I Have A Cultivation World

Chapter 80 - 80 Training Camp_l

Chapter 80: Chapter 80 Training Camp_l

Translator: 549690339

He’S actually the first in the entire school.

Upon hearing Chai Deyun’s words, Chen Mobai was taken aback for a moment. He knew that his score could rank among the top in the school, but he never expected it to take the first place outright.

All he could say was that he guessed right on the last big question, which gained him a significant amount of points.

After Chai Deyun finished speaking, all the classmates in the room opened their mouths wide in disbelief.

In their impression, Chen Mobai was just an ordinary classmate who didn’t like to talk much usually. It was only recently that he showed his talent in that area. But many people looked at him with doubtful eyes. After all, it was too astonishing and somewhat hard to accept.

“What realm are you in now?”

Lu Hongsheng asked puzzledly, recalling the scene when Chen Mobai and Song

Zheng walked in together that day.

“Qi Cultivation Seventh Layer.”

Chen Mobai answered truthfully. He had always been straightforward on Di

Yuan Star.

As soon as he said this, the skeptical eyes that were originally cast on him changed to understanding.

Qi Cultivation Seventh Layer, achieved Divine Sense, no wonder he managed to make a name for himself in such a short time.

“Did you already know?”

Song Zheng’s tablemate quietly asked him. The latter subconsciously nodded, but still thinking about the “Water Controlling Technique” Chen Mobai demonstrated effortlessly earlier.

“This is the first piece of good news today.”

After Chai Deyun announced that Chen Mobai was first in the entire school, he returned to the podium, feeling invigorated, and started enthusiastically encouraging the students to learn from Chen Mobai.

However, halfway through his speech, he realized that after today, his students would be going their separate ways; they would no longer study here.

“Teacher, is there any other good news?”

At this point, the class monitor raised his hand to ask, interrupting Chai

Deyun’s lament

-The admission scores for the Top Ten Academies have already been released

this year.”

After answering, Chai Deyun turned on the projector and displayed the admission scores of the top ten academies on the large screen.

As expected, the Primordial Elemental Academy and Pure Yang Academy have the highest scores. Even with expanded admission this year, they still require at least 340 points to pass. However, Chen Mobai has no problem at all. He can choose either of these two academies, as long as he can pass the upcoming Magic Duel entrance exam.

“What score did you get?”

The screen of Song Zheng’s mobile phone lit up. It was Chen Mobai asking his


“340 points.”

“Impressive, you got it right on the spot.

Seeing this message, Song Zheng didn’t know how to respond. He wasn’t used to this kind of relaxed atmosphere and tone of conversation.

-Did you do intensive training these days? I noticed your spell casting skills are much more proficient than before.”

Indeed, their high school did have practical classes. However, during their class’s spell practice lessons, Song Zheng always took the spotlight. He had observed the techniques of other people in the class. Although he had no impression of Chen Mobai, it meant that he found him quite ordinary, not worth noticing.

just twenty days after the college entrance examination, could he improve so much?

“Yes, I attended a closed secret training camp and benefited a lot.”

Chen Mobai’s answer intrigued Song Zheng greatly.

Although he was very confident about his magic talent and had learned a powerful spell under the guidance of old man Ding the day before yesterday, he still wanted to improve further. Seeing Chen Mobai’s earth-shattering changes, he also wanted to participate in the training.

“The training camp has already ended, I’ll invite you the next time.”

There was no way Chen Mobai could bring Song Zheng to the Tianhe Realm, so he had to avoid the question for now.

“And now, for the last piece of good news.”

At this point, Chai Deyun at the podium shifted his gaze to Chen Mobai and

Song Zheng, who were sneakily communicating via mobile. They instantly perceived his stare and looked up.

“The school has decided to establish a special training class to help eligible students score well on the entrance exam and bring honour to the school. We’ll gather the best teachers, who will teach you their magic-duelling expertise.” Upon hearing this, all eyes in the class went to the three of them.

In their class, apart from Chen Mobai and Song Zheng, only the class president Mo Simin scored 328, which, thanks to the increased intake of the top ten institutes, allows her to apply for the two institutes with the lowest score requirements.

“You surely didn’t join the training class early, did you?”

After hearing this, Song Zheng asked Chen Mobai with a puzzled look, to which the latter immediately responded with a “No” face.

He had just casually mentioned it, not expecting the school to actually form a training class and gather all the top students for training.

This won’t do. It would obstruct his monster hunting and levelling in the Tianhe Realm.

It’s not that Chen Mobai looked down on the teachers at school, but when it comes to duelling experience, Qi Hou from the Divine Wood Sect could probably defeat all the teachers at the Fifth High School of Xianmen on his own.

“Okay, fill in your preference forms now, everyone else. Chen Mobai and the other two shouldn’t for now. The principal will use your preferences as reference when the training class is established.”

Chai Deyun handed out the preference forms. Chen Mobai and Song Zheng glanced at each other and had no choice but to sit and watch others filling in their forms.

“Old Chen, do you think I can get into Chixia and Cinnabarite Institute?” Lu Hongsheng asked, looking distraught. His performance was not good, with a score of just 310.

Last year, the admission scores for these two local institutes were 315 for Cinnabarite, slightly higher, and 312 for Chixia.

No wonder Lu Hongsheng was so tom. As for this, Chen Mobai didn’t say much. After all, it was a decision that would affect his life. It was better to let his desk mate make it himself.

At this point, the beauties from the front and back desks came over, indirectly revealing their scores and preferences to Chen Mobai, hoping for his advice. Chen Mobai just shrugged, indicating his inability to help.

However, this didn’t stop them from starting a lively, chattering discussion around him. He had to admit, being surrounded by a group of pretty girls in their prime, left, right, front, and back was quite nice.

“Let’s leave first, we shouldn’t waste time here.

Just then, Song Zheng came over abruptly and said this sentence to Chen Mobai. The others in the class froze upon hearing it.

When had Song Zheng ever hung out with them?

Even more shocking, he had taken the initiative to invite Chen Mobai to leave together.

Was this the circle of Qi Cultivation 7th layer students? But why was Song Zheng always at odds with Yan Bingxuan?

“Teacher, can we go over there in advance?

Chen Mobai, being the good student he was, raised his hand to ask Chai Deyun. The latter nodded, giving them the location of the training class.

“Let’s go.”

After saying these two words, Song Zheng cocked his head, indicating to Chen Mobai, who was still sitting. Chen Mobai said goodbye to the students around him, then stood up to leave with Song Zheng.

“Is our class president coming with us?”

As they left the classroom, Chen Mobai seemed to remember something. He looked at Mo Simin, who was sitting at his desk, looking hesitant. She wanted to go with them, but she was afraid Song Zheng would mind.


When Chen Mobai’s gaze turned to her, Mo Simin seemed to be brought out of the shadows into the light. She nodded quickly, then rushed to join them.

“Let me tell you, Yan Bingxuan will also attend this training class.

Once Mo Simin arrived at Chen Mobai’s right side, setting a person’s distance from Song Zheng on the left, she regained her usual vivacity and shared a piece of news that they didn’t know..

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