I Gave Up on Conquering the Heroines

Chapter 248

It was unexpected.

I asked because I couldn’t see Yerina, and they said she hurried back because there was something urgent to handle with Palana.

Hearing that, it seemed like Yerina didn’t worry at all even if I collapsed…

“That can’t be true.”

After reviewing the footage recorded in the hospital barrier, I realized that was complete nonsense.

Every time Jill or Yulia left, Yerina would secretly sneak in through the window, burying her nose in my chest and sniffing for a while before sneaking away.

Even during her last moment of departure, she did it quite diligently.

No wonder there was a lot of blue fur sticking to the patient gown.

And it felt like there was a bit of a dog scent for some reason.

Looks like she generously showered me with her pheromones.

“Is she really busy?”

Is the urgency really that high?

To be fair, the chaos that happened that day was no ordinary matter.

They somehow managed to prevent people from completely losing their reason, but the scars were far from light.

It makes sense that someone in charge of handling it would be busy.

But what about me?

A mercenary who’s lost his job—completely unemployed.

It makes sense for someone with time on their hands to go visit.

“How about going on a trip to the Northern Region? Want to come along?”

“When did this start?”


“Spit it out. You know my sister has been quite lenient lately, right? If it were before, instead of this cheerful conversation, you’d be stripped down and tossed into icy water. Consider yourself lucky.”


Alicia, kneeling quietly, trembled.

She hadn’t even entered icy water yet, but it felt like she was already suffering from hypothermia.

It felt as if the entire space was freezing over… No, in fact, the temperature was definitely dropping.

“I’m speaking nicely! If there’s a going, there should also be a coming, right?”


Alicia’s mouth slowly opened to speak.

If she didn’t say it now, it would be dangerous.

It was already a sufficiently threatening situation, but as Yerina said, it’s true that she’s changed to be much more gentlemanly compared to before.

If she upset her further, it would likely end badly.

“I’ve been… dispatched to Basel since you sent me, sister…”

“Hah. So that was when you found out in Basel?”

“I didn’t really find out, Yoo Jin—”

“Yoo Jin?”

“Yoo Jin rescued me…”

Yerina took a deep breath, huuuh, managing to suppress her anger.

So it was Yoo Jin who caused all this…

No, how could it be that of all people, a Rabbit Demihuman in heat ends up with him?

I couldn’t help but blame the past Yoo Jin.

“Rescued you? Immediately fell head over heels and trailed after him, did you?”

“N-no! That’s not it!”

“Then what? Did he grab your ears and you stumbled, and now you have to get married because of this embarrassing situation?”

“Not that either…! Well, grabbing my ears and stumbling is true, but…”


Yerina suddenly felt a headache.

Then it occurred to her.

‘Oh right. Yoo Jin doesn’t care just because you’re a Demihuman; he touches them recklessly…’

It was entirely plausible.

Not just her ears but Alicia’s ears were also being handled carelessly?

What on earth does Yoo Jin think of those ears?

I was filled with dissatisfaction.

“So… so, at first, I really hated him. He’s rude, with bad habits, and only thinks lewd thoughts, but since sister found him… I was worried you might get tangled up with someone strange…”

“Did you make that judgment on your own? Disobeying my orders?”

“Yes… He’s really a bad person, and if you have feelings for him, I thought I should separate you from him… So I trailed after him, needing assurance…”

“Hah. Seriously meddlesome.”

Should I get angry or not?

I was boiling with anger, but as I listened to her story, it seemed to gradually ease.

I thought all those excuses like ‘I did it for sister’ would sound like mere justifications or hypocrisy.

But since it was Alicia saying it, it truly felt sincere, which complicated my feelings.

This girl had never been good at lying.

And if it was for me, she would truly… do anything.

She was my first retainer who supported me from the days I had nothing.

In Yerina’s mind, Alicia was still that little girl.

“So? What assurance did you get from following him?”

“That he’s a good person, and… I figured out why sister fell for him…”

“And so you wanted to take him from me?”

