I Eat Monsters In the Town Monster

Chapter 51: Every time when Zhanyi comes from the generation of slaughtering dogs, most of them are

Monk Ma opened his mouth, wanting to answer Qin Shaoyou's question, but when the words came to his mouth, he couldn't get out.

Zhu Xiucai sighed softly and answered for him, "Sir, Lao Wei and Lao Yao died in battle."


Qin Shaoyou was shocked.

Although he had already guessed the possibility when he hadn't seen Wei Lishi and Yao Lishi, he still took a bit of luck and wondered if the two were sent to perform some task, so he wasn't here.

Unfortunately, this luck was broken.

Everyone was very sad about the deaths of Wei Lishi and Yao Lishi, and Qin Shaoyou was no exception.

Although he and the two warriors had only known each other for a few days, they had experienced several dangers and battles together, and could be regarded as brother Paoze who lived and died together.

Especially thinking about these two people, they were still alive and kicking a few hours ago.

One said that he would use the money seized in Wujiabao to buy a house in Luocheng to settle his wife and children.

Another said that the money should be brought back to honor the old mother.

But now, the two of them are forever separated from their wives, children, and mother...

Qin Shaoyou felt really uncomfortable in his heart, very uncomfortable.

"How did they die?" Qin Shaoyou asked, his voice hoarse and choked.

"Old Wei died to protect the children. Didn't a corpse puppet jump at the children at that time to hurt them? Old Wei went to expel the corpse puppet, but was attacked by a black lotus sect demon, and then was swarmed by the corpse puppet...

At that time, we wanted to save him, but we were blocked by other Black Lotus Sect demons and corpse puppets, so we couldn't get past...

When Lao Wei died, he still had his arms open to protect the child in the iron cage..."

As for how Lao Yao died in battle, I have not seen it.

However, according to the colleagues who took his body, when they found Lao Yao's body, there were several corpses lying beside him.

So Lao Yao should have died in battle!

After the death of Lao Yao, the knife in his hand is still tightly held..."

After hearing the cause of death of Wei Lishi and Yao Lishi, Qin Shaoyou tried to open his mouth several times to speak, but he couldn't make a sound.

After being silent for a while, he sighed: "They are all good men!"

At this moment, Qin Shaoyou recalled Xue Qingshan's introduction to the wrestlers.

The performance of Liao and Yao's two warriors is indeed worthy of the evaluation of 'courageous and good at fighting'.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shaoyou asked again, "Where are the remains of Lao Wei and Lao Yao? Is it in the side hall of the Chenghuang Temple?"

"Yes." Zhu Xiucai nodded, "The bodies of our brothers who died in this battle are parked there, and someone will be sent to return them to their families later. If there are no family members, they will be brought back to Zhen Yaosi for burial. ."

Qin Shaoyou thought for a while and said, "In that case, let's send the bodies of Lao Wei and Lao Yao home... It's also a trip to the two Paoze brothers."

No one rejected this proposal.

After all, everyone hopes that if they die, someone familiar can send their body back home, and then say a few words of comfort to their relatives, and bring their pensions and their savings to the exact same amount. family.

In this chaotic world, in the town of demons with the highest reincarnation rate.

Death can really come at any time.

After Qin Shaoyou finished speaking, no one spoke again, and the atmosphere at the scene was a little depressed for a while.

Zhu Xiucai noticed this situation, so he found a topic, and also wanted to make everyone's mood recover a little bit.

"Sir, you don't know yet, do you? Our Lord Xue and Shilang Zhang really got some clues from the mouths of the black lotus sect demons. Now they have sent a lot of people to Mianyuan County. to hunt down their comrades."

Qin Shaoyou saw Zhu Xiucai's intention, and said in cooperation, "No wonder I saw a lot of night watchmen arresting people on the way back... Hey, among the gang of Black Lotus Sect demons, is there any big deal? fish?"

"There's really a big fish."

Zhu Xiucai looked around, lowered his voice and said, "In the government office in Mianyuan County, there is a ghost from the Black Lotus Sect... Guess who this ghost is?"

Monk Ma and the other warriors only knew that Xue Qingshan had sent a lot of night watchmen to arrest people, but they didn't know that they had actually found the inner ghost hidden in the county government office. They couldn't help being curious and asked:

"who is it?"

"Xiusai, don't sell your shit. Only you can find out this kind of news. Where can we find out?"

