I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.1 Ch.24 I’m a virgin. Again!

After sitting on the sidelines for all this time. Ryan finally decides to intervene as she comes out from behind the rock and slams both hands on the floor. She quickly channels her mana into the ground which causes a black aura to spread out through the whole cavern, due to her "Dark Earth" magic. The hobgoblins were too focused on attacking the humans to notice the rock floor changing underneath their feet.




That was all the hobgoblins could say before they were pierced by multiple earth spikes in that instant. Ryan's Dark Magic had earth spikes sticking in them from every angle, turning them into Swiss cheese. And she managed to not hit Quinus and his comrades.

Ryan was shocked by what she had just done. It was all instinct when she cast her magic and once she stopped channeling her mana and took her hands off the ground, she could see the earth floor returning to its original form. Leaving behind the broken hobgoblin corpses that fell to the ground.

"Holy Shit! I did that?" said Ryan as she looked around the dead hobgoblins.

Quinus and his comrades were stunned at first but then they looked back at each other before nodding.

"What was that? Is there an Earth Mage?" Percy asked while he picked up his sword as quickly as he could.

"I don't know exactly, but that magic was something I’ve never seen before," Quinus replied as he massaged his shoulders before grabbing his long sword.

"My Lord, look!" Sir George exclaimed while he pointed at Ryan.

"A-A Dark Elf!?" Percy panicked as he readied his weapon.

"Crap! I should have run earlier," Ryan said to herself as she thought she should run. But before she could act, Quinus yelled out.

"George! Percy!... Stand down!" The prince ordered.

Percy and George looked at Quinus in surprise. They didn't know why their lord told them to stand down with a dangerous Dark Elf nearby but after a brief pause. They both lowered their weapons slowly while still keeping their guard up, just in case she tried something.

"But my lord, she might be a brood maiden? And she's a Dark Elf. We can't trust her!" Sir George complained while keeping his eyes on the elf.

"Who was it that saved us when we got ambushed?" Quinus asked in a commanding voice.

"S-She did, my lord," George reluctantly answered.

"Correct... And we'll test if she's a brood maiden, George. Now, stand down the both of you," Quinus said again in a calmer voice.

Sir George grimaced after his Lord pointed out those facts. He felt shameful. He was ready to give a hug to whoever just saved them but he forgot that when he saw the Dark Elf.

"She did come to our aid, Sir George," Percy said as he stared at Ryan and noticed that she wasn't showing any malice towards them. "I'll give her the test."

"Fine, but if she tries anything, I'll off her," Sir George said with a nod.

"HEY! You know I can hear you!" Ryan yelled out to Sir George with a glare.

"Tsk! How could she not with those cursed elven ears of~"

"GEORGE!" Quinus said in a stern voice.

Sir George jumped when he heard Quinus chastising him. Once he recomposed himself, he looked at the prince and he let out a sigh of defeat.

"S-Sorry, my lord."

"It's not me whom you should be apologizing to," Quinus said as he motioned his head toward Ryan.

Sir George hesitates for a moment before apologizing to Ryan.

"I-I'm sorry my lady for offending you with my harsh language," he said with a slight bow.

"And I'm sorry for my men's hasteful actions towards you, my lady. Can I please have the name of the one who aided us in our time of need?" Prince Quinus asked Ryan.

'Hmm. I'll have to keep an eye on those two morons but this prince guy doesn't seem too bad. And he's easy on the eyes,' Ryan thought to herself as she felt safe around this man.

"My name is..." Ryan paused for a moment because she felt the mana from the dead hobgoblins starting to absorb into her. "M-My name i-is Rya-augh!?"

She could feel her cheeks blush in embarrassment after moaning. She didn't know if she was moaning because of staring into Quinus' golden eyes or if it was the mana lust. But one thing she didn't expect to happen to her was how it made her admit that she wanted to know more about him.

"It's nice to meet you, Lady Rya. You can call me, Quinus," The prince said while giving a bow.

‘Stupid mana! Quinus thinks my name is Rya. Haah!... Whatever, it's not like I’ll be sticking around for too much longer. Why correct it, if I'm just going to leave,’ Rya thought to herself while giving a mental shrug. She blushes again upon hearing Quinus saying her incorrect name.

“W-Wait that’s n-not my-anh!?” Rya was trying to correct him but she was flustered and the mana was making it difficult to think straight. "N-Never mind." She gave up after failing to hold back her moans.

"Why is she fidgeting?" Percy asked George.

'Crap! I can't hide it. T-This stupid mana is making me horny! I got to make something up? Gah! No! Just tell them the truth!' Rya conceded.

"I-I'm just feeling the mana from the hobgoblins absorbing into my body. T-That's all. I-I'm sure it will p-pass," Rya said with a smile trying to compose herself.

Quinus looked at Rya with a knowing smirk.

"I see. She must be a demi-god. She’s getting a mana rush," Quinus said with a chuckle. Percy and Sir George looked at Rya before they nodded in agreement.

"W-What makes you think so?" Rya asks as she blushes.

"The same thing happened to me when I was younger... Well, it happened a few times. Anyway, I still feel the effects of mana rush when I slay enough monsters in one go but it's not as bad as it used to be once my mana vein grew bigger," Quinus explained, “I know what you are going through because I too have a demi-god mana vein. You need to take care of your Mana Rush," The prince said as he nodded.

Rya's heart raced. 'He thinks I have a Demi-god mana vein? Ha ha! If only he knew I was a summoned. OH, Goddess! Dammit! This fucking mana!'

"W-What do you mean?" Rya asked timidly, trying to control herself.

"You don't have to play coy with me Lady Rya. I know the urge is strong but it's something that will lessen over time. Anyway, can we check you first to see if you've been infected by the goblins?" Quinus asked as he nodded at Percy.

"W-What does it all entail?" Rya asked with confusion.

"Percy has an artifact that can tell if you're a brood maiden. We'll know if it glows red," Quinus said as he motioned for Percy to check her.

"O-Okay. I'll take your test! B-But can you be q-quick?" Rya replied nervously as she walked up to Percy. Quinus and George have their hands on their swords. Rya didn't notice it because she was fighting her urges and once she stopped in front of Percy. He took out the artifact and had it in his hand. He then moved it by her stomach. Within seconds it lights up and glows bright blue. Rya sighed in relief because it didn’t turn red. But then she noticed the surprised look on all three of their faces.

"What?" Rya asked.

"So you're a virgin?" George asked bluntly.

"George!" Quinus yelled while looking at him in a panic. His retainer was embarrassing him.

"Wait? I'm not a... Huh? W-Well, I guess I am a virgin?" Rya replied in a confused tone. She wanted to say she wasn't a virgin because of her past but that was when she was a man. But now that she is a woman. It seems she’s back to being a virgin, again.

'Shit... I'm a virgin... Again! Great!!!' Rya thought to herself in frustration.

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