Chapter 7: Elder Xu
The next morning, I rolled over from the side of the bed I was laying on.
Squinting due to the bright rays of light that seemed to bounce throughout my eyes.
Rubbing my eyes revealed a most welcome find.
Akari perched on the windowsill, Turned to the outside scenery, her foxtails swaying lazily in the sunlight.
She turned to me, her usual playful smirk was absent, replaced by an expression of stillness fixated on her face as she slightly tensed causing her eyebrows to droop.
"Something on your mind?" I asked, stretching as I moved off the bed, setting my eyes on a disorderly shelf in the room..
Her Amethyst eyes drifted over toward me, a hint of amusement displaying itself with the small smirk she gave.
. "Just thinking about how quickly you've settled in. You have affected quite the amount of people in this short time."
Amused by her response I playfully shook my head. "I'm nothing special. I'm just doing what I can to survive."
"Survive?" she echoed, voice infused with intent..
"You're not just surviving, Albert. You have become a pillar of this community."
Her canine teeth pressed lightly into her lip as if to help her think… "People are starting to notice you. that's not always a good thing in this world."
I paused, considering the reality of her words.
She wasn't wrong. I knew that. Over the past few days, cultivators have been flocking to this clinic in droves, many of them curious about my abilities trying to poach my "talent".
Some were grateful for my help, the few who were truly grateful, but some...
I could tell they had bad intentions, their eyes clouded with hate and jealousy.
Before I fully had decided on what to say to appease her, there was a loud bang at the door.
Akari's ears cutely twitched, opening my mouth to comment. I was quickly silenced.
She was by my side in an instant, Her slender hands across my mouth.
Akari's playful demeanor was replaced by something deadly and protective.
"Stay back," she whispered, her voice low.
"Let me handle it."
I tapped her hand that was covering my mouth, stopping her.
"It's a clinic, Akari. We can't turn people away without a good reason."
Her lips pressed into a thin line debating on arguing, but thankfully she stepped aside, her gaze drilling into my back as I reached toward the door handle and opened it.
Standing on the threshold was a tall man clad in ornate robes, his long black hair tied back in a neat ponytail. His presence exuded authority, Strength.
A flawless jade talisman hung from his neck resting flat against his chest.
Looking past his figure I spotted two guards behind him, their hands resting on the hilts of their swords.
"You are the healer that the people of this town have been praising right?," the man said, his voice firm with authority carrying the same air of superiority he held himself with.
"I am Elder Xu of the Jade Serpent Sect. May I come in?"
I hesitated, glancing back at Akari, who was trying to stare him to death.
"Of course, please excuse our humble abode" I said, cautiously stepping aside to let him enter in front of me.
"What can I do for you Elder Xu?"
He confidently strode into the room, his bright yellow eyes scanning the clinic checking for something. He stayed like that for a moment before settling on me.
"Word of your…" His hand pressed against his mouth in a brisk movement before taking it off his face in an attempt to accentuate his next words.
"...Talents have reached my sect. I've come to see if the rumors were true."
I forced a smile, hiding my displeasure of iterating with the man in front of me.
"I'm just a servant of the people, Elder Xu. I'm not sure what kind of talents a non-cultivator like myself would have that you would be referring to."
He chuckled, but the sound was drained of the fake warmth that laced his words before.
"Humility is admirable, but unnecessary at this moment. People have been spouting about a regular man healing any and all wounds. an ability that few immortals possess, let alone a regular human like you. Excuse me if I am being unkind but I must ask, where did you acquire such power?"
Akari stepped forward placing herself in front of me separating me and the Elder, her hair on her tails standing upright
"You have no right to stand before us in our house and question him," she said coldly. "If you're here for treatment, then so be it; however I don't see any visible ailments so, I suggest you leave."
Elder Xu's gaze flicked to her, his expression unpleasantly forming as he looked her up and down. "And who might you be? His... assistant?"
Her lips curled into a sharp smile as her tails lightly moved behind her. "I prefer a partner."
I stepped between them, stopping them before the situation became dangerous.
I raised my hands in a placating gesture.
"Please, there's no need for hostility. Elder Xu, if you're curious about my methods, I am sorry to disappoint you but I am just a regular doctor. I simply use what I've learned from herbology to help people."
Elder Xu studied me for a long moment, not fully satisfied by my answer, he stared into my eyes trying to analyze me.
I felt as though he could see straight through me.
Finally, after some time in silence he nodded and resigned. "Very well. If what I've heard is true, then you're a valuable asset to this town. I will take my leave…" A smile forming on his face.
"Thank you Elder Xu, please don't be afraid to return if you have any ailments"
I subtly looked through the corner of my eye at Akari and with the the look she gave me I knew we both had the same evaluation of what just happened.
With that, he turned and left his smile dropping as he reached outside, his guards following information behind him.
As the door slammed shut behind them.
I exhaled heavily from this unwelcomed discussion.
"They'll be back," Akari said quietly, her expression grim.
"I know… people like him always come back"
Elder Xu's feet stepped through town, his shoes covered in the filthy dirt roads of the town where the "Healer" resided.
Without turning back he channeled qi throughout his body allowing his body to fly.
His golden core allowing him to control his internal energy completely.
"Have people watch him… I won't let any threats grow under my watch."