean water, which were tightly covered, and the water was very clear, so it should be fine.

After turning in a circle, he walked out of the kitchen empty-handed, but Wang Qiushui didn't know where he ran. He walked to the wine cabinet next to the front desk, which contained several bottles of gorgeously packaged wine. Although he doesn't drink, he's here anyway, so he can't leave empty-handed.

At this time, Wang Qiushui's scream suddenly came.

He quickly followed the sound and came to a dry, dark room. He stood outside the door and shouted, "Wang Qiushui, are you in there? If so, please answer."

Wang Qiushui's delighted voice came out, "I'm here, come in quickly."

He hesitated for a moment, but then he remembered that the scanner had scanned it before and there were no zombies here, so it should be fine. So, he walked in and asked as he walked, "What did you shout just now? I thought something happened to you."

Wang Qiushui came out and pulled him inside, "Come here quickly, I found something good."

He followed Wang Qiushui all the way in, and then he was stunned.

Wang Qiushui smiled and said, "What do you think of my harvest?"

He nodded, "You are still good, but there is nothing to eat in the kitchen. Even if there is, you may not be able to eat it."

Wang Qiushui said proudly, "Of course, I am a good treasure hunter."

They are now in a warehouse, where there are about a dozen bags of rice on the ground and flour next to them. On the other side, there are dried goods such as Xianggu, and four or five half-person-high large hams, several slices of bacon, and several skewers of Cantonese-style sausages are hung on the wall.

He was so excited that he hugged Wang Qiushui directly, "Now we are happy, the food here is enough for us to eat for a long time."

In the dark room, Wang Qiushui's cheeks turned slightly red, then she pushed him and said, "Let me go first."

He quickly responded, "Sorry, I was too excited at the moment."

Wang Qiushui said quickly, "It's okay. By the way, let's move quickly. After moving, we'll make dinner early. I can't wait."

He nodded, "Leave these heavy rice and flour to me, you can just pick the lighter ones." Then he directly picked up a bag of rice and walked out.

Wang Qiushui followed behind holding a ham.

When he reached the door, he still cautiously glanced outside to make sure there was no danger before walking out.

When passing by the apartment, those people may have complained that they were tired and did not show up again.

In order to speed up the progress, the two simply moved their things to a room on the second floor, so that they could save energy and not spend so much time.

Next, the two began to go back and forth between the building and the restaurant. Of course, they were not dazzled by joy. They would check before going out every time to make sure there was no danger before going out. They also stayed vigilant on the road and could run away at any time.

The items in the warehouse were also decreasing little by little, and after the large items were moved away, they discovered a lot of salt, soy sauce, peanut oil and other seasonings. Finally, a few packages of candles and a box of lighters were even found.

Wang Qiushui said happily, "Wow, there are candles, so can we light candles at night?"

As a modern person who has become accustomed to electric lighting, she is still not used to the dark night. Although the light of candles is not as bright as electric lamps, it is better than nothing.

When he looked at the candle, he was reminded of his childhood. In rural areas at that time, power outages often occurred in the summer due to insufficient power. Whenever there is a power outage at night, people will light candles and chat under the big tree at the entrance of the village, while children play around the dim candlelight.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but think of his parents at home, and he didn't know how they were doing now.

Wang Qiushui looked at his expression and said, "Forget it, let's save some candles. It took a lot of effort to find such a few."

He smiled and said, "It's okay, we'll light candles tonight."

[Author's digression]: The first round of recommendations has not come yet, and we have to wait for more updates.

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