"Zhu Xunyou, tell me quickly, who is the inner ghost?"

Zhu Xiucai first sold out: "Calculate the time, this inner ghost should have been caught. I tell you, it is not a leak."

Then he whispered to everyone's urging, "Actually, this person, we've all met..."

Seeing that he was about to sell off, Monk Ma raised his fist as big as a casserole.

Zhu Xiucai was instantly obedient: "It's Sun Zhixian!"



"It's actually him?"

"Good guy, the parent officials in Mianyuan County are actually with the Black Lotus Cult?"

"It's a shame that he played the drama of loving the people like a son in front of the people... Now that I think about it, it's really ironic!"

Everyone was either amazed or outraged.

Zhu Xiucai also sighed: "It's no wonder that Sun Zhixian couldn't wait to announce the closure of the case after the strange painting incident. At that time, I only thought that he wanted to close the case quickly to relieve the pressure. Now I know that he is helping Hei Lian to teach fellow students. The party is covering up and preparing for their next plan... This Sun magistrate is really reading the book of sages in vain!"

Qin Shaoyou was also surprised.

Although he had guessed that there was an inner ghost of the Black Lotus Sect hidden in the government office of Mianyuan County, he did not expect that this inner ghost was actually the head of the county!

But looking back, it took more than two months for the case of the disappearance of the child to be reported to the mansion. This energy is indeed not something ordinary officials can have.

After all, in Mianyuan County, there is still a Shi Lang Zhang.

If the inner ghost of the Black Lotus Sect was just an ordinary official, he would not be able to suppress this case at all.

Even if it was another magistrate, he would ask the government for support not long after the child disappeared. Even if he would get a low-grade performance appraisal because of this, it would be better than if Zhang Shilang's grandson was lost and offended Zhang Shilang.

It's a pity that these doubts were not seen sooner.

It's also because he doesn't have enough experience.

Qin Shaoyou was sighing with emotion, when Su Tingyu suddenly came to his side, and his nose kept sniffing.

She didn't know Sun Zhixian, and she wasn't interested in who was the inner ghost in the Mianyuan County government office, but Qin Shaoyou's demonic smell aroused her attention and curiosity.

Qin Shaoyou was a little confused by her behavior. He stepped back and asked, "You... what are you doing?"

The eyes of Zhu Xiucai and others were attracted, although no one dared to coax, but everyone had a gloating expression of "there is a good show to watch".

Su Tingyu didn't notice this scene... After all, it's impossible for her to notice the degree of myopia in her eyes.

She raised her finger and pointed at Qin Shaoyou's waist: "What are you pretending to be?"


Qin Shaoyou was taken aback: What's your problem?

Only then did he realize that Su Tingyu was referring to the linen cloth he tied around his waist~www.readwn.com~ which contained the spider arms of the eight-armed Arhat.

Thinking of Su Tingyu's magical sense of smell and her 'consistent' preferences with himself, Qin Shaoyou immediately understood what she meant.

He hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "Shh, don't make a fuss, I'll give you a share."

Su Tingyu was very happy when she saw that Qin Shaoyou wanted to share 'experimental materials' for her, but she said, "No need, I smelled it and knew it was worthless. I already got what I wanted. ... do you want to divide it for you?"

She spoke in a very low voice this time.

Next to Zhu Xiucai and others, they tried their best to perk up their ears to eavesdrop, but they only listened intermittently, and they had no idea what the two were discussing.

"No need." Qin Shaoyou thought about it and declined.

Without a recipe, it was useless for him to get the ingredients, so let Su Tingyu eat it by himself.

However, he was still a little curious: what good ingredients did Daoist Master Su get? Wasn't the skinny ghost captured alive?

Su Tingyu was also wondering: Why did Qin Xiaoqi study this material that smelled bad? Is there something special about this material that I haven't smelled?

Well, not only Zhu Xiucai and the others don't know what the two of them are talking about, but even the two of them don't know very well...

Su Jianqing had a gloomy face and flew between the two of them: "What are you two doing so close together? Separate!"

Immediately after, she glared at Qin Shaoyou with fierce and fierce eyes.

Qin Shaoyou was stared helplessly by her: Can you blame me for this? It's obviously your sister who brought it up by herself!

He was about to justify a few words when a commotion suddenly came from beside him, interrupting what he had not yet said.


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