“Th-that is…! That’s…”

So she’s not denying it?

Yerina’s eyes twitched.

What on earth should I do with her?

Several brutal punishments flashed through my mind.

“Hah. Do you know what you’ve done? You, as a retainer, dared to covet the King’s man.”

“I know! But what are you gonna do about it!”


“What do you want me to do! How can I help but like him! Can you change your feelings? Can you? You can’t! I didn’t want to like him! I tried hard to only see his bad side! I never thought of taking your man! But what do I do about this heart?”

“Why are you asking me that? You should have hidden it well! Getting exposed is your fault.”


“Why the reversal? Just shut up.”

Her eyes were defiant.

In the past, she would shy away and avoid eye contact if I clenched my fist.

Now that she’s grown up, is she also thick-headed?

Yerina found her first retainer, her precious younger sister, pitiful yet felt somewhat satisfied.

She was someone who devoted herself only to thinking of her sister and ensuring her success.

As for other goals, the most she would have aimed for was breeding rabbits, turning the family’s image upside down?

But Alicia, for the first time in her life, had desires.

The problem was those desires were aimed at her master…

“I’m sorry… I was wrong…”

Before long, Alicia began to shed tears like chicken droppings.

I didn’t scare her into saying sorry, but for now, I decided to let it slide.

I was curious about what she had to say.

“I never intentionally tried to seduce him… But being a Rabbit Demihuman, maybe unconsciously I did things that could lead to misunderstandings… So from now on, I won’t approach Yoo Jin’s side again. I will completely cut off any sources of misunderstandings. I have no intention of coveting you, sister… huhuk uh-huh.”

“You idiot. What’s with the crying? Come here.”


Alicia’s face was already drenched in tears.

The sight of her drooping ears made her look like a convict about to be executed, which I didn’t like at all.

When I hugged her, the sensation of her fullness felt annoying.

Is it inferiority?


But more than that…

It irritated me that she was being so submissive.

If you’re going to do it, do it till the end.

If what I want belongs to someone else, come up with a proper plan to take it away.

If you’ve been exposed, you should declare war and think about winning.

Why start off by lowering your tail and surrendering?

I truly disliked it.

We’re not even family.

Why does she treat me better than my family?

How could she prioritize someone else over her own feelings?

Survival of the fittest.

If you want something, take it. If you have a goal, seize it. That’s how I was raised, and I just couldn’t understand Alicia.

Jerking, Yerina grabbed Alicia by the collar.

Alicia, helplessly pulled along, sniffled and avoided Yerina’s gaze with a look of embarrassment.

“Why are you acting like a loser before it even starts? Stand and fight.”

“How… how can I fight against you…”

“I won’t spare you just because you’re you. I’ll tear apart all your feelings and won’t let you have Yoo Jin.”


“If you raised your banner, then follow through. Halting midway will earn you nothing. Be honest. If you abandon your feelings for me, will you regret it for the rest of your life?”

“Uh, um…”

“Then make a choice you won’t regret. I don’t want to see you hiding alone and crying later on. Don’t act pathetic. If you’re my retainer, show that much spirit!”


As I looked into Alicia’s eyes while scolding her, it seemed to sound like it was giving her permission.

Wasn’t it like saying she could have this sinful heart, this desire for what’s mine?

Tears started welling up in Alicia’s eyes again.

“Sniff, sister…!”

“Geez, so many tears… You’ll dirty my clothes. But don’t get the wrong idea. No matter how things turn out, I won’t be calling you wife. Don’t fool yourself. Even if I appear upright, I’m still a queen and you’re a retainer—won’t we end up in an unequal status? Even if you come in, you’ll just be a concubine.”

“Sister! Huuuk! Sister!”

“You’re not listening to me again.”

Yerina sighed, haa, patting Alicia who was clinging to her.

Just then, she felt a sudden sensation of golden light spreading out.

As she dramatically pulled the curtain aside, Yerina’s body froze.



There stood Yoo Jin, awkwardly chewing popcorn.

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