I got a divine life simulation system, but I'm being chased by women?

Chapter 9: The price of information.

The next morning, the clinic was still with silence. The town around us seemed to notice something was amiss, even the normally crowded pavilion seemed to be dulled. 

Akari, like most days, was up before me, her beautiful silver hair catching the rising sun as she pranced around the room in playfulness. Her amethyst eyes flicked toward me as I stretched my tense muscles.

"Sleep well?" Akari's voice asked, riddled with amusement.

"Good enough I can't complain too much" I replied, though truthfully my sleep was as restful as I could have hoped. Lian's arrival was something new to digest and while I didn't hate her it was just a unique situation we were faced with. Still, I couldn't deny that having someone like her on our side was a relief.

Akari's smile widened, as if she had an uncanny ability to read me. "Don't worry, Al. Lian while dangerous she is useful, And besides," she added, with an alluring confidence, I'll be watching over her" Chuckling at her playful response I clapped back. "Somehow, I don't know if that makes me feel any better."

After a quick morning meal of eggs and local beef we got from a farmer as a thanks for healing his daughter, Akari had decided that it was now the time to meet and discuss with Madame Silk.

The mysterious information broker worked and hid in the city's underground, reaching her location was as easy as navigating a labyrinth, so I let Akari take the reins as she seemed to know where she was going.. I tailed behind her as Akari led the way, her silver tails acting as a safety rope, while I followed close behind.

Lian had decided to stay behind uttering something uninteresting about "knowing the town and their people" but I bet she just wanted to get away from us. Chuckling at the image of her trying to get out of a trip with me and Akari.

This area of the so-called underground allowed me to understand the infamy of this place. It was dark like the sun refused to shine in this area. While there was still people on these streets they were not at all like the ones near the clinic. Instead of the bright l;oud conversations between families, vendors and friends that I was used to, it was a stark difference. 

It was quite people seemingly afraid to talk over a whisper in fear of drawing attention to themselves. Worst of all however was the air… It was heavy with the metallic stench of blood.

Akari moved through the chaos with ease thankfully, She scanned our surroundings in an aggressive manner as if daring someone to interfere with us.. I followed as close as I could to make use of the environment that Akari's presence was providing us. I clutched the dagger I had hidden in myself to help calm myself.

Madame silk's "lair" nested within an alley deep into the dilapidated buildings of the underground. A red velvet curtain hid away the entrance to her place.

Akari pushed it out her way in a single movement. The room itself wasn't anything remarkable, it was your ordinary trinket shop. Rows of bookshelves filled with manuals on cultivation, techniques most likely not worth the price they were displayed for. 

The air was thick with the powdery scent of perfume which gave me a headache.

Paper lanterns provided stagnant images of shatters flickering with the flame inside.

Madame Silk was sitting in a corner of the room. She lazily leaned over a low brown table which was sat on a tatami mat.

 Madame Silk was older than I had imagined. Her brown hair was streaked with gray leaving an even blend of colors. However age meant nothing in fact it was probably even more impressive that someone in her line of work has made it to be this old.

"Akari" she raised her head off the table and look towards us "to what do I owe the pleasure to be blessed with the great yokai herself"

Akari smirked as she walked to the mat and plopped down resting her head on her hands as she leaned on the table. "We need information. And we both know you are the best in the business."

Madame Silk's lips curled into a faint smile at Akari's carefree attitude. "Though I do love to talk to you Akari, You know information isn't free…there is always a price."

"Spit it out already, no need for unnecessary suspense," Akari said, her tone casual, though I noticed that she wasn't as careless as she wanted to portray.

Madame Silk noticed that Akari wasn't the only one in her shop "And who would our little friend be Akari?"


I was a little offended that it took her this long to notice me but truthfully it was water under the bridge.

"My name is albert" I stepped forward and took a seat at the table so we could be at the same eyesight "I run a clinic"

Her smile widened, as she brought a finger to her lips. "Ah, yes. Albert certainly does seem to ring a bell, you have recently been quite the craze as of late."

I forced a smile, trying to not allow her to get under my skin. "What can I say, when you are good at your job people can't help but talk."

Madame Silk leaned back in her chair, letting out an exasperated laugh "What you say does have some truth to it Albert"

her fingers in front of her rhythmically tapping against the wood grain underneath them..

 "Very well. What do you need?"

"Information on a certain sect," Akari said, her voice firm. "The Jade serpent… we need their plans, their weaknesses, anything and everything you've got on them."

Madame Silk's smile dropped in an instant as if it was just an illusion, replaced by a look of genuine concern and contemplation. 

"Akari.. You know the Jade Serpent Sect is nothing to play around with. They are one of the largest sects in this continent and have been spreading like wildfire."

"I want you to reconsider your plan"

"We're aware," Akari said, her tone sharp. "And I'm sorry but I can't. I wouldn't have come to disturb you if I didn't think it was necessary."

Madame Silk studied us for a long moment racking her brain for an answer, thankfully she nodded after her spell of contemplation. "Very well I will help. But don't be mistaken, this information doesn't come cheap. I hope you are prepared for the price. I want protection. The underground has been volatile as of late and if the Jade Serpent sect finds out my involvement I will have to leave this town."

Akari's Lips curled into a beautiful smile as she placed a bag of gold on the table. "Consider it done."

It took some convincing from me to fork over twenty percent of our earnings but she promised the information would be worth it.

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